Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 307 Snow Mountain Incident and Banquet

"Then I'm sure, it's this Saturday night. I guarantee you'll be happy."

Under Sheldon's disgusted gaze, Principal Hibbert patted Sheldon on the shoulder again before leaving. As soon as the principal left, Sheldon immediately took out disinfectant and sprayed it on the areas that had just been touched. .

To be honest, that's it, Ron felt that Principal Hibbert had already given him face by not expelling him.

It is an undisputed fact that Sheldon is a genius, but at the same time, it is also a fact that he is a very difficult person to get along with.

"Oh my god, there are potato sticks and a banquet invitation. Today is such a good day!" Rajesh sighed, which earned Sheldon an angry look. But it was a pity that no one had taken Sheldon's Take ideas seriously.

Of course, while Ron is enjoying his quiet and interesting daily life, there are always some crazy people who are unwilling to be ordinary and try to make something happen. For example, right now...

In an unknown valley in the Argentinian snow mountain, one of the world's famous ski resorts, in a high-end snow mountain villa, an old man who was tightly tied to a chair shivered and looked at the gangsters who surrounded him. them.

All of these gangsters were bald. They didn't even wear a hat on this icy and snowy mountain. They looked like ruthless people. He wanted to ask, "Aren't you all too cold?"

"I'm very sorry, Professor Arnold, there's still a little bit to go..." The gangster began to tear off the tape on his mouth, slowly and gently.

"Oh my god, tear it up quickly!" The tape had been torn off for almost a minute, and Professor Arnold had become impatient and even lost his most basic respect for the gangsters.

But the gangster was still polite, even too polite to be a gangster: "The order I received is that I must not hurt you."

With his mouth free again, Professor Arnold said helplessly: "I think you must have made a mistake. I am just a university lecturer and I have no money to give you."

"This has nothing to do with money. Our boss just wants to have a chat with you."

"Should I feel reassured then?"

"He will be here soon. He will explain everything. Do you want some whiskey?" the gangster said very patiently, and then ordered his men: "Red, bring the bottle of 62-year-old Dalmore whiskey."

Behind the professor, a fat gangster got up and went to get it: "Seriously, this whiskey is so good, you will definitely get drunk..."

But right now.

Dong-dong-dong, there was a knock on the door outside.

But the wind and snow outside were too strong, and a thick layer of ice had been coated on the glass windows from the outside. It was difficult to see the faces of the people outside. The gangster boss walked towards the door, and when he was halfway there, he quietly pulled out his gun. He pulled it out and held it behind his back.

"It's too cold outside. Can you invite me in for a cup of hot cocoa?"

Opening the door, there was a British gentleman with a kind smile outside. There was no one else. Just when the boss was relieved and ready to drive him away, he suddenly remembered an urban legend that has been circulating among terrorists for a long time.

Legend has it that on the night before the end of several terrorist organizations that have been destroyed, there will always be a well-dressed British gentleman knocking on the door. He looks harmless.

But if you are deceived by his appearance, you are doomed, because this British gentleman is not an ordinary person, but the real super intelligence agency of the British Empire hidden behind MI6, which has become a global laughing stock.

Because this organization is too mysterious, the outside world has never known their real name. Among terrorists, they are called "gentlemen", but among experts like Ron, they are collectively called "tailor shops" .

Because according to several people who have been fortunate enough to work with them, their supply stores always seem to be located in inconspicuous tailor shops in various cities.

These tailor shops usually specialize in custom-made high-end suits, and Ron had several suits made from one of these tailor shops.

Thinking of this, the gangster boss's heart tightened, and he immediately took out his gun and killed the suspicious man in front of him. Anyway, there was ice and snow everywhere here. If someone were thrown into the snow-capped mountains, no one might find the body for a week.

And by the time someone discovered him, he had already disappeared somewhere.

