Harry was a bit depressed by Ron. Regarding the Scottish incident, as a king's agent, he must be one of the actual insiders. He understands the cause, process and results of the incident, so he naturally knows what Ron's so-called "paying off the favor" actually means. A way to return a favor.

If you say you owe your neighbor a sum of money, and your neighbor says there happens to be a hornet's nest in my yard, and you poke it for me, you will pay it off. However, you find a C4 bomb, not only on the tree with the hornet's nest, but also on several surrounding trees. The trees were blown away, and the house almost exploded!

Do you call this returning a favor?

Then your way of returning favors is quite hellish.

Harry wanted to complain, but there were more important things now, and Ron was the most likely person to help him, so he could only suppress his desire to complain: "Okay, it's just a very easy thing, but you can help me Put a tracker on Valentine?”

"This is the latest technology tracker of our 'tailor shop'..."

Harry handed Ron a tracker that was about the size of a finger. According to him, although this device was incredibly small, it had the dual functions of tracking and eavesdropping. It had a battery life of 24 hours and a maximum receiving range of 50 kilometers.

Ron's eyes lit up. The IRS didn't have such a useful gadget. He put the tracker into his pocket unceremoniously: "It's better not to waste such a good thing on him. My department happens to be in short supply of this kind of thing." How many other small toys do you have over there? Give me a few more to play with? By the way, there are also receptors."

Ron looked like he was sharing good things together. Harry was so angry that he felt his blood pressure soared several times. Is this the best agent in North America?

Why does he look like a robber? !

But immediately, his intelligence officer whispered in his earphones, causing him to put away his contempt for Ron. Just now, the moment Ron put the tracker into his pocket, his intelligence officer lost the tracker's signal. !

No matter what method this was, in his opinion, it was enough to intimidate him, and Ron was enough to arouse his respect: "Okay, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know either, but there must be a way." Ron said confidently, and at the same time he began to scan the entire venue. The old aunt whom Principal Hibbert had just introduced to the scientist Sanqueyi was teasing the three poor little otakus. It was obvious that she was very interested in Leonard and probably wanted something to happen.

But judging from Leonard's expression, he was rejecting it in his heart. Ron sneered at this, so you just get the advantage and behave!

In Ron's previous life, if someone said that he had a girlfriend over 60 years old, I don't know how many envious eyes he would attract from his peers.

Of course, the main reason Ron noticed there was not because he was envious that he would soon have a girlfriend over 60 years old, but because he noticed that Harry's target, Valentine, also showed interest in the team of scientists. Interested look.

This is interesting.

"In the intelligence you have collected, is there any information about Mr. Valentine's orientation? Does he have any special tastes? For example, does he have a special preference for men who are more masculine?"

"No, how could you think of this!" Harry's improved opinion of Ron immediately collapsed again.

"I would say that if he happens not to have any homosexual hobbies, then his attitude towards scientists is worth pondering, and it happens that the scientists he is interested in are my friends."

As Valentine joined the conversation, the five people gradually divided into two small circles. On one side was the flirtation bureau between Leonard and the sponsor lady, and on the other side was the science fiction bureau composed of Valentine and Howard Rajesh.

Ron vaguely heard a few words chatting there, and when combined together, he could probably guess that they were talking about post-disaster reconstruction after a large-scale human death disaster.

This is the most popular topic among scientists and science fiction writers. This may be something that can be exploited. No matter how cunning Valentine is, he will never be wary of these simple scientists.

This can definitely be exploited, just as Ron was thinking about how to use a few nerdy scientists to complete the installation of the tracker without anyone noticing.

Sheldon suddenly burst into the banquet hall, Ron's eyes lit up, and he knew his chance had come.

"No, no, no, I'm just here to ask for money. I don't want to hold any hands with germs. Hibbert, explain it to them quickly!" Sheldon saw the hands reaching out to him. As if he had touched something dirty, he raised his hands in disgust and yelled for Principal Hibbert to come to his rescue.

Of course, this move also allowed him to successfully attract the attention of the entire banquet hall.

"Sheldon, why are you here?!" Ron squeezed through Raj and Howard and came to Sheldon. At the same time, he inadvertently stuffed two pens into the suit pockets of the two scientists.

Of course, those two pens were not ordinary goods. They were special agent tools provided by the IRS. They were the same as the ones Harry had just given him. Although they were not as small as them, they looked more stealthy in appearance.

Everything seemed so natural that no one noticed anything strange about him, and everyone's attention was still firmly attracted by Sheldon.

I have to say, Sheldon’s ability to draw hatred is really impressive~

"This is..." Valentin looked at Sheldon and then at Ron. He was confused about the relationship between Ron and the new kid.

"I'm sorry, this scientist with strange bones is my younger brother. I'm very sorry to disturb you. I'm sorry." Ron then walked forward and walked side by side with Valentine. He said sorry to Valentine The gentleman was patted on his body.

At the same time, he secretly slipped the Kingsman version of the tracker he had just seized from Harry into Mr. Valenci's pocket.

The secretary next to Mr. Valentine frowned slightly, but didn't say anything. She just made a mental note of Ron's appearance. She felt that Ron's behavior just now was very suspicious.

"Don't tell me that this is your method. You use such an obvious excuse and action to put trackers on others. Don't you think everyone is mentally retarded? You just walked up to him and told him that you That’s an agent.”

Although Ron was not Harry's subordinate, he was so angry that he couldn't help scolding him. But unfortunately, like Valentine's secretary, he only saw Ron's last action and not his first. an action.

"You don't think I'm really that stupid, do you?" Ron smiled proudly at Harry, and a sense of intellectual superiority emerged spontaneously: "I suggest you read less chicken soup books about gentlemanly cultivation when you have time. Read a little about the art of war, do you understand how to attack in the east and attack in the west?"

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