In Kentucky, United Distillery is a large distillery that mainly produces whiskey. The whiskey it produces has consistently ranked among the top three in sales throughout the American continent, second only to Jack Daniel's and Ballantine's.

The United Winery is not only the largest winery in the area, but also has become a famous local tourist attraction because of its beautiful western scenery. The three Rons got in as tourists with the tour group.

“Almost heaven, West Virginia

Blue Ridge Mountain, Shenandoah River

Life is old there, Older than the trees


However, if there were no mosquitoes singing around, the scenery here would probably be more beautiful. Ron looked at Merlin helplessly: "I said, even if you want to sing, can you change the song? You can sing this song. All the way."

"I'm sorry, it's my first time coming to the United States. Every time I think of the American scenery, the melody of this song has been lingering in my mind. Now that I'm in the real America, I can't help but express my feelings." Mason said somewhat Said sheepishly.

"Please," Ron rolled his eyes: "You were singing about Virginia, but we are in Kentucky now."

Merlin touched his smooth head in embarrassment: "Yes, Kentucky, what song should we drink in Kentucky?"

Frankly speaking, Ron was asked, and he couldn't think of what song he should sing in Kentucky. But judging from Merlin's hair style, the most suitable song for him would be "Slippery Egg" from "Light Music Girl", but Ron En believed that he couldn't sing, so he could only change the topic to food: "In Kentucky, we never sing. We only have plain chicken thumbs and Colonel's chicken nuggets. Do you want one?"

"Come on! Look what I found!" Eggsy suddenly shouted behind him. Ron looked around and saw him standing at the door of the whiskey warehouse, beckoning them over with excitement.

"If your answer is that you found out where they hide their old whiskey, I'm going to slap your head in the gut, kid."

Ron is habitually discriminatory towards such a pair. He prefers Merlin, who looks calmer and is a technician. This may be due to the fact that he and Toretto share the same hairstyle, but not Eggsy. Too many good looks.

"No, there is a biosecurity scanner here." Eggsy excitedly put his watch next to the scanner, while Merlin controlled the tablet and began to crack the program in the security scanner: "You can use this for several barrels of whiskey." Looking at something? It’s simply an insult to my intelligence.”

"Then you must not know how much Americans love wine. In my hometown in Texas, some people even buy insurance for their own wine cellars..."

The person Ron was talking about was, of course, his father George Sr. After becoming a college football coach and getting rich, George Sr. no longer looked down on those cheap Lone Star beers and began to switch his drinks to whiskey. And his favorite Lone Star beer was now like water to her.

Of course, for the sake of health, Mary would give him a daily limit.

"Click." The door lock opened under Merlin's operation, revealing the wine cellar where high-grade whiskey was stored. As soon as the three people entered, the door automatically closed behind it.

"This looks like an ordinary wine cellar. Did you find anything?"

"There's quite a bit of wine, but it's a pity it's not Scotch whiskey." Eggsy replied casually, reaching out her hand in front of her and walking forward slowly. The watch she was using was a special agent prop, similar to the tablet on Merlin's hand. It was connected and had the function of radar, which made Ron feel envious.

Ron silently decided in his heart that when this cooperation mission was completed, he would ask Howard and the others to help him develop one.

"Wait!" Merlin suddenly stopped Eggsy's progress: "The radar shows that there is a huge building directly below us. If I guessed correctly, its entrance should be here."

Merlin took the ax placed beside the wine barrel and struck it hard.

"Sigh..." A large amount of wine squirted out from Merlin's mouth, otherwise it would have been opened.

"What the hell are you doing? Isn't this too wasteful?" Ron quickly took a handful and poured it into his mouth: "It tastes great. Cowboy over there, can you get me a cup?" "

"What?!" The two ace agents noticed that a cowboy walked out of the shadows.

"My mother told me when I was young that we southerners learned our etiquette from the British. Now it seems that you have forgotten all the etiquette." The cowboy, wearing a wide-brimmed hat and carrying a shotgun, walked up to them in a swagger: "Don't you know you have to knock first before entering?"

"Sorry, please don't confuse me with these two British guys. I just saw two sneaky, British enthusiasts from Texas who got into the wine cellar. We are our own people, man," Ron said politely Like a cowboy stretching out his hand: "Hello, my name is Gin, what's your code name?"

Unexpectedly, the cowboy not only did not relax his vigilance after hearing this, but slapped Ron's good hand away, clicked the gun bolt, and pointed the gun at him vigilantly:

"Impossible! Gin is currently on a mission with Vodka in Japan! There is absolutely no way you are Gin! Who are you?! How do you know about us?"

This time Ron was confused. She just made a casual joke, but she didn't expect that there was actually Gin in Kingsman.

No way? No way? Emotional Ace Agent is the famous Men in Black organization? Isn't this too funny? Ron didn't know where to start complaining for a moment?

By the way, what did he just say? Gin and vodka on a mission in Japan? You can't be fighting with a Death God elementary school student, right? Then they are finished, this organization is full of undercover agents.

"Relax, little cowboy, my information was told to me by these two British gentlemen." Although the cowboy's shotgun posed little threat to Ron, Ron still decisively betrayed his teammates: "These two British gentlemen took off their clothes. I Find an organization called the Winery with them, he said they are related to you, where did you come from?"

"Perhaps you have heard of the Royal Gentleman's Tailor Shop in London." Merlin quickly replied.

"Oh, Royal Gentleman Tailor Shop. I guess that's where you got your outfit, right? It looks good." The cowboy's eyes became sharp:

"Look, am I right? You want to tell me that this is no big deal, it's just a tailor who hacked into our security system? Right? And he also used a small watch!"

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