When Lin Bei heard the other end of the phone, Yang Mi responded directly, and handed the phone back to Reba without too much entanglement.

He wiped away her tears and said, ” Okay, little fool. ”

” Don’t cry, what do you want to do in the future, I will support you, don’t worry about anything. ”

As soon as Reba answered the phone, she was so moved that she suppressed her emotions, not letting the tears continue to flow down.

As a result, Lin Bei gave her such promise and comfort again.

Reba broke her defenses mentally.

Wow and cried straight out.

He threw himself into Lin Bei’s arms.

” Whoa ~ Why are you being so nice to me! We’ve only known each other for such a short time …”

Lin Bei couldn’t help laughing when he heard this.

Holding Reba in his arms, he touched her back and comforted her: ” No matter how short you are, you are still my wife . Besides, we are always together,

together , isn’t that enough? ”

” Wow ~ I hate you! You must make people cry! ”

If you think about it, it is indeed true . Traveling is the most direct practical activity that can test whether the other party is reliable and whether you are the same person as yourself.

What’s more, it’s still such a caravan trip. If you are not careful in your three views, temper, and living habits, you will have to go off and go your separate ways.

But along the way, they never had conflicts in these aspects, and instead they lived more and more freely.

Along the way, they have experienced many trials , big and small .

Every time they choose to be each other’s backing without hesitation, firmly support each other.

Is this the legendary couple in need, a friend in need? !

it is really too difficult to be willing to pay so much for the other party!

At this moment, the relationship between the two is invisible, and it has become stronger and deeper.

On the other hand, Yang Mi, who was still hanging on the phone as a light bulb, coughed twice in embarrassment.

” Ahem! ”

This is really, I finally understand why the two of them were crushed by the whole network!

So sweet! Sweet! It’s annoying!

It’s really love-hate!

What I love is their sweet and pure sincerity, and what I hate is my f—ing lack of it! !

On the other end of the phone, Reba suddenly heard Yang Mi’s cough.

Suddenly remembered that she was still waiting on the phone!

” Huh?! Oh! You will wait ~”

” Hey! Sister Mi ~ I’m sorry ~”

Hearing Reba’s soft and aggrieved voice, Yang Mi smiled helplessly and said, ” Okay! I know what’s going on with you two, let’s stay together. ”

” Remember to do what needs to be done. Leave the rest to the company. ”

” Yeah! I got it, I love you ~ Sister Mi! ”

Yang Mi’s words warmed Reba’s heart.

always taken care of her like a big sister and led her to work.

She did have a lot of bad things about this matter, but Yang Mi was still on her side, which really made her feel like the happiest person in the world!

Everyone around is so kind to her ~

” Hee hee ~”

After hanging up the phone, Reba looked at Lin Bei and giggled.

There are still tears on the long eyelashes, and the eyes and nose are still red.

It looks like a china doll.

Lin Bei was a little puzzled and asked: ” What’s the situation? Didn’t she come to fire you and fine you? Are you still so happy? ”

Reba chuckled and said, ” Haha ~ Sister Mi doesn’t have one. ”

” She was training me just now. She was reckless, bold and didn’t ask others to discuss things. In fact, I also understand that she has suffered a lot because she has suffered a lot. She doesn’t want me to get hurt, or even ruin her own future. ” I also said that if I was not lucky, if I met someone else, I might not have any bones left from being eaten by others, and I would help others.”

Count the money …”

” But how can I be so stupid! Hmph ~” Reba was a little bit unconvinced while talking ~

But Lin Bei didn’t burst into laughter and shook his head helplessly.

Heroes see the same thing. This is all true.

Seeing Lin Bei’s sneer at Lin Bei, Reba knew that he must also think he was stupid! The unconvinced little mouth pouted and said: ” Hmph ~ I’ll ignore you. ”

” Hurry up and post an official announcement ~ I’m going to post a post too. Both Yangshi and the company need this. ” ” Hey ~ But I can finally post the photos I took along the way ~ I’m happy! ”

Finally, they can fall in love freely and get the blessings of the important people around them. Both of them feel very relaxed and happy.

And some people are happy and some are worried.

the fact that Ai Reba and Lin Beiai are dying .

There are also two Yuji who have been hit hard and are in pain.

At this time .

on the highway.

In that dilapidated little car, there was only a slightly fat man who was crying bitterly.

” Ahh! I’m R Nima ! This dog R ! ”

” Thinking to take it all behind my back! Go blackmail ! Steal chickens and lose money! ”

” There was still one hundred thousand yuan left over to the company! Now it’s over! I paid the money and drank the evening primrose! I didn’t take my fart! ”

” Go to hell! Let’s see how you go back! In the future, you will be directly blocked in this industry, and you will be looked down upon even if you are so skinny! Ahh ~ My hundred thousand! Nima ! I will continue to be a bachelor again! ” The fat man was in great pain because he was killed by his pig teammate, lost his wife and lost his army.

And outside the Miao Village.

standing in the parking lot learned that he was not only fired from the company and blocked by the industry , but also that the car and luggage that went back were all driven away by the fat man. People have gone crazy.

” Lin Bei! Di Lieba! I can’t get better! You can’t get better either! ”

” I don’t believe Yangshi will let you come out to embarrass yourself! I don’t believe that netizens will continue to like you! I don’t believe that you can continue to be top-notch! Anyway, my life is worthless! It’s worth it! Let’s die together! Haha

ha! ”

The lean man stood in the parking lot and roared to the sky! People around pretended to be terrified and avoided him. And when an hour later.

