Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 759 Not being smart is not stupid

The scale of the battle here will not be too expanded.

There are a total of three legends present, even though they will not open their domains together because the domains will compete with each other.

But as long as one person does this, the aftermath of the battle will not affect the normal operation of this world.

Gruchak won't have any problems in the battle against Lucien.

Although Lucien himself was not weak, this guy might be the most unlucky one.

Even among those ancestors on the holy mountain, Gruchak is one of the best.

If it weren't for something wrong with his mind, this guy might be able to become the leader of the tribe like Lei Ko and leave a name for future generations.

His reputation is not that great, but it doesn't mean that his strength is inferior!

The ability to believe in power makes Gruchak the most troublesome opponent for all enemies who love magic.

Although he was not an opponent of a guy like the Hell Demon King when he was alive, he was able to deal with all legendary demons who were good at magic with a nearly crushing attitude.

And those legendary demons who are good at physical attacks are Gruchak's favorite opponents...

This guy may be more uncomfortable in the eyes of the devil than a dog skin plaster.

If you have to talk about this guy's shortcoming, it's probably only that he's not good at fighting with people.

This "not good at" is of course relative.

For example, Karl Qiu, a master of combat, has the ability to press Gruchak and beat him up.

Correspondingly, those legends known for their fighting skills are capable of defeating Gruchak...

This guy is an existence more suitable for fighting against demons.

"Lucien, although I don't know why Mocott is so angry with you.

But one thing I'm sure of, I have to kill you here. "

Gruchak's eyes became a little more dangerous, and seemed a little cruel.

Of course he knows the fact that he is not smart, but he has quite a few friends.

Who would hate a good guy who is so sincere that he would believe even the most obvious lies?

And there are very few lies in the communication between barbarians.

Therefore, Gruchak's popularity on the holy mountain is quite good.

Any one of his acquaintances would have said a word when Gruchak was troubled.

And Gruchak also believed that his people would not harm him.

Now that Mocott has confirmed that Lucien has done something bad, Gruchak will make all of this disappear!

What's so bad about being a hero?

In addition to the fact that the death may not be so decent, the hero is full of aura!

"Okay, okay, I know.

We are demons, you are human.

If we fight each other, no one can tell which of us is wrong!

Then come on! "

Lucien seemed to be a little interested and said.

"Also, if you want those ordinary people to have a chance to avenge Ozil, it's better not to kill me.

Once I die, there will be no chance for Ozir to come back. "

Lucien's voice was loud, as if he was speaking to Reed and the others who were walking away.

Lucien is very good at inspiring people.

"Ozil? None of my business!"

Gruchak stretched out his hand directly to grab Lucien's neck.

When facing this kind of human-shaped demon, it was Gruchak's experience to strangle the neck first.

After choking the neck, it is very convenient to throw the opponent around like a rag bag or to punch the opponent's head continuously.

A person's head can move left and right to avoid an attack, but it cannot do so when the neck is pinched by a huge force.

"Then what, if this guy dies, someone must have been corrupted because he was destined to lose his brother."

Constantine coughed twice and tried to join the conversation.

He came here largely to build a good relationship with the Fantastic Four.

If Susan, the Invisible Woman, was directly corrupted, Narid would definitely not last long...

Constantine knew very well that although these guys were all heroes, they were never strong inside.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have taken the Fantastic Four as the target of his bewitchment... He even didn't hesitate to get involved with Lucien.

This in itself is a very dangerous thing, but he may be directly killed as colluding with the devil...

At least Rorschach does.

"Their business is none of your business?"

Gruchak took the time to stare at Constantine. This guy doesn't like Constantine.

There is no personal grievance in it, just a very simple dislike.


Gruchak's hand directly strangled Lucien's neck, and this process only met a little insignificant obstacle that could be completely forgotten...

A flame that seems to have no effect...

Even if this flame can burn an ordinary person into fly ashes in an instant, even the soul will be sent to Burning Hell.

But it was useless when facing Gruchak...

This man can ignore the small tricks of most demons.

Dealing with demons is only a little more difficult for Gruchak than dealing with mages.

"Well, the hero is going to be corrupted, don't you have any ideas?"

Konstantin was a little speechless, Gruchak was the kind of ancestor he didn't have much contact with on the holy mountain.

It is meaningless to measure each individual in a group according to its general characteristics.

Although they are all straightforward people, these barbarians are also different.

They have completely different experiences, so they have completely different legends.

"Then I'll let the hero die like a hero."

Gruchak said angrily, and then directly stabbed Lucien's head with his clenched fist like a battering ram.

"If it really fits your character, then at least the names of heroes won't be reviled because they become demons, right?

Seems pretty good, but you just won't leave any good name behind. "

Lucien's head in human form exploded directly.

But he wasn't dead yet. Even if he couldn't beat Gruchak, his vitality as a legendary demon was enough for him to persist for a not-so-short period of time.

"Am I right, the pallbearer of the heroic curtain given to the hero?"

Lucien's body was still suspended in the air by Gruchak's neck like a rag.

He still didn't appear in front of everyone with the image of his own devil.

But these words carry a lot of weight.

"Send away Mocott, send away Hylab, and finally send yourself away.

Your only regret, Gruchak, is that you didn't let that fellow Nihlasek go away a hero before he got corrupted? "

Lucien said these things that he should not have known.

What happened to Nihlasek happened during the battle to destroy the holy mountain of Arreat.

