Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1457 A troublesome thing

Death and Volusk moved toward their next target.

This is probably not something worthy of extra attention. After all, no farmer would sow just one seed.

No matter what mentality Death has in sowing seeds, he will sow more seeds to ensure that his goal can be successfully achieved.

As for Warusk, he just watched death do all this.

He is just a weapon now, and the reason why he stays by Death's side is just because Bulcasso needs him to temporarily protect him from the hands of the Archangel and the Demon God.

Volusk is not unwilling to admit that he has some friendship with death, but this friendship is not enough for Volusk to do anything harmful to the Nephalem.

This guy Volusk is stubborn to the point of being stubborn in his stance.

Of course, this should be considered a good thing.

Volusk will not put too much energy into what Death is planning, unless Volusk discovers some clues that are very detrimental to the Nephalem.

Warusk was treating everything that was happening calmly, and was also looking forward to what the results of Bulkesso's actions would be.

As for the questions asked about Bulcaisu before his death, Warusk did not take it to heart.

This is not a question that needs to be explored, because no matter what kind of existence Bulcaisuo is, it will not have any impact on the world.

And the Nephalem also have Li Min, although Li Min has as many mysteries as Bulkatho.

Not everyone likes to explore mysteries, at least not Warusk.

What he wants to see more is that everything is thriving, and then he can spend every day doing nothing.

Instead of being like this now, every day I have to think about how the Nephalem's tomorrow will come.

No one likes to spend every breath of hard work, and exhaustion and fulfillment cannot always be equated.

Death now seems to have more things to do besides its own responsibilities.

Warusk was happy for his friend.

It's just that he has to ensure that his friends don't have any unrealistic ideas.

Warusk had fought with his friends in the past, and he did not hope that such a thing would happen again.

Although Bulcaisel didn't tell him anything like "staring at death", Volusk himself would still do it.

The nephalem are very willing to stand on the side of humans, but that does not mean that the nephalem are kind and will not have any doubts.

If the Nephalem were truly kind to that extent, then Malthael would never regard the Nephalem as a continuation of the devil.

Volusk is still aware of the dirty behavior among the Nephalem.

The Nephalem themselves do not deny the possibility of being corrupted and becoming demons. Naturally, the Nephalem cannot be purely good beings.

Death actually knew this very well, but they all tacitly agreed not to put this issue on the table for discussion.

As long as everyone is well aware of each other, they are also wary of each other when they doubt each other. This is not a bad thing.

No one can rely on self-discipline for everything. The existence of some heteronomy of mutual supervision will help make everything better.

“The number of your apostles and agents will increase as you sow.

Have you ever considered how you should handle it? "

Warusk suddenly asked.

"Everything will naturally be answered by then. Aren't there still many rings that I scattered at the beginning that have not yet found their owners?

The power of those rings has not been taken seriously until now, which makes me feel a little surprised. "

Death said it casually, somewhat casually.

The Lantern Ring. So far, the Lantern Ring, which only has will and hope, has taken the prototype of a legion.

And the people who use these two kinds of light rings are far from having strong combat effectiveness.

This situation is also very unexpected for death.

After all, in her opinion, the power of the light ring can actually be considered powerful.

Although it is difficult to be a member of the top, it is definitely more than what those guys from S.H.I.E.L.D. appear.

For a moment, Death didn't know what words to use to describe those guys from S.H.I.E.L.D. who used the power of the light ring.

Maybe the Corps of the Ring shouldn't have humans as its core members in the first place?

After all, the universe is vast, and if the strong ones in the universe can master the power of the lantern ring, more strong ones who can influence the outcome may be born.

Death seemed to be in a trance when thinking about this problem.

The lamp ring is not hers, but life and death should be controlled by her.

Death has not forgotten that eternity should have been the existence that represented the "life" of everything in the beginning.

It’s just that I don’t know when eternity gave up this power, and everything in life and death fell into the hands of death.

The years are really too long, so long that even the death of a person who has experienced it personally doesn’t know when I should start recalling it.

Everything seems a little bad, but it doesn't seem to be the worst situation.

Wayne finally got in touch with Dr. Destiny, but the communication between the two was really not smooth.

After learning about the previous concerns of his Justice League partners, Wayne also began to try to restore contact with Doctor Fate.

This process is not too easy, after all, Dr. Destiny does not tell others his location.

Wayne still knows something about what happened between Constantine and Dr. Fate.

