Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 333 Ron’s Shura Field

Ron's reason, even if you think about it with Caroline's burned toes, you will know how outrageous it is.

It wasn't that Caroline wanted to think on her toes, but that this situation left her so surprised that she couldn't even speak.

The trash can seems to be a small world of its own, with everything from kitchen utensils and furniture to water, electricity and heating. It’s just like a small home, but it’s just a small home that has been shrunk countless times. Caroline used it to play house when she was a child. Castles are bigger than this, and this scene even for a moment made Caroline feel like she was back when she was a little princess.

But the appearance of the two people in the room made her feel bad.

One is his boyfriend, who is basically his default boyfriend even though he hasn't stated it explicitly. At this moment, Ron, who had just put on some clothes in a hurry, didn't even put on his pants.

The other was Max, her best friend whom she had spent time with day and night and depended on each other for life. Max was covering her beautiful figure with a quilt. Even if Caroline didn't see it, she knew she must be wearing nothing under the quilt.

She felt betrayed, double betrayed.

"Join you $\u0026amp;amp;^**%!" Caroline uttered a string of curse words at a rap speed and slammed the door.

"Hey, what are you waiting for? Why don't you chase him out quickly?" A beautiful leg stretched out from under the quilt and kicked Ron.

Ron scratched his head: "What should you do?"

"Of course I'm going to run away with your garbage house. Let's make a deal first. If you can't handle Caroline, I will definitely break up with you. This garbage house belongs to me."

"Wait a minute! Let me see you off!" Ron chased him out of the garbage room.

"Send me off? Why don't you stay with you in the house..." Caroline originally wanted to curse, but she couldn't curse Max.

Because Max and Ron were the only two people who helped her after she was in trouble: "No, no, no, no need."

"Then at least bring my scarf, it's still cold outside."

"No, I don't want it!" Caroline continued to reject Ron's kindness with a cold face, but maybe Ron used too much force, and Calorie's foot slipped and fell directly to the ground.

Fortunately, someone just thought it was a real trash can and threw the trash next to the box, preventing Caroline's beautiful face from kissing the hard cement floor directly.

But unfortunately, she also fell on the garbage pile.

"Are you okay? Let me help you up?"

Ron was very skilled, but was immediately rejected by Caroline: "No! Ron! I will not accept Max as a mistress!

what are you thinking? He actually stepped on two boats at the same time, and the other one was actually Max? ! I thought that after I broke up with you in high school, you would be more dedicated now, or even if you go out to play, just don’t let me know, but I didn’t expect that you are still like this! "

Caroline sat on the trash heap, slapping trash bags and growling.

"Uh... It was Paris Hilton who took the initiative to seduce me that time in high school, and this time, it was Max who came before you. Do you remember the night when you were living on the street?

In fact, before I went to pick you up again, Max and I had just made out once in a restaurant and at her home. "

"Does that mean I'm a mistress?! I, Caroline, will never be a mistress! Even if I'm lying in the trash now, I'm not a bad woman!"

Caroline's funny look made Ron just want to laugh, but he still held it back and stretched out his hand to pull Calorie up. This time she didn't refuse.

"Caroline, listen, things are not always as obvious as they appear. Just because there is garbage outside, doesn't mean it can't be a home inside.

Just because I had sex with you doesn't mean that I can't have sex with others. Life is very complicated. "The more Ron said, the more he felt like a scumbag.

Well, like this word is redundant, he is a scumbag.

"All your arguments should at least be based on the premise that I think this garbage house is very good, but unfortunately I don't think so. Good night." After speaking, Caroline picked up her bag from the garbage heap and turned around to leave.


"Ron, you don't have to beg me!"

"I just……"

"Maybe we are destined to be destined in the next life!"

"I want to tell you..."

"Look Ron, you can't abandon Max for me, so I've decided to quit."

"No," he was interrupted by Caroline twice. Ron's tone was a little anxious: "It's just..."

"Really, you don't need to say anything more!"

"I need it!" Ron took advantage of the moment Carolyn finished speaking and said, "You have a diaper on your back."

Maybe the person who threw the garbage didn't seal the bag properly. When Talorin fell on the garbage pile, there happened to be a baby's diaper stuck to his back. Ron could clearly see that there was a large pool of unknown yellow substance on it.

"Uh... I feel it, too." The atmosphere was a bit awkward, and Caroline quickly turned around and fled the embarrassing scene. As she walked, she kept shaking her shoulders in an attempt to shake off the diaper.

"Ron, how is Caroline?" Max's voice came from the garbage room.

"She's gone and going home I guess, so can we do it again?" Ron replied nonchalantly.

"Don't even think about it, I'm going home now, we need to talk!" Max got dressed and walked out of the garbage room: "Goodbye, Ron."

In Sheldon's apartment, after Howard and Leonard left on dates one after another, Sheldon and Rajesh were the only two people left in the apartment.

"Sheldon, what are you doing?" Rajesh asked curiously, looking at Sheldon who was writing and drawing on the paper.

"I'm thinking about how to add a new chess piece to the three-player chess. What do you think about calling her Prince Ron? She is the mentally retarded but kind-hearted brother of the smart king."

Sheldon replied without looking up.

"I think you're making a reference to Ron."

"Really? You also think Ron is mentally retarded, right? He still doesn't even know what string theory is. I've never seen anyone more idiotic than him in school."

Sheldon nodded in agreement, and Rajesh quickly waved his hand.

"No! I didn't! I'm not! Don't talk nonsense, you just said it, I didn't say anything!"

Just at this time, the door of the apartment was opened, and Ron walked in: "Sorry, I really know string theory. Isn't it that subatomic particles are not the smallest points? They are strings similar to rubber bands, and The only difference between the types of particles is the frequency at which the string vibrates, and again, even though I'm not a physics major, my education puts me in a good position to answer this question."

"Ron, you're back?!"

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