That was a long way from the time when Lucien died in the battle of original sin.

"It seems that you guys didn't get nothing when you contacted Rorschach.

I don't think Rorschach was called away by Bulkelso, did he?

I guess it's Marsaille? "

Gruchak frowned, then punched or hammered Lucien's body again...


The hammer-like fist made a big hole in Lucien's chest, but Gruchak's face remained unchanged.

"Am I smarter than you think?

In fact, it's normal, I'm just not smart, and I'm not a fool.

I didn't take an umbrella when this guy, Marsaille, was full of wisdom in the world.

I just feel that there is no need to think so hard. "

Gruchak said coldly.

Lucien originally planned to use his own words to get the initiative of the dialogue quota from Gruchak.

As a result, it was Gruchak who now had the initiative in the conversation.

This makes things a little weird and interesting.

"Is there any value in sending the curtain down on heroes while they're still heroes?"

Lucien said nervously.

Gruchak's answer may determine whether his death will be easier.

"How do I know? I am a pallbearer, not an executioner."

Gruchak carried Lucien's body and fell heavily to the ground, and then picked up the rotten meat that was barely connected by muscles and bones.

"At most, I just tell them when they hesitate, if they die as heroes, I will personally carry their coffins."

Gruchak took a deep breath.

He is not the one who ends the hero's life, but the one who points out the way and brings courage to the heroes when they are in a downturn and the corrupt future is unstoppable.

"I've always been curious, why do you never spread your courage and light wings to others?"

Lucien's voice became a little weaker.

He didn't deserve to die like this, and Gruchak knew exactly how much power he had used.

"Because, my courage and the courage I bring to everyone are not given by Prius."

Gruchak smiled contemptuously.

He is also the one recognized by the Archangel of Courage!

There are also golden flame-like light wings flowing behind him.

But he was the only one who could keep the wings of light behind him from showing even if he shot with all his strength.

Because his faith has always been only his own muscles...

All energy and all skills are not as reliable as his own muscles in Gruchak's eyes.

"So, how do you convince an overbearing woman who has lost her brother and is about to lose the chance to revive him?"

Lucien's lifted body finally couldn't maintain its human form, and turned into that ugly demon again.

"That woman once saved countless people.

She will not give up any chance easily, even if she becomes a demon, she will definitely not hesitate. "

There was a sinister smile on Lucien's regrown head.

This appearance made Gruchak very dissatisfied.

"None of my business!"

At this moment, Gruchak pinched Lucien's thickened neck with both hands.

The hideous and terrifying muscles on the arm are constantly contracting!

Simple and crude muscle strength is the way Gruchak fights.

Sometimes he would swing his fists and rush forward, and sometimes he would jump up and use his strong body as a weapon to hit him.

Any small method has no value on him, only the purest, physical collision is the only way to defeat him.

On one side, Constantine's eyes were a little gloomy.

He seems to have underestimated the background of the barbarian...

Gruchak's arrogance surpassed any barbarian he had ever known!

The meaning of the sentence of giving a hero a hero's death seems to be a little different from what he imagined.

"Reed, if I'm not mistaken, this Gruchak will kill Lucien without hesitation.

And in doing so, do you think Ms. Susan would go mad in desperation? "

Constantine didn't intend to ask Gruchak this kind of question. It would be more appropriate to ask Dr. Reed, Susan's bedside person, this kind of question.

"Is the corruption irreversible once it starts?"

Reed answered a question with a question, which was somewhat of a faux pas.

But what's interesting is that this approach happens to be the best way to use when facing Constantine.

"Yes, once it starts to corrupt, it will inevitably go all the way to the end."

Constantine gave his own answer.

But judging from Dr. Reed's face, he was not satisfied with this answer.

"The transformation of nature must have a process, and I never think that such a process of existence is irreversible.

So I will find a way, not only to stop the process of corruption, but I even plan to try to turn people who have been corrupted into demons back.

As long as the transformation is not without process, there must be a way to reverse it, but we haven't found this way yet. "

Dr. Reed's voice was full of firmness.

He is a hero...

And the smartest scientist in the world.

Although no one knows how far there is between Dr. Reed's brain and Marthael's wisdom, everyone is willing to believe that the gap will not be very large.

"You can find an angel's power to give it a try...

The power of angels and demons created the nephalem.

Maybe when it is corrupted, adding a little angelic power can change everything completely? "

Constantine showed his yellow teeth and smiled.

There seems to be some truth to this idea.

Just don't know how Dr. Reed would react to that suggestion.

"If I were that Marsail, then I would definitely try my best to get news from this world.

Perhaps our information has long been exposed to his eyes.

Even this approach may be what he hopes. "

Dr. Reed seemed hesitant.

"You want to give up this idea? Just to prevent Malsail's possible calculation from succeeding?"

Constantine asked.

"No, I don't care what he does.

But I will not let the people around me leave me so easily.

Also, if that Lucien is dead, do you still want Jim Hammond's body?

According to the barbarian, after Lucien died, Ozil would never return. "

Reed looked at Constantine with a dangerous look.

Constantine just smiled.

"I've never just had one plan, and I've never let mine go.

Don't worry, I'm Constantine who is best at dealing with demons.

This time is no exception, the most is to pay some price. "

Constantine's frankness made Dr. Reid willing to give a trust.

Let's just believe that Constantine can do what he said.

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