Daguo Science and Technology started from the copycat system

Chapter 484 Invida Huang fainted from crying

After all, the performance of the current third-generation Core processors is really quite strong.

This is a new processor developed based on the X86-S instruction set, and finally coupled with a 65nm process technology. How can this performance not be terrible?

It can be said that as long as he thinks about the powerful performance of the third-generation Core processor, Paul Oudening's self-confidence rises unconsciously.

But at this time, Invida CEO Lao Huang was not very optimistic. Instead, he said something very embarrassing:

"But now that Sugon Technology also has a 65-nanometer process technology, it will not be easy for the third-generation Core processor to defeat the second-generation Ryzen processor."

After hearing the words of Invida CEO Lao Huang, he said with dissatisfaction:

“I believe in our third-generation Core processor because it is the most powerful Intel processor ever developed by us!

We will continue to crush the yet-to-be-born second-generation Ryzen processors to the ground! "

"I hope so."

Invida President Lao Huang shrugged, somewhat noncommittal.

A few months ago, when Invida's new graphics card was launched, he believed that Invida would be able to completely overwhelm Sugon Graphics with the powerful performance of the new graphics card.

But the final reality gave Invida President Lao Huang a hard slap in the face, telling him that his idea was too good.

Because even though Invida graphics cards received a lot of praise when they first came on the market, countless media around the world were calling "Invida YES."

But as a result, although the sales volume on the first day was very high, it achieved an astonishing result of 400,000 graphics cards on the first day.

But the problem is that the sales volume dropped too fast. From 400,000 copies on the first day, it dropped to 200,000 copies the next day. By the third day, there were only 150,000 copies.

Now a few months have passed, Invida's new graphics card sales account for only about 25%, which is quite poor compared to Sugon graphics cards.

Because the current sales volume of Sugon graphics cards accounts for an astonishing 68%!

Comparison is harmful. Obviously, because the Vida graphics card has stronger performance, the sales volume is lower than that of the Sugon graphics card, which has weaker performance.

Invida President Lao Huang thought a lot in the past few months, and finally he discovered the real reason.

As for what is the real reason?

He discovered that Sugon Technology had been planning a shocking plan for a long time. The name of this plan was "Perfect Cooperation of Game Software and Hardware in the Computer Industry"!

The specific way to achieve this is to launch the Unreal 3 game engine with almost negligible usage costs and very powerful game development performance.

This attracted game development companies around the world to use the Unreal 3 game engine to develop new games, which ultimately took two years.

Sugon Technology finally successfully arranged and completed this big game of "perfect cooperation between computer game software and hardware".

The end result is that the performance of Sugon graphics cards currently on the market is not as good as Invida's new graphics cards.

However, due to the perfect optimization of the Sugon graphics card, in the end, the Sugon graphics card won the game in terms of game frame rate, and the frame rate smoothness exceeded that of the new Invida graphics card.

Under such circumstances, it is no wonder that consumers around the world will vote with their feet and give priority to purchasing Sugon graphics cards.

So when Invida CEO Lao Huang reacted, he was immediately struck into silence, and there was really no place to express his depression.

What's even more sad and makes people vomit blood is that even if Invida CEO Lao Huang discovers the root of the problem, he can't do anything.

Because Sugon Technology can form such a situation, it took almost two years of planning to form such a situation that it almost monopolizes global game engines!

At this time, even if Invida wants to come up with a new game engine similar to the Unreal 3 game engine, it is useless.

Because now global game development companies already have an almost perfect Unreal 3 game engine, so why do they still use your new game engine from Invida?

Wanting to use a new game engine requires a long familiarization process, and because the Unreal 3 game engine is developed and optimized every day by a development team of thousands of people.

After two years, the Unreal 3 game engine has actually become the most complete and best-used 3D game engine in the world!

Under this circumstance, game development companies around the world will not choose Invida's new game engine, but will only choose the Unreal 3 game engine.

Of course, the reason why global game development companies choose the Unreal 3 game engine with closed eyes can actually be attributed to the terrifying "Unreal 3D Model Library".

This unreal 3D model library took two years to design and develop with the selfless contributions of a development team of thousands of people and countless netizens.

The current Unreal 3D model library has hundreds of thousands of 3D models with different styles and details!

What’s even more surprising is that as long as the above 3D models of game characters, buildings, monsters, terrains, items, etc. use the Unreal 3 game engine, they are all free to use!

Therefore, using the Unreal 3 game engine can really save a lot of research and development costs and speed up the overall research and development speed.

After all, isn't the most troublesome part of a 3D game the 3D modeling?

At this time, there are free 3D models available, and you can also drag and move the 3D models in real time in the "What You See Is What You Get" Unreal 3 game engine.

In this case, the Unreal 3 game engine is the most powerful game engine in the world, and it is also the most complete and perfect 3D game engine!

Therefore, the CEO of Vida, Lao Huang, is quite depressed and has absolutely no way to change the current situation. He can only focus on the next generation of game engines while gritting his teeth.

As for this generation of game engines, because Vida knew they couldn’t beat Dawn’s Unreal Engine 3 game engine, they just gave up and made it a mess.

After all, instead of wasting energy, it is better to put all the energy on the next generation of game engines. This generation should be completely given over to the Unreal 3 game engine.

However, at this time, Invida obviously did not know about the next generation of game engines, and Sugon Technology had already been holding back its big move.

Moreover, Shuguang Technology's ultimate move is not an ordinary ultimate move, it is a super ultimate move called Unreal 4 game engine, which is actually almost the same as the previous Unreal 5 game engine!

So in this case, how should they compare with Invida? How can they compare?

Since Vida wants to make a comeback with the next generation of game engines, Lin Chen can only happily say "Dream!"

Invida obviously doesn’t know about this!

After all, Lin Chen is quite a thief when it comes to technology patents. When registering core technology patents, he did not use the name of Sugon Unreal Engine Company, but in the form of a small vest.

In this case, Invida naturally could not guess how powerful the Unreal 4 game engine being developed by Sugon Unreal Engine Company is!

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