“This way of commerce and craftsmanship is really of great use to the country and the people!”

After the dispersion of the dynasty, Ying Zheng left Fusu alone and was filled with emotion.

Although the previous Qin Dynasty did not clearly form a hierarchy of scholars, farmers, industry and merchants, there were clear distinctions.

As the powerful class of the Qin Dynasty, the gentry were superior, and the Lord Hereditary inheritance and continuous expansion have become a major burden for the Qin Dynasty.

Although farmers are the foundation of the Qin Dynasty, due to years of war and heavy corvee labor, they are miserable, and God is not kind to them. There have been droughts and famines for many years. It has also reached its limit.

The business at the end has been severely suppressed since Shang Yang’s reform, and due to Lu Buwei’s reasons, it has been reduced to the lowest level of despised.

As for the craftsmen, they are completely in the forgotten corner. Even the general will be the Shaofu They have all become”six-seven-three” places to send idle nobles.

Although the giant ship Da Qin is huge, it has sailed to the edge of the reef during the continuous voyage, and it is all supported by the captain of the First Emperor.

However, since Fusu After the rise, everything changed.

Commerce, which was originally the least valued, has become the main force of the development of Daqin.

And craftsmen and science and technology have become the basis for Daqin to be far ahead of other countries.

The power of science and technology can fly to the sky, and can fly to the sky below. Being able to create all kinds of magical machines really opened the eyes of the First Emperor and made him endlessly impressed. I just felt that his previous decades of experience were not as exciting as the past two years.

It was becoming more and more difficult to run the Qin Dynasty, if not Fusu has been unwilling to take over now. Yingzheng really wants to abdicate immediately and hand over Daqin to Fusu.

“In fact, countries are just like people. Without that part, it is unreasonable. We must go hand in hand.”

“The original meaning of a scholar is actually a person who can read and write, but it has been continuously misinterpreted later.”

“Now in Great Qin, everyone has access to education and literacy, which means that everyone can become a noble!”

“In this case, there is no such thing as high or low, there are just different occupations.”

“Those who have good grades in liberal arts and intend to benefit one party can take the Jinshi examination and become officials in the imperial court and county offices.”

“Those who are excellent in martial arts can participate in martial arts competitions, protect their homes and country, and expand their territory.”

“However, the places for both of the above are limited. The vast majority of students study hard just to support their families and find a job with decent pay.”

“The emergence of new crops also allowed Daqin’s grain production to have a surplus for the first time. The supply even exceeded the demand, almost driving grain prices to the bottom.”

“In this case, although food security is still the foundation of the country, only part of the land needs to be retained to grow food, and the rest can be replanted with cash crops such as sugar cane and cotton to increase farmers’ income.”

“Moreover, the improvement of production level also means that farmland farming does not require as many people as before. The extra labor must be resettled somewhere.”

“At present, only industry and commerce can meet this demand”

“The flow of commerce has increased the income of the people of Qin and greatly enhanced their purchasing power.”

“Industry produces various items needed by the people and sells them through commerce. Commercial profits are the driving force of industry.”

“The emergence of any emerging industry will drive the corresponding industrial chain and provide a series of jobs.”

“When people have solid jobs, stable income, and a secure life, they naturally want to keep their wives and children on the hot bed. Even if someone uses a stick to drive them to rebel, they don’t want to do it!”

“The Great Qin Empire will naturally last for thousands of generations. Fusu said with a smile.

Even in later generations, the employment rate is a barometer of a country’s stability.

The economy is developing rapidly and the employment rate is stable. Most people who have jobs will think about earning more money, even if it is hard work. It doesn’t matter at all.

But once the economic development slows down, the unemployment rate rises, and people who have nowhere to make a living can no longer survive, troubles will naturally occur, and various public security issues such as vandalism, smashing, and looting will arise.

In serious cases, it will even cause internal and external problems. War.

The First World War and the Second World War in history were actually caused by too great economic problems. The rulers could not stabilize the internal affairs, so they could only launch wars and export conflicts externally, hoping to supplement themselves by plundering other countries. (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Industry and technology are actually products that accompany the economy.

To put it bluntly, people are greedy and yearn for profits.

In later history, the reason why industry appeared in the West Revolution is actually when capitalists see that new technologies can make more profits and are full of motivation. 0

And a certain braided dynasty that has been criticized by countless people does not actually understand the importance of technology such as muskets and artillery.

It’s just that They knew very well that they were a minority. If they developed muskets, they would not be able to maintain their rule without the advantage of horseback riding and archery.

For the benefit of their own small ethnic group, the rulers of the braided dynasty deliberately chose to seclusion and pretend to be stupid. When they cannot be imprisoned, they would rather cede territory and pay compensation in various ways that would be humiliating and humiliating the country. As long as their own small ethnic group can be comfortable and continue to enjoy their privileges.

This is the so-called preferring to be with friends rather than domestic slaves.

The consequences of this are that they are ahead of the pack. For thousands of years, until the Ming Dynasty, Central Plains technology had kept pace with the times. Not only did it miss the best development opportunities, but it even regressed after hundreds of years of braided dynasty.

Even if it was pursued for decades later, it was only in some cases. There is still a lot of work to be done in many basic areas to catch up or overtake in the field.

As a time traveler, Fusu will naturally not fail to learn this lesson.

The first is to have the Great Qin border army completely wipe out the predecessor of a certain tribe while patrolling. After one step, the roots were completely cut off.

The second step is to use iron and blood to eliminate the hidden dangers within Daqin, vigorously promote compulsory education and medical care, open up channels for advancement, and stabilize the foundation of people’s hearts. 5.4

The ultimate goal is to be profit-oriented and make Daqin Everyone from top to bottom is eager to learn, actively invent, create and explore, and turn it into profits in a timely manner, forming a virtuous circle and creating space for Da Qin’s industrial revolution. The industrial revolution cannot be accomplished with just a few books.[]

The simplest one is a bicycle with a complete set of drawings. It took the Daqin Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering several months to digest and absorb it. Due to the materials, the performance is still inferior.

A gunpowder formula, Daqin Engineering Institute, tried it countless times, and just got some results.

As for the steam engine, it is still only better than it can boil water, and the conversion rate is pitifully low.

Of course, in Fusu’s opinion, today’s Da Qin still has a lot of room for improvement.

But for foreign lands, it is already an existence that is unimaginable in dreams.

He is no longer an opponent of the same level!.

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