"What happened to the army of half a million? They are all put together by various departments, and they look like they are very different! Our 200,000-strong army, with high morale, will surely prevail! I, Zhu Gaojie, am willing to be a pioneer! "

"Zhu Yunxi please fight!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was greatly relieved to see his two grandsons so strong.

The generals saw that the two imperial grandsons were so tough, and they also expressed their willingness to fight.

"Since everyone thinks it's combatable!" Zhu Ying said in a deep voice, "I have a set of combat methods. "

All eyes fell on him.

Zhu Ying's set of tactics was actually learned by reading history books in his previous life.

This was still the common combat method used by the later Yongle Emperor, but at this time, Zhu Di had not yet comprehended it.

Zhu Ying's gaze swept and began to introduce:

"This set of tactics is called to kill you as a three-board tiger!"

"The enemy's 500,000-strong army this time must be coming face to face with us, so my opportunity will come." When they rushed towards us, we were the first to dispatch the Shenji Battalion, and this time we brought the latest artillery and muskets to fire a volley at them, which was the first axe. "

"A thousand guns and tens of thousands of muskets fired in a volley, that power is enough for them to drink a pot." It must be that the people turned on their backs and the attack formation was chaotic. "

"After the design of the Shenji Battalion, quickly retreated to the two wings, and our cavalry rushed out at this time!" Take advantage of their chaos and ask for their lives! This is the second board tiger. "

"The cavalry rushed over, leave the back alone, our infantry followed behind the cavalry and rushed up to reap! This is the third board tiger. "

"These three board tigers go down, if you don't say all victories, the other party will definitely be out of order."

The generals listened, and their eyes shone.

Zhu Yuanzhang praised even more: "Yes, you don't have a chance to let them breathe." Just do it! "

Zhu Di hammered the final word; "Then choose Hulanwen, this place is easy to unfold."

Next, they worked out the details.

On the same day, the army marched forward.


On this day, Hulanwen.

The two armies were so opposed.

The sound of war drums was deafening, 500,000 grassland warriors were ready to go, and the 200,000-strong army of Daming in the distance had also arrived on the battlefield. The atmosphere between the two armies was tense, and there were generals shouting impassioned to boost morale. Whether it is the warriors of the grassland or the generals of the Ming Dynasty, they have prepared the best weapons, the strongest war horses, and fought bravely for victory.

After the majestic drumbeat, the steppe army took the lead in attacking.

The army of 500,000 people, divided into three roads, left, center, and right, marched in unison.

A surging breath rose up, and the fiery heat wave was accompanied by a roar and the sound of metal clashing. Five hundred thousand iron-armored soldiers roared and rushed towards the Ming army camp.

Suddenly, there was a deafening loud noise, which shook the entire battlefield. Then, after a quarter of an hour of a burning cracking sound in the sky, it was as if thousands of fires burned in an instant, and thousands of streams of fire streaked across the sky, instantly exploding in the grassland charging formation.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The explosion sounded continuously, and in an instant, the steppe cavalry people turned on their backs.

As rounds of shells fell, the charge formation was already in chaos.

However, at this time, they can only continue to charge.

The cavalry at the front, again touched the musket volley, and pieces fell.

After firing a salvo from the Damingshen battalion, it quickly retreated to the two wings.


Zhu Di pulled out his long sword and roared: "The sun and the moon, the mountains and rivers are forever, and the Daming rivers and rivers are forever.~!" "

Zhu Gaojie held a two-meter-long chopping knife and rushed out first: "Brothers, kill with me!" "

Zhu Yunxi rushed out carrying the military flag and roared: "Follow the military flag closely, hold the spear tightly, wield the sword, and swear to death!" "

100,000 cavalry rushed out like a tide!

The battle begins! The cavalry of both sides quickly collided together, the smoke of the charge filled the entire earth, and sparks burst into the clanging sound of weapons. Narrow roads meet, kill each other, and fight bravely.

A majestic trumpet sounded, and after the cavalry charged, a hundred thousand infantry also rushed forward.

Suddenly, a fierce wind rolled up on the grassland, and the sky became gloomy in an instant, and the arrows flying by were like crows crossing the sky.

