Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 565 Volusk and Kanai and Kanai's Box (more to follow)

The story of Vorusk facing death seems to be an epic story to the bystanders.

But if everything he faced at that time had to be described in words, it would probably be a dream-like story full of hallucinations.

This story probably starts from the moment when Volusk saw the vision of the first ancestor.

After all, he truly became the Immortal King from that day on, even if it wasn't what he hoped for.

It wasn't a mistake, nor was it predestined, it was just that he and they couldn't choose.


"Kanai, I still think you are the one who should sit on the throne, don't you think that only you can get the approval of all nephalem.

The title of Immortal King is too heavy for me, I still can't understand why you push me to the throne before everyone says your name! "

Vorusk sat cross-legged on the ground, his wild hair fluttering in the wind like a lion's mane.

He looked at Kanai who was sitting on the edge of the stone chair, writing continuously on a large stack of parchment on the table, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Everything that happened that day was really strange to him.

When the elders held a sacrifice, they suddenly said that they would choose an immortal king.

Volusk still remembers that when the news was announced, whether it was young fighters or veteran powerhouses, all of them looked at Kanai who stood aside with a calm face.

When Volusk looked at Kanai, his eyes were full of ecstasy.


Who else is qualified to sit on the throne of the Immortal King besides Kanai?

Even if the scope of voting is extended to all Nephalem, counting those mages, demon hunters, crusaders, necromancers, etc., whether this kind of voting is performed a thousand times or ten thousand words , Only one name will be written on the ballots of those people!

That is "Kanai"!

noble! Kanai!

But Kanai stood up when everyone was looking at him!

"My fellow citizens! We need the Immortal King! But my name cannot be engraved on the Immortal King's throne!

Of course I am willing to use all my energy to make everyone's life better!

I am also willing to set foot on the most dangerous battlefield when I need me!

But I can't be the Immortal King! "

That's what Kanai said at the time.

If these words were spoken by Volusk, then these rough savages would probably have started an uproar long ago.

But it was that Kanai who said those words!

So the people present were very quiet, waiting for Kanai to continue.

For a while, apart from the crackling sound of the burning torches in the Temple of the Elders, there was only the sound of breathing in the background.

"If I were to tell the reasons for it, it would only bring disaster to us! So forgive me for not being able to state the things in detail to everyone.

But don't worry, we'll have an Immortal King!

This is not my wishful thinking, but he must be able to do everything an immortal king needs! "

As Kanai spoke, he turned his calm eyes to Volusk, who was at the forefront of the crowd.

Everyone's eyes also followed Kanai's movements to look at this dazed guy.

Volusk standing in the front row already showed his status.

Of course there is order among the barbarians, and they also need rules such as queuing.

For example, when distributing food, the stronger the fighters, the higher the front, because the fighters are responsible for hunting.

The higher the ranking, the more missed the delicious food. They have food that can satisfy the soldiers, but it will definitely not be delicious.

The tastiest food was always for the children, and the barbarians knew well what was in store for the children of barbarians who grew up on Mount Arreat.

It was a never-ending battle, a never-ending fight and a war dance on the verge of life and death.

At least, the elders and soldiers hope that these children can remember their childhood with a little bit of beauty to remember, instead of only endless connections and the instructor's fierce face and mouth full of alcohol.

Volusk stands at the forefront in most situations where he needs to line up, because he is the most powerful one among the warriors on the holy mountain.

It's just that there is always one person whose name is included in the extra column in the list of barbarians, and that is Kanai.

"No! How can I do better than you!? Kanai! I can't be as great as you. If one day I can be described as 'great', I will only rank in your After the name!"

Vorusk was stung by everyone's eyes, and he spoke in a panic.

"Vorusk! If anyone on the holy mountain can truly become the Immortal King, then only you. Trust me!"

Kanai was very serious when he said this, as serious as the ancestor who only had sculptures left.

"Elders, this is not the first time I have said this! My decision must not be the final verdict!

