Daguo Science and Technology started from the copycat system

Chapter 360 Real machine game test, Intel who vomits blood

Because according to a report by Intel R\u0026D Director Pat Kilsinger.

Compared with the Pentium 4 EE processor, the performance of the Core processor that is about to be developed is no more than 50%, and the actual performance is only 30% higher!

This also means that the actual running score of their trump card Core processor is between 110 and 130 points, which is still at least twice the gap compared with the Sugon Ryzen processor!

Under such circumstances, how could Intel President Paul Odley not look stiff and ugly.

However, at this time, Lin Chen did not give Intel President Paul Oddling a chance to breathe. Lin Chen went on to say:

"Okay, the software running score parameter is only an approximate value after all, let's test the actual performance of the game."

Hearing that, nearly 20,000 guests, audience reporters, including tens of millions of netizens who were watching the live video broadcast, were all dazzled.

They are also quite curious about the actual performance of this super-performance Dawning Ryzen processor in games.

On the other side, Lin Chen continued when people cast their gazes:

"In order to let everyone know which processor is stronger, this time we will invite two other well-known processors for comparison.

These two processors are Intel's Pentium 4 EE 3.73Ghz Extreme Processor and A.M.D's Athlon 64 3200+.

As for the graphics card, in order to ensure fairness, it is not the graphics card of our Sugon Technology, but the Nvidia Geforce 6800 mainstream graphics card released by Invidia in November last year. "

When Lin Chen finished speaking, the projection screen behind him directly showed the real machine test video of the game, which was directly divided into three simultaneous screens from left to right.

The first screen is Sugon Ryzen processor, the second is Intel’s Pentium 4 EE Extreme Edition processor, and the third screen is A.M.D’s Athlon 64 3200+ processor.

Among them, the above test video screens are exactly the same, and the actions are also exactly the same, so as to ensure the fairness of this test.

The first game to be tested was the next-generation masterpiece released in November 2004 last year, known as the graphics card killer "Need for Speed: Underground 2".

When the highest image quality is turned on, the average FPS of the Athlon 64 3200+ processor is only 54 frames.

And another Pentium 4 EE Extreme Edition processor can not improve much, the average FPS is only 56 frames.

It can be seen from this that the flagship processors of these two processor companies still have no pressure to play this game.

As for the Sugon Ryzen processor, perhaps because it adopts the more efficient X86-S instruction set and has super-high level 1, level 2, and level 3 caches, the average FPS frame rate directly soared to 113 frames, which is almost double. FPS!

The next game to be tested is Call of Duty: United Offensive.

This "Call of Duty: United Offensive" game was released at the end of September 2004. It is also known as a next-generation masterpiece, but it requires higher CPU performance.

Perhaps the reason why this game has high requirements on CPU performance is that the powerful advantages of the flagship processor can finally be brought into play.

First of all, the average FPS of the Pentium 4 EE Extreme Edition processor directly reaches 67 frames, which is excellent and quite smooth.

As for another Athlon 64 3200+ processor of A.M.D, the performance is also good, the average FPS frame rate has reached 64 frames, and there is no hindrance to playing this game.

As for the last Dawn Ryzen processor, the average FPS frame rate directly soared to 122 frames!

This frame rate is quite terrifying. Even if the frame rate of the most complex picture is encountered, it only drops to 82 frames. The whole game still does not have any lag, and it is as stable as an old dog!

After that, other popular stand-alone games were tested, such as "Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne", "StarCraft", "Thor's Hammer 3", "Half-Life 2", "Doom Warrior 3", "Thor's Hammer 3" and so on. Standalone game.

As for online games, there are popular online games such as "World of Warcraft", "Paradise 2", "Fantasy Westward Journey", "A Westward Journey", "QQ Hall", "Audition", "Blooded Rivers and Lakes", "Jian Wang 1" and so on.

In the end, the performance of the Sugon Ryzen processor is naturally very eye-catching. The average frame rate performance is either almost double that of others, or two or three times that of others. It can be said that many gamers on the scene and even on the Internet can see their eyes straight.

After the game test is completed, the next step is to test decompression, video transcoding, video rendering, etc., and the final performance is naturally quite impressive.

"Papa papa papa papa..."

There was warm applause at the scene, and the people at the scene were so excited that when they applauded, their palms were flushed and they didn't know it.

At this time, foreign guests and audiences were excited about the birth of such a powerful CPU processor, while domestic guests and audiences were excited and excited about the rise of their big summer CPU processor.


Intel President Paul Odley cursed weakly, feeling deeply powerless.

If it is said that the Sugon Ryzen processor has a strong running score before, Intel still has a chance to struggle.

At this time, after seeing the powerful actual game performance of the Sugon Ryzen processor, as well as the comprehensive performance of video rendering, video transcoding, decompression, etc., he knew that Intel was completely defeated!

The consequence of the defeat is that the next computer processor market will be dominated by Sugon Ryzen processors.

After all, the Sugon Ryzen processor is so powerful, its performance has completely crushed Intel's processors, and also crushed the Core processors that have not yet been officially released.

In this case, it would be unreasonable for consumers to buy their Intel processors!

So the next thing to meet Intel will be a dismal performance!

It is estimated that out of ten CPU computer processors sold in the world, there are two consumers who buy their Intel processors, which is the universal celebration.

Thinking of the future where consumers will all go to buy Sugon Ryzen processors, and no one cares about their Intel processors, Intel President Paul Odd's face turns livid, and he is so depressed that he wants to vomit blood.

However, Lin Chen's big moves did not stop at this time. When Lin Chen said the next selling point that was quite unfavorable to Intel, Intel President Paul Oddling really couldn't help but vomit blood.

After the applause at the press conference stopped for a while, Lin Chen continued in the excited eyes of the people:

"Actually, the running score of this game is quite unfair, because our Ryzen processor is severely restricted, which prevents the Ryzen processor from fully exerting its power."

Hearing this, the eyes of the people at the scene brightened, because they recalled that Sugon Technology also operates a graphics card business!

Listening to Lin Chen's words at this time, the next step is definitely the introduction of the Suguang graphics card. I don't know how powerful the mysterious Suguang graphics card is? Great curiosity arose in people's hearts. (end of this chapter)

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