The sledgehammer's eyes were bloodshot and his face was horrified.

He was stunned.

The space around him seemed to be forcibly imprisoned, so that his body could only stand hard in place, and there was no way to move.

The whole body seemed to be mired in the mire.

Sink deeper and deeper!

It's like a statue!

"How is this possible? What the hell is this?"

The sledgehammer panicked.

He had never been through such a strange and terrifying situation.

Finally, when he was extremely frightened in his heart, Yu glanced at a bright halo.

That's one, but "six-five-zero" can swallow up all the halos in this world.

With an endless breath of power!

Destroy the world!

Destroy the wither!

Everything in the world is extremely fragile in the face of this halo.

"What kind of power is this? How can anyone be so powerful as this?"

The sledgehammer was stunned.

In his gaze, there was only the halo of the approaching sword.

He realized that this was a lethal killing!

There's no escaping!


In the face of the momentum emitted by this black light, the sledgehammer was extremely clear to realize.

In the face of the power contained in this halo, how small his own strength is.

It's like a grain of sand that falls into the desert.

A drop in the bucket!

"That's ......."

Gradually, the sledgehammer saw the halo as it was.

"A sword?!"

"What brought me endless killing power turned out to be a sword!"

"This, this, how can this be!"

"Who the hell unleashed such a sword, and how could it be so terrifying?"

Sledgehammer's head was full of thoughts.

Others are stupid.

Following the direction of the sword's attack, he vaguely saw what looked like a thousand meters of Wusui City.

There, not long ago, it was the territory of their Yan Kingdom, but now it has become the first fortress of the Qin State by the water!

And on the walls of this city, he saw several figures standing here.

"How is that possible?!"

"This sword came from the Wusui city wall thousands of kilometers away?"

"How can there be such a terrifying monster in this world!"

"At a distance of a kilometer, a sword gives a threat of death?"

The sledgehammer shook his heart. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Before he could react, this bronze sword, which was full of brilliant light, carried an extremely terrifying force directly through the chest of the sledgehammer.

With countless shocks, horrors and other emotions in his heart, the body of the big hammer was pierced by a sword.


Blood splattered up, staining the sky.

I saw that the sledgehammer's chest was pierced by a long sword through a blood-colored hole that made a fist laughing.

Hideous blood flowed frantically from his body, quickly soaking his body in full infected.

"How ......."

The sledgehammer opened its mouth, blood splattering from its mouth.

His eyes widened, as if until now, he still had no way to believe what had just happened.

A sword flew from a thousand meters away to kill itself in an instant?!

All this has turned the perception of the sledgehammer upside down.

He never thought that there was such a powerful existence in the world.

It's so shocking!

"I, am I going to die?"

Sledgehammer felt his eyelids gradually become heavy, like a towering mountain, constantly trying to crush his eyelids......

At the same time, the colors of the world in his eyes are gradually darkening.

It was bleak, and the world took on a grayish-white appearance.

In the end, the sledgehammer fell.

His eyes were closed, and his burly body fell to the side of him, raising a cloud of dust on the ground, curling up and flying in midair.

A large patch of blood, flowing from the wounds on the body.

Soon, the scalding blood soaked the ground into a small blood-colored lake, watering his own cold corpse in the center.

At this point, the first warrior of Yan Kingdom, the sledgehammer, died violently!

Instantly killed!

It's even a distance of a kilometer, and a sword shoots to kill!

In the face of this shocking sword, it is said that the big hammer, even a strong person at the level of a great grandmaster is likely to die of hatred on the spot.

Looking at the world, there are a few people who can block that sword unscathed!

The power of that sword was terrifying.

After striking 4.1 through the sledgehammer's body, the sword still carried a violent force, and it ran rampant all the way until it disappeared into the endless desert thousands of meters away.

The breeze is gentle and the dust is flying!

On the ground, the cold corpse of the sledgehammer lay down, up and down, without the slightest hint of life.

Like a withered yellow leaf, it loses its vitality and dies completely!

In the face of that earth-shattering sword, the sledgehammer was killed in an instant, which is a normal situation.

With the sledgehammer dead, the battlefield fell silent.



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