So let us make a decision according to the usual practice! Of course, I still won't meddle in it! "

Kanai was a little anxious when he spoke, as if he had something to do at this moment.

Of course, the practice of the barbarians is not that whoever has the biggest fist is right. In that case, this group will not continue to this day, and even show a growing trend.

It's just that power is also part of this routine.

"Ahem! You mean according to Udi... sorry, I forgot, you mean to initiate a vote?"

An elder said nervously.

He originally wanted to say something like "according to Uldyssian's rules", but the name "Uldyssian" has become a topic that cannot be brought up after this person has made a decision.

Everything is trying to downplay the impact of this existence. Among them are not only nephalem, but also angels and demons.

They kept doing some deliberate things. Although everyone who knew Uldyssian's existence would never forget this person, they all kept silent!

"Vote! Although I don't think there is anyone on the Holy Mountain who is more suitable to be the Immortal King than Volusk."

After Kanai finished speaking, he turned his head and walked to his room.

It was a large enough stone house, and the space inside was enough to hold a dozen of the largest prey.

But the room is already filled with various sheepskin scrolls, leaving a path that can go directly to the desk.

Only by Kanai's desk can there be a little vacant space.

The people who stayed at the scene focused their eyes on Vorusk. The eyes were a little strange, but they didn't look at them.

The barbarians didn't doubt whether Volusk could be the Immortal King, not because of Kanai, but because Volusk already had such qualifications.

Although Volusk is a little cowardly most of the time, there is no barbarian who can compete with Volusk except Kanai on the holy mountain.

This guy is strong enough and has ideas.

If anyone takes the cowardly and lazy Vorusk as a softie, then he will probably taste the heavy hammer in Vorusk's hand.

Although the savages present hadn't tasted the taste of the heavy hammer that looked like a beat, they could imagine it.

In addition to the smell of rotten eggs on the devil's body, there will only be the rotten smell of the devil's brain!

Volusk was strong enough, but he never felt this way.

"Then, the voting begins!

All fighters who can pick up the votes, do not agree with Vorusk as the Immortal King! Go put your ballots before the gates of the temple! "

An elder spoke a little weakly.

Although Kanai said, his decision should not be the final verdict. But now that Kanai is determined not to become the Immortal King, who else is more suitable than Volusk to become the Immortal King?

That's why he asked those who opposed to vote, otherwise the movement might not be small.

The elder looked at the soldiers present, and all the soldiers stood where they were, not intending to get votes.

But one of them strode towards the place where the votes were piled up.

Then he picked up the "ballot paper" that was the size of three side by side, and walked towards the door of the Elder's Temple.

Then he placed the "vote" in his hand on the ground perfectly.

The barbarian's ballot is a stone brick strong enough that each vote expands the square outside the Temple of the Elders a little.

And only the existence that can carry the "vote" here is eligible to vote, so power has also become a part of voting.

Seniority is not completely meaningless to a barbarian, but "seniority" is nothing compared to "being able to do something for the tribe".

"Then, one vote against, and the rest all in favor!

Volusk! Tomorrow you will be the Immortal King!

Now, it's gone! Why should I go!

If there's less game today than yesterday, you hunters, go home and get someone else! "

The elder presiding over the assembly said so.

Then the soldiers dispersed in a rush, leaving Vorusk alone looking at the stone brick he had just laid on the ground with a red face.

The voting is over and now a stone brick is a stone brick.

He was a little uneasy, so he immediately followed Kanai's footsteps and left the square.

"Vorusk, you have everything you need to become the Immortal King, but there is only one thing, that is, you lack a little style and the so-called 'politeness'."

"You know me, those manners are so troublesome! Why can't I just lie on the ground when I'm tired? Could it be that there are demons who can cut off my head while I'm asleep?

Do not make jokes!

Unless the hell devil dares to leave their lair at this time! "

When Volusk talked about the topic of "politeness", he was particularly excited.

Kanai has taught him more than once to be "polite" and to live like a "civilized person".