When the lean man saw it on the Internet.

Lin Bei and Reba issued an official announcement.

Yang Mi’s studio and celebrity friends in the YangTV circle sent messages of congratulations.

Netizens also gradually got sugar from the two, and the wind of support began to grow stronger, and when the popularity of the two became higher and higher.

The lean man just started his real madness and collapse!

The RV continued to drive on the road between poetry and the distance. There was still singing and laughter in the car.

The two of them and the dog headed towards their next destination, Mount Fanjing, even more happily . ” You are the most beautiful cloud that day ~” ” Let my heart keep you! ” ” Stay! ”

” Haha ~ You see that Sugarcane can dance, and he will definitely be the most beautiful dog on the street in the future ~” Lin Bei looked at the tortured Sugarcane speechlessly , and said distressedly: ” Gangcane, if you need the law aid


Blink please . ”

Sugarcane: ” Wow! ” Wink wink! ” Haha ~ I hate it! ”

” Mom will take you to the city of the sky soon ~ How can you betray mother ~” Reba hugged the little sugar cane and licked . The top of the head is almost bald. Suddenly remembered something.

Facing Lin Bei, he asked, ” Hey , isn’t the place we ‘re going to be a mountain? Why is there a city in the sky?”

ah? Are there cities on hills ? ” Lin Bei shook his head and smiled when he heard the words.

” No ~ Mount Fanjing is a world cultural and natural heritage. It has a history of more than two thousand years. ”

” It is called the City of the Sky because on the Jinding Mountain, which stands alone on the top of the Qingshan Mountain, there is a tower built in the Ming Dynasty.

The Maitreya Hall and the Sakyamuni Buddha Hall. ”

” The top of the mountain is just big enough to accommodate two temples, and it is surrounded by a vertical abyss. Climbing to the top of the mountain requires hands and feet, and the scenery is very magnificent. ”

” In addition, there are two precarious weathered mushroom stones intertwined with each other for hundreds of millions of years on the mountain. Those two stones are the business card of Mount Fanjing. Moreover, the entire reserve is called the gene pool of animals and plants in the world. There are There are many rare and endangered animals and plants. Therefore, Fanjing Mountain is also a place that you must not miss when traveling in Guizhou. ” ” Wow! This sounds amazing! I’m already looking forward to it! ”

” Chong Duck ~”

Chapter 112 Why didn’t Reba sing cross-legged today?

the mountains , the luxury car is moving along the road smoothly. On both sides of the secluded mountain road, some leisurely farmhouses pass by from time to time. Reba, who was snoozing warmly with sugar cane in the car, was awakened by Lin Bei’s phone ringing suddenly.

” Um … phone? ”

Reba rubbed her eyes and looked at Lin Bei, asking if he would like to help pick it up. Lin Bei smiled and said, ” I’ll take it, seeing how confused you are ~”

I saw that it was Douyin’s official phone number , but I didn’t know why I was calling.

Open the handsfree and pick it up.

After greetings.

The other person hurriedly smiled politely: ” Mr. Lin ~ I’m very sorry that the system crashed this morning and affected your live broadcast! Now we have repaired everything! ”

” Now you can resume normal live broadcast work. In order to make up for the loss caused to you, the platform will continue to recommend and attract traffic for you! ”

” Okay, I see. ”

The other party’s polite and sweet voice, the feeling of excitement and flattery can hardly be suppressed.

One guess is Lin Bei’s little fan girl.

Lin Bei turned a blind eye to this and ignored it. He simply turned on the live broadcast after answering the call.

Unexpectedly, I saw Reba imitating other people’s voice and tone, making a flattering expression on the side, deliberately yin and yang aba aba ~ ” Mr. Lin ~ I am very sorry ~”

Lin Bei laughed speechlessly when he saw this, the girl’s vinegar was definitely packed in a plastic bag, and she would have to gulp down the vinegar with just a poke. ” Cough ~ Do n’t move, I’ll start a live broadcast right away, so the audience can see how frustrated you are ~”

With that said, Lin Bei clicked on the live broadcast. Seeing this, Reba immediately got angry and restrained herself.

But I also knew in my heart the amazing popularity of Lin Bei’s live broadcast room, and thought that now I can no longer cover my face for

whatever you want.

What’s more, there is real-time supervision from my parents! In an instant, a mouthful of old blood was held in his heart.

Immediately, take a deep breath, smile, and look straight ahead. Mind silently: others are angry with me, I am not angry. When he gets sick from anger, he is proud! What do you think and regret all of a sudden, what benefits do you think of making it public? ! I have to carry it again! You have to be stared at by your parents !

Look at this posture, you have to teach me to be gentle, courteous and thrifty at every turn!

ah! I regret!

Reba instantly felt that she had made the biggest wrong decision in her life, she was so sad that she had to force an expression on her face that was uglier than crying.

” Hehe! ”

Lin Bei found it rare that Reba didn’t make trouble with him at such a time, so quiet?

Glancing at her expression and posture , she knew it instantly.

I almost laughed out loud.

And the fans who had been calling and scolding Douyin all morning in the live broadcast room rushed in after seeing Lin Bei’s broadcast.

The popularity broke through one million in ten seconds !

The speed is comparable to a jumping machine.

together saw Reba wryly smiling and Lin Bei holding back a smile.

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