Daguo Science and Technology started from the copycat system

Chapter 368 Mr. Bill Gates is about to be pissed to death

Chapter 368 Mr. Bill Gates is about to be pissed to death

On the surface, these 1,000 people may not seem like much, but you must know that Qiandu Search, one of the Internet giants in 2005, only had 1,307 employees.

At this time, the number of developers of the Shuguang Universal Interface Program has reached 1,000, which is quite an astonishing number!

At present, these people have been perfecting the Sugon universal interface program according to the 996 work system for almost a year.

They continue to develop and upgrade the Sugon Universal Interface, and then testers continue to run and test those software and games, striving to improve the compatibility of the Sugon Universal Interface program.

After nearly a year of development, Sugon Technology can proudly claim to be perfectly compatible with mainstream games and software around the world!

Of course, being compatible with mainstream games and software does not mean that it is compatible with all games and software. For those truly niche and unpopular games, naturally you can only give up first.

After all, funds and personnel are limited. Sugon Technology can naturally only give priority to those mainstream online games, stand-alone games or software. Unpopular niche games and software can only depend on their own luck.

Among them, unpopular games and software will definitely work, but there is no guarantee that the game will suddenly crash while playing. There is a small probability that such a situation will occur.

However, with the continuous upgrade of Sugon's universal interface program in the future, the phenomenon of sudden game crashes will definitely gradually decrease.

On the other side, Lin Chen introduced the Sugon Universal Interface program to people's confused faces and Bill Gates' solemn look:

"The Sugon universal interface program is a behind-the-scenes application software. Consumers do not need to continue operations after installing the Sugon computer operating system and installing the application.

As for the function of this software, it is to cooperate with the Sugon compiler that comes with Sugon computer operating system to directly run games and software of Sugon smartphone system and Weiruan computer operating system! "

After hearing Lin Chen's words, the scene naturally erupted into a burst of exclamations.

The face of Weiruan President Bill Gates instantly turned ugly. The fact was that he was as expected.

That Suguang Universal Interface program is indeed an evil thing that can directly run their Weisoft system games and application software!

I just don’t know how well the Sugon universal interface program can be used with the Sugon compiler, and if it can be compatible with most popular games and software.

Then this is a disaster for WeiRuan Company. After all, what is the strongest thing about their WeiRuan system?

Isn’t the strongest thing the ecosystem that has been accumulated for decades? !

If the Sugon universal interface program and the Sugon compiler can really be compatible with mainstream games and software on the market, it will be disastrous news for their Weisoft operating system.

In response, Lin Chen slowly said under the excited and curious eyes of the people:

“Currently, our Sugon universal interface program is compatible with 80% of the world’s games and software, and can directly run and install those programs.

This 80% may seem inconspicuous, but it actually includes the programs and software we see every day.

Next, let us announce the corresponding software game list.

The lists that have been published so far have been tested hundreds of times, and they are software and games that can run perfectly without any problems! "

When Lin Chen finished speaking, two screens appeared on the projection screen behind him. The one on the left was the game, and the one on the right was the list of application software.

The names of those games and software all carry the "" symbol. Each game or software has 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, it is refreshed and becomes another batch of lists.

Seeing this, people also stared at the games and software on the screen.

Among them, the names of the above games and software are very familiar to both domestic and foreign guests, especially those stand-alone games that are frequent visitors.

After all, there are not too many computer games in 2005, nor too few, but in fact, the number of fun and well-known games and software can be counted.

But even so, the list above took a full 6 minutes and 30 seconds to refresh, and finally the names of games and software familiar to people at home and abroad were refreshed.

There are also some lists that have not actually been published. The unpublished lists are mainly illegally cracked versions of stand-alone games and software.

These games and software on the unpublished list will be posted directly online and will not be directly exposed.

After all, illegally cracked stand-alone games and software are illegal. As a formal company, how could Sugon Technology publish a list of illegally cracked games at this time?

In this regard, the people at the scene did not know that there was a surprise waiting for them. At this time, they all felt quite excited after seeing the names of the games and software announced above.

"Haha, all the games I know support it, which is great!"

"Not bad, World of Warcraft, Warcraft, StarCraft, and CS1.6 are all supported. This is great!"

“I love Sugon Technology so much. It supports so many games and software. From now on, I don’t have to spend money to buy Weisoft operating system.

But unfortunately, I have already bought the Weisoft XP operating system. Now it is useless even if the Sugon Computer operating system is placed in front of me.

This XP operating system has been purchased and cannot be returned. What a damn Weisoft company! "

"Yes, this damn WeiSoft company is so greedy. It dares to sell an XP Home Edition operating system for US$178. You can buy a low-end mobile phone at this price."

“That’s right, long live Sugon Technology!

I love Sugon Technology so much. I hope Sugon Computer Operating System can develop better in the future and let that damn Weisoft company stop their greedy face. "

"Haha, Shuguang Computer's operating system is great!"

“Shuguang Technology did a good job this time!”…

At this time, people were excitedly cheering that the Shuguang computer operating system was so powerful and could support so many game software, completely dispelling their concerns.

They couldn't help but curse WeiRuan's greed. After all, the price of WeiRuan's system was too expensive, so naturally they couldn't help but attract criticism.

In this regard, when Bill Gates heard many people behind him cursing Weiruan while cheering, Bill Gates's face was naturally quite ugly.

"What a bunch of damn greedy guys!"

Seeing the actions and words of those people, Bill Gates couldn't help but curse in a low voice, angry that those people insulted Weiruan Company.

Of course, at the same time, he was even more angry that Sugon Technology had shamelessly created such a Sugon Universal Interface program, and was about to be pissed to death by Lin Chen's shamelessness.

Bill Gates has decided that Weiruan will sue Sugon Technology next and make Sugon Technology lose everything!

If Lin Chen knew about this, he would say that you should sue slowly, because Sugon Technology's API interface program does not actually infringe Weisoft's patent!

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