But Volusk was always dismissive.

For him, what those guys said about him was of no value at all. Could it be that being called rude by other professions will affect him from smashing the devil's brains?

Anyone who has seen Volusk's fighting posture will not doubt his strength.

This point can be proved by those demons who were directly shaken into a blood dance by the huge force.

"But you will soon be the Immortal King, and you must know that you will represent us, the barbarians.

Our Clan is called the Barbarian, and our classes are named after our Clan. But that doesn't mean we don't have 'civilization'.

Vorusk, you should now think like an Immortal King.

First of all, you should stand up instead of sitting on the ground casually. If you are tired, you can try the throne in the Elder Temple in advance.

I don't think Bulkelso would mind, because you're supposed to be the Immortal King. "

Kanai said to Volusk with a gentle smile, if the fist in his hand hadn't been crunching, Volusk could still sit on the ground for a while.

The Bulkelso that Kanai was talking about was of course the original ancestor, and he had met the original ancestor a long time ago.

It is precisely for this reason that Kanai cannot become the Immortal King.

"Why, why can't you become the Immortal King!

You know, I can't stand wearing armor, and I don't like the feeling of being restrained, no matter what time it is, I can't accept the feeling of being restrained.

You should be very clear about this! "

Volusk muttered as he dusted off his body under Kanai's threatening gaze.

His cowardice was very clear when facing Kanai.

Not because of anything else, because Kanai is stronger than him!

And Kanai has never done anything wrong since he became the Great Elder for so many years, whether it is a big thing or a small thing, Kanai is always right.

"Vorusk, I think today is probably the last few times I will call you by your name directly. After tomorrow, I will only call you Immortal King, and you should also do what I hope you can do matter.

The Immortal King can do whatever you want, as long as your body is on that throne, as long as you can still swing your hammer, then no one can make any excessive demands on you.

If you still don't want to sit on that throne after becoming the Immortal King, then you go and raise warriors who can replace you.

Let him be stronger than you, more wanton than you, and more able to make the devil fear than you!

Now, Volusk, it is time for you to return to your house.

When you step out of your home tomorrow, you will be on the path of the Immortal King. Go back now and get a good night's sleep. I will help you finish your share of hunting today. Go to sleep now.

Also, remember to sleep on your bed honestly! If you're lying on the ground when I see you tomorrow, I can assure you that I'll be pressing you on the throne with your swollen ass!

Trust me you won't like that taste! "

After Kanai finished speaking, Volusk took a deep look at Kanai, and then left Kanai's room.

After all, Kanai didn't answer any of his questions, and Vorusk understood that this was because he couldn't bear the secret now.

So he can only keep all this in his head first, and wait until the moment Kanai thinks he can bear it.

"Tomorrow, I will be the Immortal King?

It's so random! Have you run out of time?

Who can make you feel the crisis? Who can force you to make such a hasty decision?

I don't believe that everything today was decided by those elders without telling you! All this must be your inspiration! but why?

Are you not strong enough? "

Volusk whispered on the way home, and both he and Kanai knew that these words were not talking to himself.

Vorusk believed that Kanai could hear him say all this.

After returning to his room, Volusk looked at his bed, there was nothing on it, but it didn't affect him.

There is no difference between the bare stone bed and sleeping on the stone slab outside the Elder's Temple.

Volusk didn't care, but he still hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath, and then blew away the dust on the stone bed that hadn't been lying on it for an unknown period of time.

In the shadow of Kanai's room, the elder who presided over everything came out of it.

Barbarians are not good at magic, but that doesn't apply to these elders.

These elders were excellent fighters when they were young, and became spellcasters when they were old. They filled the "well-known" shortcomings for the barbarians.

Don't understand magic at all? How is that possible?

The relationship between barbarians and mages is not good at all. If barbarians don't know magic, they can't protect their group from those elusive mages.

The nephalem were never monolithic internally, either.