But the gentleman outside the door moved one step faster than him. He had just taken out his gun and before he pointed it at the visitor's body, a Walter P99 pistol equipped with a silencer blocked his pistol and hit it. In his belly, pull the trigger quickly.

"Bang bang!"

With two muffled sounds, the gangster boss suffered heavy injuries in an instant, but that was not over yet. Instead of pushing him away, the gentleman blocked his huge body in front of him, used his body as a shield, and rushed into the house.

The gangster who had reacted had not yet decided whether to shoot the gentleman hiding behind the boss, but the other man had already stretched out his arm from behind the boss, and the fatal bullet instantly opened a bloody hole in his head.


Another shot hit the calf of the gangster who had just sat up from the sofa. The gangster screamed and fell to his knees. At this time, the last gangster had pointed his gun at the gentleman.

Just a slight movement of his fingers can send him to see God.

However, there was no fear on the gentleman's face. His wrist only moved slightly to this side and he pulled the trigger first.

"Bang!" The bullet actually grazed the body of the pistol, knocking away the gangster's index finger that was about to pull the trigger.

A smug smile flashed across the gentleman's face. This kind of difficult shooting was simply child's play given the training he had received.

But the terrorists don't think so. Whether it's the gangster whose index finger was blown off or the gangster who was shot in the calf, they all have expressions of seeing ghosts, because such things have never happened in their short life experience of less than 30 years. , simply unheard of.

If Ron were here, he would scoff at all the fuss.

Tsk, isn’t it just hitting a target about the size of a coin from a distance of more than five meters? What's all the fuss about? I can accurately hit the firing pin of a rocket from 20 meters away. What's so surprising about this?

"Ah!" The gangster whose index finger was broken screamed and quickly changed the gun to his other hand. He was about to continue shooting at the gentleman. The bullet was already empty, but the gentleman had already caught him. He grabbed the hand that was holding the gun, pulled hard, and pulled his entire body forward. At the same time, he sharply lifted the toes of his right foot upwards.

"Ah~~Hey!" The gangster screamed with a sharp pitch, reaching a pitch higher than a soprano in an instant, just because his key parts happened to receive a key blow.

And while he was screaming, the gentleman pressed his finger next to the pistol. While the empty magazine slid downwards, he quickly took out another magazine from his pocket and inserted it.

"Bang!" Following the first two gangsters, he also had a bloody hole in his head and received lunch.

At this time, the gangster who had just suffered a heavy load on his calf pulled out the dagger and planned to make a last ditch effort.

But his courage is destined to be in vain. What happened to his life experience just now when his companions couldn't even hold a gun? Not to mention the dagger in his hand.

In the end, it turned out to be true. The gentleman didn't even look at him. He raised his hand and shot him to see God.

"Professor Arnold, I'm here to take you home." The gentleman turned around and showed what he thought was the most charming smile. However, at this moment, he heard a sound on the door of the room, and his expression immediately turned serious.

Shanshan, the gangster who had just been sent to get the wine, arrived late with whiskey in hand, but the noise here did not arouse his alertness at all. He thought it was just something falling on the ground.

The gentleman rolled on the spot, rolled under the tray he was holding the wine on, raised his hand, and the bullet entered his chin and flew out of his head.

The gentleman stood up, just in time to take the whiskey from Soft Island's corpse and poured himself a full glass.

"The 62-year-old Dalmore whiskey tastes really good," the gentleman took a sip calmly: "Spilling a drop of this wine is a sin, don't you think so?"

His expression was filled with the triumph of a winner, and Professor Arnold had not yet recovered from the shock. It all happened too fast.

Dong Dong Dong, there was another knock on the door. The gentleman's expression tightened and he regained his seriousness. He held the wine glass and hid the pistol behind his back, and walked towards the door step by step.

But before he could reach the door, there were several "chacha" sounds behind him, and he began to feel that something was wrong. Was there any gangster in the house that he had not killed?

Just as he was about to turn around, there was a "swish" sound, and he felt a chill on his body. There was a bloody vertical line on his face, which extended from the top of his head to the whole body. Then his body split to both sides along this bloody vertical line.

