Daguo Science and Technology started from the copycat system

Chapter 357 Synchronous multi-threading technology that makes Intel vomit blood!

Among them, Paul Odry has also studied the knowledge of the X86 processor. Although he is not good at research and development, he still understands the general knowledge.

So Paul Odley knows that their X86 instruction set is actually not very efficient, it is a rather bloated and inefficient instruction set.

Hearing Lin Chen's words at this time, although Paul Odley didn't know the specific result, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

In this regard, Lin Chen did not stop his introduction, only to see Lin Chen continued:

"In addition to the X86-S instruction set, our second core selling point is the Sugon synchronous multi-threading technology.

Presumably everyone is a little confused about this synchronous multi-threading technology, but you will understand when I talk about Intel's hyper-threading technology.

Although their names are different, they actually have the same purpose, but the names are different due to different technical methods.

They also add a logical core on the basis of a physical core, and finally realize the magical technology of changing a single-core processor into a dual-core, a dual-core into a quad-core, and a quad-core into an eight-core. "

Hearing Lin Chen's words, the guests and audience at the scene naturally looked excited, and the face of Intel's president Paul Oddling was naturally quite ugly.

Unexpectedly, Sugon Technology has also developed its own hyper-threading technology, which is not good news for Intel.

On the other side, Lin Chen went on to say:

"There must be many people who don't understand the use of dual-core to quad-core? After all, a brain has two personalities, and the actual performance still depends on how strong that brain is.

But this is not useless. In fact, if we add a virtual logic core in daily use, it will be of great help to us.

This is equivalent to a brain with two personalities that can be used for two purposes at the same time. Doing two things at the same time will naturally improve computing efficiency and save time.

With this synchronous multi-threading technology, the most obvious experience in daily use is that we can open more web pages or applications without freezing.

As for the performance improvement, it depends on the optimization of the software and the game. If the optimization is done well, the performance can be improved by up to 40%! "

Having said that, Lin Chen changed the subject:

"Of course, in addition to this, this technology can also play a considerable role in the game.

I don’t know if you still remember that we acquired Epic last year. After acquiring Epic and changing its name to Unreal Engine, we improved the Unreal 3 game engine.

While making the Unreal 3 game engine easier for developers to develop games, we have also made more optimizations to the Unreal 3 game engine.

Among these many optimizations is the perfect support for Sugon's synchronous multi-threading technology, fully exploiting the benefits of one more logic core.

Finally, after rigorous testing, we found that if Sugon synchronous multi-threading technology is enabled, the game performance is equivalent to an increase of 15% to 40%!

Of course, such an effect can be achieved only if the game is developed using the Unreal 3 game engine. Other game engines are not highly optimized for Sugon synchronous multi-threading technology.

On the contrary, the actual performance may be inverted, and the performance loss is about 2% to 8% after the Sugon synchronous multi-threading technology is turned on.

So if such a phenomenon occurs, I suggest that you directly turn off Sugon synchronous multi-threading technology when playing that game. "

After hearing Lin Chen's suggestion, people didn't care about this flaw at all.

Their attention is all on things that can increase performance by 15%~40% out of thin air for games developed using the Unreal 3 game engine.

"Oh my god, the synchronous multi-threading technology can improve the performance of the game by up to 40%, which is unbelievable!"

"Really, is synchronous multi-threading technology so powerful?!

The performance of games developed using the Unreal 3 game engine can be increased by 15% to 40% out of thin air?"

"Unbelievable! This is too amazing."

"Magic simultaneous multi-threading technology, magical Unreal 3 game engine!"

"Li Hao, this technology is too powerful."

"It turns out that synchronous multi-threading technology is so powerful"

"Sure enough, the performance of the game really depends on optimization. A good optimization can improve the performance by up to 40%!"

"Fantastic technology, simply unbelievable."  …

Nearly 20,000 guests and reporters at home and abroad were amazed at the magical Dawning synchronous multi-threading technology, and said that this technology is really great.

As for the possible performance inversion of games other than the Unreal 3 game engine, this was directly ignored by them.

Because this kind of phenomenon is not only the emergence of Sugon Technology's synchronous multi-threading technology, but also Intel's hyper-threading technology.

After some of the poorly optimized games turn on hyper-threading technology, the impact on the game frame rate is even as high as 30%!

So it is not a big deal that Sugon synchronous multi-threading technology does not perform well for game engines other than the Unreal 3 game engine.

After all, there is Intel's hyper-threading technology that performs worse. Intel's hyper-threading technology does not have an Unreal 3 game engine that supports them like this.

In this regard, Intel President Paul Oddling in the VIP seat naturally had a very ugly face.

Because he knows that just relying on this Dawning synchronous multi-threading technology, many consumers around the world will buy those Ryzen processors in the future!

On the other side, Lin Chen continued to release his ultimate move:

"In addition to Sugon's synchronous multi-threading technology, let me introduce the next core technology selling point."

When Lin Chen was speaking, the name and background image of a super virtualization technology appeared on the projection screen behind him.

"The next thing to introduce is super virtualization technology, which is a core selling point of our Sugon Ryzen processor.

The main feature is that it can directly run games and software on the Sugon instruction set platform through hardware virtualization.

Compared with the software virtual machine, its performance is more efficient, and the performance loss does not exceed 8%!

In other words, with this technology, the games and software on Sugon Smartphone System and Sugon Mobile System will be able to run directly on the computer.

From then on, there is no need to use virtual machine software to virtualize the Sugon smartphone system on the computer, and then install games and software and other troublesome things.

Of course, this is not without disadvantages. The disadvantage is that there is a big difference between the game and software control methods of mobile phones.

Therefore, although the games and software on the mobile phone can be opened and run, there may be problems that cannot be controlled.

But these problems are just small problems, I believe that game companies and software companies around the world will solve this small problem for us. (end of this chapter)

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