On the battlefield, the killing sound is heaven-shaking.

Zhu Yuanzhang pulled out his knife and was about to rush, but was stopped by Zhu Ying: "Old Zhu Tou, don't go up." "

"If you go to the battlefield in person, how can you not go into battle and kill the enemy? Stop us, let's turn our faces with you. Zhu Yuanzhang shouted angrily.

He galloped out and brandished the knife in his hand.

Zhu Ying had no choice but to follow behind him.

In the blink of an eye, they rushed into the battlefield.

"Drive~" Zhu Yuanzhang roared, using the momentum of the war horse to slash sideways.


A Yuan army head flew up, and blood mist sprayed. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Yingfu.

This old man is really fierce, worthy of being an old pawn.


Two hours of fierce battle.

The steppe departments really did not unite and began to retreat, fearing the loss of their tribe.

Retreat in all directions.

"Keep an eye on the Varabu!" Zhu Di roared.

Therefore, Zhu Yunxi's military flag followed closely behind the Wallabu department.

The Ming army chased all the way.

The Varabu fled north in a hurry, and this chase was seven days and seven nights.

When he arrived at a river, Zhu Yuanzhang finally couldn't bear it, so he dismounted and ran to the river to drink.

Zhu Ying sat on the ground with his butt and gasped: "Old Zhu Tou, I am convinced, you are really old and strong." "

After Zhu Yuanzhang washed his face with cold water, he laughed loudly: "Hahaha, what is this?" When Lao Tzu was at war, he often did not rest for several days and nights. "


A huge figure fell directly into the river, like a bomb exploding, splashing everywhere.

It was Zhu Gaozhi, who was covered in blood, and at this moment, he looked like a demon Venerable.

"Old Zhu Tou, how much did you cut?" Zhu Gaojie shouted at Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Seventeen or eighteen." Zhu Yuanzhang wiped his face.

"Gee, no, you're old!" Zhu Gaojie spread his hands, "'I am several times you. "

"When we were as young as you..." Zhu Yuanzhang was about to brag.

"Still asking for food?" Zhu Gaochi blurted out.

Zhu Yuanzhang was speechless, he was really asking for food at that moment.

At this time, Zhu Di also came up and ordered the whole army to camp on the spot.

The camp was set up, and it was already nightfall.

The steppe is dark and boundless. All things are no longer prosperous, and all beings are no longer in the hurry of day. Only solitude and silence, blue and black, remained.

The wind, cold and merciless, sometimes howling, sometimes whispering. The "whoosh" blows away, blowing away the hope of the nocturnals. Blowing the grass piece by piece, stretching forward, I don't know where to end. Deep darkness came, and the multicolored dome of the sky was replaced, replaced by the quiet night.

Stars, showing off their splendor. Different constellations, shining with different colors and lights, shimmer silently in the sky, like dreamy gems, beautiful and serene.

The grassland, no barrier of the city, no hustle and bustle of the city, only tall grass, low wind and countless jumping creatures.

As night slowly falls, this vast grassland becomes even more eerie and mysterious. The small voice pierced through the air, as if a monotonous and powerful whisper, making people uneasy and worried. In the hazy atmosphere, wild beasts appear from time to time on the steppe, they leap lightly and quickly burrow into the grass, using a flexible way to avoid the huge hunters from the sky, the birds of prey walking in the night sky.

In the darkness of the steppe, the distant hills, the flow of the river, seemed to say something. Perhaps, who is it, silently whispering in the night.

The Chinese army is a big accountant.

Zhu Di summoned the generals to a meeting.

Zhu Ying led Zhu Yuanzhang to the door of the big tent, turned to Zhu Yuanzhang and said, "Old Zhu Tou, don't go in, it's all the generals of Daming." "

Zhu Yuanzhang pouted: "If you don't enter, you won't enter!" "

At this time, Lan Yu walked over, greeted Zhu Ying, and nodded respectfully towards Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Why didn't he go in?" Lan Yu pointed at Zhu Yuanzhang and asked Zhu Ying.

"Old Zhu Tou is my horseman, not qualified." Zhu Ying waved.

Blue Jade covered her face.

You treat the emperor as a horseman now, and you will recognize each other in the future, I will see what you do.

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