It turned out to be an unknown sharp weapon that cut his body in half...

"Do you really not care about such a big thing happening to Ron? Think about it, a senior agent of a tailor shop was split in half with a sharp weapon on a snowy mountain in Argentina. Just think about it and you will know how serious this news is. Explosive!”

A week passed quickly, and just as Ron was putting on a handsome suit and getting ready to attend the banquet, the phone rang, and Hobbes's noisy voice kept chattering on the phone.

"Those tailors must be going crazy. They only have 12 senior agents in total. One of them was lost in Afghanistan before, and now this one died in Argentina for no reason. I don't think they have any confidence to continue in front of me in the future. Pretend to beep!”

Ron looked in the mirror while adjusting his tie and sighed helplessly: "Please, it's just a senior agent. Just like you said, we all know that the tailor shop has a total of 12 senior agents. Even if If two people die, don't they still have ten people? It's far from a serious loss of vitality. I think it's a little early for you to gloat about the misfortune."

Ever since Hobbes started siding with John Doe, he began to think of himself as a senior American agent.

Although the United States and the United Kingdom are nominal allies, in the intelligence system, unless there is a target that needs to be attacked together, in most cases, the secret service organizations of each country are hostile to each other.

Peers are enemies, and this is more fully reflected in this industry, so Hobbes's schadenfreude is natural.

"That's right! They are missing two people, two full people!" As if he was afraid that Ron wouldn't hear clearly, Hobbes repeated it again: "The number of people is reduced by 1/6 at once!"

"That's not how the accounts are settled." Ron Dali adjusted his tie and held the phone to his ear: "The agents in the tailor shop are not what you think. Although the external view is that the 12 senior agents are equal, this Among the 12 people, there are upper and lower levels, and as far as I know, the two senior agents who died recently were both from the lower level."

Ron, who often dealt with the Holmes brothers, obviously knew more about the tailor shop.

"As long as there are no problems with the six senior agents, they can immediately act as teachers and lead a group of agent interns for training. They will soon be able to train a new senior agent to replace the original position, and your intelligence It’s a bit outdated.”

"The guy who died in Afghanistan has already been replaced, and now they still only have one vacancy."

"Is that so?" Hobbes was startled by Ron's information proficiency: "Why don't I see the information here? But you know it so clearly?"

"I've told you a long time ago that whether it's the CIA or the FBI, since the end of the Cold War, your intelligence agents have become worse day by day. They are not even as accurate as the women who often chat in coffee shops and gossip. Some, I think it’s time for a new group of people to come in.”

"Okay, after this, I will communicate with Anonymous. Let's continue talking about the snow mountain. I plan to go to Argentina to have a look. Do you want to come with me?"

"Have a nice trip," Ron replied without any sincerity.

"Hey! Didn't you always get involved in whatever happened before? Why don't you seem to be interested in anything recently? Don't you even want to witness something as interesting as watching the British get frustrated? "

Once again, although Britain and the United States are allies, they dislike each other privately. This has changed for a long time.

Just like among American women, if they are approached by a man with a fluent London accent, in most cases they will be very happy to continue chatting with him, and the London accent has even become one of the sexiest accents among American women.

But for American men, there are only two words, haha.

They're just a bunch of pretenders.

This situation also applies to the British side. Although the United States has now become the world's number one power, in the eyes of the noble British gentlemen, they are still just a bunch of country bumpkins.

He was just a rich man who turned his back and refused to recognize anyone, so he left his hometown and went to the colonies to make a name for himself.

In terms of bloodline, the British Empire must be more authentic.

"Well, I might have wanted to go before, but now I don't want to at all. Although he is a senior agent belonging to the lower department, it is undeniable that he is still the most elite talent in the tailor shop. He can be like this You can imagine what kind of power it is to die inexplicably? I don't want to get into trouble for nothing."

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