Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 305 Solving Li Han’s Trouble

For a house, preferably near Pasadena, with Ron's net worth, he could ignore the price and only look at the comfort. It was very simple to solve this problem.

Ron's cousin Claire's husband, Phil Dunphy, is one of the best real estate salespeople in Los Angeles. Just leave this matter to him.

Now Ron has a more important thing to do, and that is to help poor little Ah Han.

Ah Han's mother is coming to the United States the day after tomorrow, and Ron's promise to go to the pole dancing club for him and hire his fake girlfriend Zhuzhu to fool his mother has not yet been fulfilled. He plans to go now.

And when Ron mentioned in the laboratory that he was going to such a special occasion, Howard and Rajesh immediately stood beside Ron like guardians.

"How can we go to a place like that without asking our brothers to come with us? Ron, based on our friendship, I am willing to go anywhere with you." Right Guardian Rajesh grinned happily, almost reaching his ears.

"Please, how do I look like someone who goes there to have fun? I just go there to find someone." Ron helplessly pulled the handbag that Rajesh had put on his shoulder.

"I understand, I understand, that's what Howard said every time he went to a place like that, right Howard?" Rajesh raised his eyebrows at Ron. Ron didn't know yet, but this seemingly honest Indian was still There is such a coquettish side.

"Every time? How often do you go there, Howard?" This discovery surprised Ron.

"Of course," Rajesh answered on his behalf without waiting for Howard to speak: "There is a steel pipe named after Howard in the club on Fifth Avenue."

Howard spread his hands like a cow.

Ron rolled his eyes, what's there to be proud of? Just wait, by the time you get married, Rajesh's big mouth will definitely help you shake it all off!

"Now I understand why you can't save any money even though you live with your mother. You spent it on places like that. With this money, why don't you just make some investments?"

"Come on, Ron, investing is risky. The stock market is full of Wall Street financial giants. If you don't do well, you may lose everything. It's better to spend money and enjoy it." Howard walked to the door of the club and said skillfully Joking with the security guard.

"I don't think the financial giants on Wall Street care about your small wallet." Probably due to the traditional habits of the Chinese people, even if Ron is rich now, it is rare to see him spending money lavishly.

Except for being willing to spend money on updating weapons and equipment, it is almost impossible to see that he has any particularly large expenditures.

"How about this, from now on, half of your salary for working for my exoskeleton mecha will be paid to you in US dollars, and the other half will be paid to you in Bitcoin?"

"Bitcoin? Isn't that what we mined using a computer at Sheldon's house a few days ago? Does this thing still cost money?" Rajesh objected, displaying the shrewdness (short-sightedness) that is characteristic of Indians. : "Ron, you don't want to reduce our salary, do you? We are good friends!"

"Okay, I just said it casually, forget it if you don't want to." Ron said nonchalantly, and at the same time, he added in his heart, I hope you won't regret it in the future.

The girl Li Han used to fool his mother's stage name is Sapphire. She is one of the few girls that Howard has never liked. I don't know why, although Howard is only 1.65 meters tall, he always likes to look at girls who are over 1.7 meters tall. girl.

"Rajesh, take out 20 yuan from Ah Han's wallet and pay for it later." Before Ron came, he made a special trip to Ah Han's restaurant, and Ah Han generously gave Luo his wallet. En: "Master Li will pay for all the expenses today. Do you want to order one for yourself?"

"No, I asked just now. Pink Candy is not here today. Also, I don't recommend that you sit directly on the sofa here." Howard reminded Ron quickly when he saw that Ron was about to sit on the sofa.

"Why?" Ron asked confused.

Arriving at his home court, Howard suddenly became extremely confident. He walked to the steel pipe in the room and stepped on it. The headlights in the room went out, and under the black light, strange linear reflections appeared on the walls of the room. , looks like a poor child's drawing.

"I guess you don't want to sit on someone else's penis, right?" Howard pointed to a reflective line on the wall: "This is what I put up last time. It looks like they haven't cleaned this room in two weeks."

Ron covered his face: "I suggest that next time you can try some other ways to rest that are more suitable for physical and mental health."

"No need, the girls here are very nice, you know? If you meet the same girl twice, she will give you a free cocktail the next time, and the bartender here is great." Howard tried in vain on the sofa He patted the ground several times and pushed Rajesh aside: "You can sit here, there won't be any trace here."

"No, I'd better stand." Ron stood beside him at a loss. He didn't want to touch anything here.

Although Ron's private life was relatively chaotic after being corrupted by US imperialism, he always had like-minded discussions, and he had never been to this kind of place to spend money.

The reason is none other than being dirty and afraid of getting sick.

"Are you ready to open your eyes? Brothers?" The wretched otaku duo had just sat down when an Asian man in cool clothes walked in and posed in a posture that best showed off his figure.

"We're ready~" X2.

If it weren't for this special occasion, Ron would have thought from their tone that they were mother's sweet babies who were ready to eat.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Ron quickly stopped because he realized that the atmosphere was going in a strange direction. If he didn't stop it, the story would soon go in the direction of 404.

"Do you still remember the purpose of our coming? If you want to have fun, please wait until you finish the business and talk about it after I leave, okay?"

After stopping the lecherous duo who were about to make a move, Ron turned to the dance artist: "Hello, nice to meet you. Although it's a bit presumptuous to say that I just met you, can I ask you a favor?"

"Of course. The men who come here will ask me for help, and I'm happy to help, especially for people like you. I can even help you for free."

Ever since the dance artist with the stage name Sapphire saw Ron's appearance clearly, his eyes lit up and he moved close to him. Ron calmly took a step back and got out of the way.

"I think you may have misunderstood something. The help I want is not like this, but another kind..."

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