Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 308 The Director of SHIELD at the Banquet

"That's not like you." Hobbes sneered at Ron's words.

"No, this is me. I wish you a pleasant journey." After saying that, Ron hung up the phone and walked out of the room. Sheldon was sitting alone in his living room playing a handheld game console, still wearing his unbeatable two-piece suit.

T-shirt set with long sleeves.

Ron frowned: "I don't think you are going to a banquet."

"Sheldon doesn't waste time in that kind of place. He tells Principal Hibbert that Dr. Cooper feels that the most valuable use of his precious time is to use his unparalleled talent to uncover the veil of nature and witness God. His true appearance.”

"Seeing the true face of God? I guess you won't dare to say this to your mother, but are you really sure you plan to do this tonight?" Ron shrugged: "If I remember correctly, today is Sunday Six, isn’t Saturday laundry day? So you’d rather wash clothes at home than go to a party?”

"Okay, don't tell him this, just talk about unveiling the mystery or something."

Ron pouted, planning to ignore him again.

As soon as Ron entered the banquet hall, he was warmly embraced by President Hibbert: "Welcome Ron, our newest donor to Caltech! I'd like to introduce you to a new friend, a tycoon in the world's telecommunications industry and a famous environmentalist. Mr. Lundin.”

President Hibbert introduced Ron to a black man wearing glasses: "He is a famous alumnus of our California Institute of Technology. He has invented a number of telecommunications technologies while in school and established his own company based on them. He has been working on Regarding the promotion of environmental protection, you came at the right time, Mr. Valentine is telling us about his environmental protection philosophy."

"Really? But I'm still more interested in Mr. Valentine's skills." Ron was not interested in this topic, but his eyes inadvertently glanced at his female secretary.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Ron always felt that this unattractive female secretary always seemed to exude a dangerous aura.

Well, maybe it was because of the phone call from Hobbs just now that he seemed a little suspicious. Before the female secretary could catch his eye, he quickly focused his attention on the black philanthropist.

But when he saw the person's face clearly, he was immediately shocked. It looked so similar! This is simply...

From birth to now, Ron has spent more than 20 years believing that there are no supernatural powers in this world. At most, they are the less prominent ones like John Coffey. It has been further confirmed that the United States There is no company named Stark Industries.

But Director Nick Fury is here, so that’s no good. What’s he doing here?

Fortunately, Ron's psychological quality over the years allowed Ron to remain calm no matter how his heart was turbulent: "Mr. Valentine? I wonder what you think of SHIELD?"

"SHIELD?" Valentin was stunned by Ron's prominent question, and thought for a moment: "If you are talking about Marvel's comics, I have average feelings about this character, but I don't have much interest in the other characters. A character called Thanos is a little more touching.”

Valentine turned to the crowd and continued to sell his ideas: "His environmental protection ideas are the same as mine. The reason why our world has today's problems is ultimately because we have too many people.

You know me, money has never been a problem for me. When I left Caltech, I could retire, find an island to escape, and let the business run on its own. No one asked me to save the earth. I had to do it myself, lobbying. Politicians, do your research, but after all these years you know what I've learned? "

"When you are infected with a virus, you will have a fever. This is because the human body kills the virus by increasing its core temperature. The same is true for the earth. Global warming means that the earth is having a fever. Human beings are viruses. It is we who make the earth sick..."

Valentine was still giving a passionate speech to the people around him, while Ron quietly walked away a little further. The famous Director Nick Fury was not staying at SHIELD and ran out to engage in environmental protection.

This couldn't help but make Ron wonder if this was Thanos wearing a director's skin.

Of course, Ron didn't take him as the real Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he had now come to his senses, Director Nick was blind in one eye, and the "Director" in front of him was at most similar to him.

What kind of "director" is he if he doesn't even have the most essential blindfold? What's more, Ron has even met Stan Lee, the father of Thanos, so why would he be afraid of a character from his comics?

Over there, Principal Hibbert also left his speech. Valentine met four scientists who had just entered...three missing one: "My awesome team is here...Where is Dr. Cooper?"

"My brother said that he was uncovering the mysteries of nature and witnessing the true face of God. As his brother, I apologize to you on his behalf." Ron apologized and clinked glasses with Principal Hibbert.

"The school leaders believe that he has a beautiful heart, but I think that is just a cloud," Principal Hibbert shrugged: "Actually, I also want to say sorry to you. I was planning to take your friends to meet other donors. .”

Ron made a please gesture and stepped aside.

Principal Hibbert brought the three of them to an old woman: "Ms. Lathan, these are three amazing young scholars in our school..."

Just when Ron was about to join in the fun, his phone rang.

Ron looked down at the number and frowned slightly, but still found a secluded place to answer the call: "Mr. Holmes, I don't think our relationship is good enough to call each other casually, right? Or, with Your brother is pretty much the same."

"I don't think about it if it's not something special, but I need to remind you that I helped you clean up the mess you left in Scotland last time. A gentleman should at least have a grateful heart. You said so ?"

"Please~ That's what you asked me to do, to make the matter as big as possible. Isn't that what you said? If you don't remember, I just have a phone recording. Do you want to listen to it? listen?"

Ron began to deny it. Of course he had the recording, but both he and Mycroft understood that Mycroft only meant for him to stir up all the high-ranking Scottish officials, but he had no intention of inciting independence.

Now it's better, because of Ron's impromptu idea, the British government has spent several times more energy to suppress the incited national sentiments, which makes Mycroft complain endlessly.

The original purpose of asking Ron to take action was to reduce some unnecessary troubles, but in the end, things turned out to be even worse. But what was even worse was that because of his gentlemanly wording, Ron's explanation actually made sense!

But now is not the time to dwell on this issue.

Mycroft suppressed his anger: "There is no need, what I want to say is another important thing..."

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