"Kanai, what are you going to do? With your strength, I think it is not an easy task even for those archangels and hell devils who want to kill you.

I believe that even if you are facing a lone demon god, you will not have the risk of dying. Why do you need an immortal king so urgently?

And really, you're stronger than Vorusk, and better suited for that throne. "

The elder's face was not very good-looking when he spoke.

If what happened today was not for Kanai's request, it would not have been carried out in such a hurry, it was like a farce.

All of this should not be like this, but this is Kanai's request.

"No one is immortal, and what I'm going to do next may, no! It is definitely, it will definitely be stopped! You know, the high-level heaven and the burning hell are like brothers.

Even if the relationship between their brothers is not very good, if someone wants to challenge their authority, it will be different. "

Kanai didn't look at the elder who came to him, but just lowered his head and continued to write and draw on his parchment.

"Kanai, what are the chances of your unspeakable plan succeeding? If it doesn't even have a 30% success rate, I can't let the barbarians gamble everything to help you!"

The elder said in a stern voice.

It's just that Kanai understands what he means.

As long as the success rate is higher than 30%, the elders will spare no effort to mobilize the power of the barbarians to assist Kanai!

Kanai understands that even High Heaven and Burning Hell need to face up a little bit when the barbarians are betting on everything.

But that won't end well.

"We need an Immortal King, an Immortal King who can make the Burning Hell and the High Heavens pay attention, but will not pay special attention.

So I can't, only Volusk can do it!

Not only angels and demons are aware of Vorusk's cowardice, but what they don't know is that Vorusk's cowardice has never been able to stop him.

Volusk is the best leader for barbarians when they want to gather strength!

He will take care of everything, so trust him. "

Kanai raised his head when he said this, and the elder saw the seriousness in Kanai's eyes.

He understood that the success rate of Kanai's plan was not 30% at all, and it was even a complete gamble!

"And you? What are you going to do?"

The elder turned around while talking, his voice was very small, as small as the movement of mosquitoes.

The elder left the room without waiting for Kanai to give an answer.

He knew exactly what kind of answer Kanai would give, so he didn't need to wait.

"I'm going to take out one of the most troublesome enemies for the Nephalem."

With a pious smile on Kanai's face, this was his answer.


Kanai believes that the only archangel that will appear in front of him will be this one!

After Inarius, the fate, was completely defeated by Uldyssian, only this archangel could occupy the position that once belonged to Inarius!

The power of fate is favoring the barbarians!

Kanai saw it!

Inarius loved his children, so Kanai saw it!

No matter how he deduces the ending that belongs to him, he can't find a better way than now.

But with this result, Kanai was barely satisfied.

It would be even better if a hell devil can be solved jointly.

"I'm really greedy."

With a stern look on Kanai's face, he said through gritted teeth.

"But I like this kind of greed! I want to bite off a piece of flesh from your body, and let this power become the deadliest dagger when I overturn you!"

Kanai said this, as if talking to someone invisible.

The light coming in from the poorly lit window became less and less, and a brown stone among the parchments on Kanai's table began to shine!

Stone of the world!

It took a long time for Kanai to cut such a piece from the World Stone that the barbarians were supposed to guard!

This stone was carved with various beautiful patterns by Kanai little by little, and Kanai's energy coiled around it along the patterns, endowing it with a kind of strength.

Now all he had to do was wait for the appearance of Yzreal who was destined to lose everything in his hands!

At that time the nephalem will have a great and incomparable artifact!

And this is the beginning of the nephalem destroying the high heavens and burning hells!

"What should I call you? Maybe 'Kanai's Box' is a good name. Then who will I give you to master? How about giving it to the elders?

By the way, I remember he wasn't born a barbarian? What was the original name Jotun?

Forget it, it doesn't matter anyway, and no one knows anyway, so it doesn't matter. "

Kanai looked at the magic box in front of him, a little dazed.

There is also a chapter update of 6,000 words. The time is uncertain, but it is guaranteed to be sent out before 5 o'clock.

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