I was worried about whether Lin Bei would be able to adapt to the first dive .

Then I tidied up and asked him if there was any problem with his ears and breathing.

Lin Bei made an OK gesture .

The two continued to dive hand in hand.

When the two dived to the bottom of the sea and saw more abundant creatures on the bottom of the sea , they were even more impressed by the value of this trip.

The entire seabed is as colorful as a garden , covered with all kinds of corals.

with the waves of the sea .

All kinds of miniature fish and resident organisms shuttle and hide among the corals.

Reba and Lin Bei reached out and touched the fresh coral at the same time.

The light and smooth texture like silk immediately surprised the two of them.

They looked at each other happily .

Continue to gently caress these creatures that are almost extinct in the offshore.

Coral is an important ecosystem on the earth . It is not only beautiful, but also can absorb carbon dioxide, reduce the greenhouse effect, and raise a quarter of the species in the ocean, including more than 4,000 kinds of fish.

But as modern pollution and the greenhouse effect intensify, nearly a quarter of the world’s corals have disappeared and bleaching has begun.

Therefore, they can see such perfect and rich corals, and the two cherish this opportunity even more.

Carefully tease the swaying, shrinking corals and colorful fish.

And just when the two were immersed in it .

Lin Bei suddenly felt as if something was approaching behind him.

sea fluctuations is higher than before.

And the fish around the two seemed to sense the approaching danger in an instant.

All of a sudden they scattered, some hid in the coral reef , and some swam away quickly.

Both of them sensed that something was wrong.

And when Reba turned her head to look behind Lin Bei.

For a moment , the whole person froze, and his breathing stopped.

” Mmmmmm!!! ”

Then he waved his hand desperately and panicked , pointing at Lin Bei’s back!

?;!”‘!’,.,,’.'”.:;..’.,!’ Lin Beizheng looked back to see what was going on.

Reba has been anxiously pulling Lin Bei directly to float up!

But Lin Bei pulled him back calmly.

The reason why it cannot be pulled up quickly.

It was because the two had dived to a depth of about twenty meters.

If you surface directly in one breath without a decompression stop, you will definitely get decompression sickness.

Maybe the danger behind them didn’t make them hang up, and when they surfaced, they suffered from internal injuries and hemiplegia.

Moreover, marine animals generally rarely attack people actively, and if they really want to attack.

At the speed of humans , the two may be eaten before they can get out.

And the fans in the live broadcast room had the same line of sight as Lin Bei, and they didn’t know what danger was coming behind them.

I just saw that Reba was very frightened and flustered.

Suddenly a huge burst of energy burst out, pulling Lin Bei to escape, and he was frightened.

” Fuck! What’s wrong! ”

” Didn’t it be fine just now? What’s wrong! ”

Just when Reba panicked, Lin Bei was looking behind her.

A huge figure one to two or three meters long has already surrounded the two of them!

When the netizens in the live broadcast room saw clearly what kind of creatures surrounded the two of them.

Almost fainted directly.

Chapter 5 He wants to feed the shark with his arm?

” It’s a shark!!! ”

” Damn!! Sharks!!! ”

” A lot! What to do! ”

Seven or eight sharks with streamlined bodies and pointed heads were constantly hovering around the two of them, wandering back and forth vigorously and leisurely.

Although there is no intention to attack people yet.

But the strong sense of oppression and life-threatening made the fans in front of the screen feel breathless.

Reba held Lin Bei’s hand tightly with one hand, and tightly held Lin Bei’s arm with the other.

The whole person froze with fright, and leaned against him.

Even breathing flustered.

The bubbles exhaled before biting the mouth, gurgling without rhythm.

Lin Bei’s heart tightened when he saw this.

But the professional sub-knowledge in his mind told him that sharks generally don’t attack people.

Just wait quietly for them to swim away, as disturbances can easily arouse their desire to hunt and treat people as prey.

So at the moment.

I can only keep calm and adapt to the situation.

Lin Beili shook Reba’s hand back, protecting her body with one hand, making her feel a little more secure.

The two of them just looked at the shark in front of them quietly.

There seemed to be no intention of leaving.

Just when the two of them held their breath and watched the changes .


A small shark swam up to the shark, and even rushed straight at the two of them.

” Mmm!!! ”

Terrified, Reba hugged Lin Bei’s arm, turned sideways, and closed her eyes tightly.

And Lin Bei held Reba with one hand and shielded his body with the other, ready to use his legs to dodge at any time.

live broadcast room has soared to nearly 100,000.

But the entire live broadcast room seemed to be stuck, there was not a single barrage, it was completely still!

Just when Lin Bei was staring at the charging shark, Zhun took Reba to dodge to avoid the attack.

I saw that the shark rushing over just wiped Lin Bei’s hand in front of him.

After swimming behind him, he turned again.

Swimming back again, he wiped Lin Bei’s arm and swam up to it.

It didn’t seem like he opened his mouth to bite.

On the contrary, it’s more like playing and acting like a baby !

When Lin Bei looked at the little shark that didn’t attack him, he suddenly realized that it might be the little shark he rescued yesterday, and he was on the verge of observing and judging.


The other sharks also began to imitate the little shark, swimming slowly around the two closer together.

That far exceeds the length of a human arm span.

a strong fish body that is difficult for one person to hug .

It directly made Reba almost go crazy.

Lin Bei felt that Reba’s hand holding his arm tightened and loosened.

It doesn’t seem very good .

He glanced at her blurred eyes and shook her hand firmly.

Only then was he sober again, and nodded to Lin Bei, indicating that he was fine.

At this time, Lin Bei saw that the shark had no intention of providing for the two of them, and was worried about Reba’s body.

Then he tried to slowly float up with Reba.

And this move, although it did not cause the sharks to attack.

But he didn’t get rid of them .

A shark still kept circling and swimming around the two of them.

live broadcast room at this moment.

There are not only netizens from all over the country but also from all over the world.

Even sea rescue teams and marine animal experts were alarmed.

Watching Lin Bei slowly float up with Reba , surrounded by sharks.

He couldn’t help at the moment , so he could only hold his breath and wait for the two to make the right move.

” Huh ~ Yes! That’s it, take your time, don’t worry! ”

” Very good, don’t be afraid, don’t float anymore! The shark has no intention of attacking, just slow down! ”

An expert netizen is anxious on the Internet.

Lin Bei took Reba up for nearly seven or eight meters, and seeing that the shark was still relatively gentle, he slowed down.

Reduce the pressure , otherwise the two of them will definitely not be able to stand it.

Just then.

The little shark rubbed against Lin Bei again.

It seemed to feel the worry and fear of the two of them .

So it has been swimming around the two of them as close as possible, rubbing against Lin Bei from time to time, showing its kindness to him, and trying to keep other sharks away.

Lin Bei is now basically sure that this little shark is the one he rescued yesterday .

Because he still has deep and obvious fishing line wounds on his fins.

also traces of inflammation and decay at the corners of the mouth that have been hooked by fishhooks for a long time.

Eyeing the other sharks.

Lin Bei found that some sharks held long fishing lines in their mouths.

Some of the sharks were also like the little sharks yesterday, with the fishing line on the fins strangling into the flesh.

At this moment, he suddenly understood.

Why did they come to him.

Lin Bei slowly raised his hand and reached for the little shark in front of him.

This move directly stunned Reba and the netizens on the whole network.

” Mmmmmm!! ”

Rebali pulled Lin Bei’s arm in his arms.

Don’t know what he’s going to do, but she’s sure it’s very dangerous!

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