Daguo Science and Technology started from the copycat system

Chapter 351 It’s over, everything is over! ! !

"Indeed, you should allow some of our professors to enter the processing workshop to watch closely, instead of watching from a distance here in the corridor."

At this time, apart from Professor Matsuda Daisuke, professors from several other countries also spoke in agreement.

They all asked them to go into the workshop to watch closely, claiming that only in this way can they really test whether the Suguang five-axis machining center is real or not.

Seeing this, hundreds of reporters at the scene were also very curious while pressing the cameras to take pictures of this "forced palace" scene.

I don't know how Sugon Electronics will respond to these professors' requests? Is it allowed or denied?

Facing the eyes of many reporters, Chen Dong said with a smile:

"Sorry, the Shuguang five-axis machining center is a company secret, and we refuse outsiders to view our Shuguang five-axis machining center."


Daisuke Matsuda and other professors who heard Chen Dong's words all pointed at Chen Dong angrily, with angry expressions on their faces, and they didn't know why they were so angry.

"Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha..."

Seeing this, the reporters at the scene also quickly pressed the camera in their hands, and took pictures of the unpleasant scene in front of them.

And so the time passed.

About three and a half hours later, the production workshop of the Suguang five-axis machining center finally fell into silence, and the machine half the size of the room inside finally stopped moving.

Soon a somewhat heavy metal statue was lifted out by two staff members and put on a cart.

Then the metal statue was slowly pushed out of the processing workshop by the staff, and walked towards the reporters at the scene.

"My God! How did this thing work out!"

"It's so smooth, the surface of this metal statue is smoother than the mirror in my house."

"Amazing, is this a five-axis machining center? It's so terrifying!"

"A work of art, this is simply a work of art, this is the most beautiful metal statue I have ever seen!"

"It's so beautiful, I think this metal statue is worth 50,000 US dollars!"

"Chew, $50,000 is a joke, I think it's worth at least $200,000.

Because other five-axis machining centers simply cannot achieve such terrifying processing capabilities! "

"The machining accuracy of T5 tolerance is like this. The surface of the machined parts is so delicate and smooth like a mirror. This is simply too strong!"

"It turns out that this is mirror-level processing, and now I finally understand why the T5 tolerance level is called mirror-level processing."

"This is simply art!"  …

When hundreds of domestic and foreign journalists at the scene saw the "parts" that were pushed out, they all couldn't help but gasped in amazement, showing shock and astonishment on their faces.

Because that "part" is not a real machine part, not a nut or a bolt or a connecting rod crankshaft or something.

That "part" is actually a metal eagle statue with wings spread!

At this time, the metal eagle statue was vivid in front of them, like an eagle that was suddenly cast a spell, forcibly metalized and turned into a metal eagle!

"This is impossible!"

Professor Daisuke Matsuda exclaimed in disbelief.

"It was actually produced? How is this possible!"

At this time, a professor from Germany looked at the metal eagle with a blank expression, with deep fear in his eyes.

"It's over, it's over!"

Another island professor murmured "It's over" in a low voice.

Seeing this, Daxia reporters at the scene instantly became excited. They seemed to have been poked into frost spots, with proud expressions on their faces.

Of course, in contrast, overseas reporters saw the absent-minded appearance of those professors. Although they pressed the cameras in their hands very dedicatedly, they couldn't help but have complicated expressions on their faces.

On the other side, at this moment, Chen Dong looked at the absent-minded professors, and said desperately:

"As you can see, we have produced qualified "parts" as required, now you have nothing to say.

You spread rumors in the media before, causing great damage to the reputation of Sugon R\u0026D Center and even Sugon Technology.

Now I need your apology and compensation for our reputation damage. "

Hearing Chen Dong's words, the reporters at the scene pressed their cameras one after another, and then looked at the professors with great interest.

I don't know how these professors responded to the desperate Chen Dong.

"Fake, you must have known the problem in advance, and then when you come out, you will use parts processed in other countries to pretend."

At this time, Professor Matsuda Daisuke still seemed unwilling to admit defeat.

At this time, another professor from an island country also spoke:

"That's right, unless you allow us to enter the processing workshop for a closer look and personally operate the machine, otherwise this is definitely suspected of being fake."

Several professors at the scene seemed to refuse to admit the facts.

I don't know if they don't want to apologize, or they are afraid that they will have to pay for reputation damage after admitting it.

"Come on, it seems that you are trying to mess around."

Chen Dong, who had expected it for a long time, nodded slightly, and then he turned his gaze to the hundreds of reporters present.

"Facts speak louder than words, and we at Sugon Electronics are willing to give you another chance.

As for wanting to go in and watch it up close or even operate it by yourself, it is absolutely impossible, because this is our company's secret. "

Speaking of this, Chen Dong also said with a smile:

"Of course, regardless of whether the professors admit it or not, please take over our company's lawsuit."

After hearing Chen Dong's words, several professors suddenly looked worried.

I wonder if the financial backers behind them are willing to bear the cost of their reputational lawsuits. If they are abandoned, everything will be over!

At this time, these professors were very regretful, regretting why they had to take this trip into troubled waters in the first place, and why they were greedy for that little money. It was really not worth the gain.

In this bad mood, they did not continue to raise any test problems.

Because through the metal eagle spreading its wings before, they already know that other tests will definitely not be able to stump the Shuguang five-axis machining center!

So it didn't take long for the inspection meeting to end unhappily.

The reporters took pictures of the metal eagle with spread wings, and then published the current scene back to their media headquarters as quickly as possible.

"Shuguang five-axis machining center has left global experts speechless!"

This is the news headline from Penguin Portal.

"The metal eagle with spread wings, the most difficult "part" in history has been successfully manufactured by Sugon Electronics!"

This is the news headline from the New Wolf Portal.

"Ren Zhengfei claimed that Huawei Technology was willing to invest US$100,000 to acquire the metal eagle with its wings spread!"

This is the news headline on the NetiEase portal. (end of this chapter)

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