If not, Wayne wouldn't know how to restore contact with Doctor Fate.

It's just that what Wayne knew was not very specific. In this case, Wayne's face looked weird after re-establishing contact with Dr. Destiny.

He really did not expect that Dr. Destiny would be tainted with the power of Burning Hell because of Constantine's plan, and he would even have to go to high heaven to seek help from the archangels.

Although Wayne himself has never tried what it feels like to be corrupted by the power of the Burning Hell, he will never make such a risky attempt.

But after understanding this level, Wayne also felt that it was a good performance that that bastard Constantine at least did not use Dr. Fate as a consumable.

But when Wayne learned from Dr. Destiny's mouth that the other party planned to stand in the higher heaven, he still couldn't help but want to beat up the bastard Constantine.

Doctor Fate didn't become a demon because of this action, which should be considered a good thing.

But Dr. Destiny's combat power has changed from a human side to a high-level heaven side, which is very bad.

Burning hell can confuse people's hearts, so high-level heaven must have similar means.

Wayne didn't find it difficult to understand.

Wayne was angry not because Constantine had involved Dr. Destiny in danger, but because Constantine's plan was not perfect enough!

Things like the possibility that Dr. Destiny might be influenced by a higher heaven should be something that should have been thought of when conceiving the action plan.

It's not something you can rest assured after ensuring that Dr. Fate won't turn into a demon!

The result is before us. Although Dr. Fate is not hostile to humans, Dr. Fate cannot be completely trusted after siding with the high-level heaven.

Although Wayne became a member of the Nephalem, he did not fully trust the Nephalem's words.

This is the correct performance!

Dr. Fate crudely trusted Constantine, and Wayne couldn't figure out why.

He knew that Doctor Destiny's power came from the God King Naboo in the helmet, and since Naboo was a God King, he shouldn't be convinced by Constantine so easily!

The God King of Naboo was not only easily persuaded by Constantine, he even cooperated with Kent and plunged into the Burning Hell!

There was no doubt at all whether the information given by Constantine was accurate!

This series of performances puzzled Wayne. After all, this approach didn't seem like something a smart person could do.

Wayne asked Dr. Fate, but Dr. Fate did not give any explanation.

But Wayne felt that Dr. Destiny didn't feel regretful because of his stupidity when talking about this matter, nor did he feel disappointed because he had been calculated.

Doctor Fate behaved in this conversation as if he already knew everything and accepted it very calmly.

Wayne had to wonder if there was some inside story that others didn't know.

Wayne will not deny that Constantine is smart enough.

Maybe there are some plans here that outsiders don't know about? It was like a plan he and Tony had collaborated on.

There was no heated argument in the communication between Wayne and Dr. Destiny.

Wayne even acted calm enough, as if everything that had happened was still within Wayne's control.

But that doesn't mean Wayne accepted the result calmly.

Humanity has lost the power of Dr. Destiny, which is definitely a huge loss!

Dr. Destiny truly has the power to fight against legends. Such power is worthy of attention wherever it is placed.

Wayne is still sure of one thing. He knows very well that there is no way he can save Dr. Destiny from the hands of the higher heaven. After all, it is unrealistic for him to meet Dr. Destiny now.

The fact that Dr. Destiny was willing to communicate with him was beyond Wayne's expectations. According to Wayne's inference, if Dr. Destiny took the initiative to complete the cut with humans, he should not respond to his contact.

This kind of performance forced Wayne to consider the possibility of Dr. Destiny cheating and joining the High-level Heaven. Even this possibility was really weak.

As for other ways to save Dr. Destiny, Wayne couldn't think of any good ideas for a while.

Even if you want to use force, the crudest method, to get Dr. Destiny out of the high-level heaven environment, you have to meet him first.

Wayne had a headache because he really couldn't think of any way to get Dr. Destiny out of the higher heaven.

As for Constantine's attempt to recreate the miracle that happened to him in Dr. Fate, Wayne didn't like it very well.

The current Justice League indeed lacks advisors who can provide help on the magic side.

If there is any good news in this situation, it is probably that there are still some candidates on the magic side who are qualified for this job.

Like Dr. Voodoo.

Wayne was able to contact Dr. Voodoo, but it was a bit awkward for him to directly try to invite him to join the Justice League.

It was just confirmed that Dr. Fate could not return, and then he immediately invited Dr. Voodoo to replace Dr. Fate.

Although there is nothing wrong with this approach, it just makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Wayne, do you really not need someone to keep an eye on everything in the world while we go take a break together?"

Shazam walked up to Wayne and asked softly.

Shazam is now a very responsible hero. Faced with the current situation of the world, no one will not grow at all.

Stress is always the best way to promote growth, although the process is indeed tiring.

“Cyborg will pay attention, and there are many people in this world who are watching over you.

Nothing bad will happen if we take a break. "

Wayne spoke to Shazam in a comforting tone.

Wayne admires Shazam very much and hopes that Shazam can one day become a pillar of mankind.

But Wayne has not forgotten the fact that Shazam is still a young man beneath his burly body.

You must know that even during the time when Wayne was active as Batman, he did not force Robin around him to work non-stop.

Wayne is very clear about the principle of combining work and rest, but he has never treated himself in this way.

"Mr. Cyborg's ability is indeed very suitable for observing the world."

Shazam nodded aside.

He has fully realized what kind of power his partners in the Justice League have.

He has also learned to trust the partners around him.

It's just that Shazam occasionally wants to be the kind of hero who can really turn the tide.

It's certainly a good thing that Super Squad solves trouble, but he also sometimes has a little illusion of personal heroism.

"Shazam, maybe I should try to find a more suitable teacher for you."

Wayne said with a smile.

Shazam is certainly not weak, but he is not powerful enough.

Wayne knows very well that if the fighting styles in the Justice League are similar, Arthur is somewhat similar to Shazam.

But if we want to help Shazam grow better, we really can't find a suitable candidate in the Justice League.

Able to fly and use energy attacks.

You must be able to analyze a large amount of information in a short period of time to make the right decision immediately, and your body must have enough defense to deal with most attacks.

It's hard to find strong people who meet these conditions at the same time.

At least according to Wayne's understanding, the powerful ones who can meet the most conditions are the spirits of ancestors.

But Wayne always felt that he should know a strong man who could meet all the conditions. This weird sense of violation was like when he first realized that the movie he and his parents watched had changed.

Wayne thought he must have forgotten something.

For example, a human god who has the ability to affect the current situation of mankind?

Wayne looked at Shazam and decided to search the world.

If possible, then Shazam must have better teachers to help him grow!

Every more strong person in humankind is a good thing, and Wayne knows this fact very well.

"If possible, I would also like to be treated like this."

Shazam smiled.

Shazam admired Wayne from the bottom of his heart. Wayne had shown his power many times in the past.

But Shazam doesn't admire Wayne because of his power.

Shazam learns about Wayne's past from others, especially his time as Batman.

Although Shazam was no longer a weakling when he started his activities as a hero, he knew very well what it was like for an ordinary person to face a disaster.

Batman uses the body of an ordinary person to save more ordinary people. When talking about this, it is difficult to express the difficulties involved.

“Maybe it won’t take too much time, I seemed to have caught a glimpse of some powerful people before.

Maybe tomorrow we can visit those strong men who can be your teachers. "

Wayne said.

He wasn't lying. SHIELD already knew about Bizarro's existence.

There's no reason why Wayne couldn't receive any news, it's just that Wayne didn't have much time to analyze the information carefully before.

However, Wayne still noticed Bizarro's existence, but he didn't have time to create a file to deal with Bizarro.

The meeting between Clark and Bizarro has also happened. When Wayne goes to look through Bizarro's information, he will naturally notice Clark's presence.

Although there is no guarantee that Wayne will be able to recall everything related to it, he should be able to recall something.

"I'm looking forward to this day."

Shazam said with a slightly silly smile.

He does have a not very smart face, but underneath this face is a sincere heart.

Shazam indeed has no scheming intentions, and there is no difference between his mental age and Billy's.

Wayne watched Shazam leave him after finishing his words, not intending to say anything more to persuade Shazam to stay.

What Wayne needs is not a time to play heartily, but a space to rest without having to think about anything.

This guy Wayne doesn't really like lively play.

Friends who knew him a little better also kept their distance from him at this time. They didn't come closer like Shazam just because they wanted to give Wayne some space to rest.

They actually knew in their hearts that it was impossible for this guy Wayne to put everything down and take a good rest.

But they also hope that Wayne can relax a little and not fall into difficulties every moment.

The world is a big place and no one can solve all the problems.

Only a young hero like Shazam would hope to solve everything by himself. (End of chapter)

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