Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 114 117: History

Chapter 111 117: History

Thanks to "bobo king" for the reward

Thanks to "Trace of Tears" for the reward

Thanks to "Fengtianxingying" for the reward

Thanks for the reward from "From Ever After"

Thanks to "Past - Solo Dance" for the reward

Thanks to "Rogue fell in love with fish" for the tip

Thanks to "Chiwuyu" for the tip

Thanks to "WQK" for the tip

Thanks to "DJsky" for the tip

Thanks to "Rogue fell in love with fish" for prompting the update

Thanks to "WQK" for reminding me of the update, thank you all! !

"Brother Chen Feng, who is this Rasma?" Divina looked at the weapons handed over in disbelief. Each dark gold weapon was like a label, with his brand, and this one is called "Asra" The weapon of "honor" is naturally owned by Rasma.

"Rasma, I'm your ancestor!" Chen Feng said with a wry smile, and then packed up the Spider Queen's things. Before the skeleton man left, a bone spear directly made the originally powerful Spider Queen dying, and Chen Feng's giant sword Skeleton went up and slashed. , just kill it directly.

"My ancestor?" Divina asked in surprise. Chen Feng nodded. After Divina changed out of the cake skirt, he patted the ground and sat directly on the ground.

"You should know that humans are actually new beings born from the union of angels and demons, and the first generation of humans is called Nefalan!" Chen Feng began his account.

In this world, it was originally a ball like Pangu Kaitian on the earth. People in history described this ball as a pearl, not a chaos.

Inside the pearl, there is a guy who appears along with the pearl. It is called "Anu".

The so-called Anu is the same existence as Pangu. In other words, he is the creator god of this world.

Anu's body is composed of shining diamonds. It is the synthesis of all things. Good and evil, light and darkness, happiness and sadness are all reflected from the diamonds on its body.

In other words, Anu is the source of all.

However, in order to pursue a higher level of perfection and purity, Anu separated the evil part of himself. In other words, Anu separated the light and darkness in himself and became a righteous self and an evil self. of myself.

The evil Anu transformed into a giant dragon with 7 heads. It gave itself a name, "Tasamet". Later people called it "the evil leader", which means the source of all evil.

The two giant dragons began to duel in the pearl. Darkness and light, justice and evil can never live in peace, but the strength of both sides is equal. In the end, the exhausted two sides gathered all their strength together and gambled. The final blow.

The last attack exhausted all the strength and life. Anu and Tasamet both fell, but the terrifying power forced the pearl to break through.

This is the Big Bang, and a new universe is born. Compared with Pangu, they are a little more strenuous. Pangu can just chop it with an axe.

Anu and Tasamet disappeared, and their essences transformed into the current High Heaven and Burning Hell. Anu's spine formed the symbol of the High Heaven, the Sacred Arch.

Angels were born from within the sacred arches and ultimately founded the High Heavens.

Tasamet's 7 heads fell into hell and became the current 7 demon kings, Baal, Mephisto, Diavolo, Andariel, Duriel, Belial, and Az. Modan.

A large number of demons emerged from Tasamet's body, which were the embodiment of evil.

In the end, heaven and hell still continued the battle between Anu and Tasamet. The two sides continued to fight for countless years.

Finally, there were angels and demons who couldn't stand the fighting anymore, and they made love in today's human world, which is the world of Sanctuary. After their union, the first generation of humans, Nefaran, was born.

The first generation of Nephalem, that is, humans, only had four people, including the ancestor of the barbarians, Bulcaisso, who was the elder brother among all the brothers, with endless power and a physique comparable to that of a demon, and Unparalleled courage and perseverance of character.

Next was his younger brother, Vasily, but he was not as powerful as his older brother Burcasso. Frustrated, he came to nature and suddenly fell silent in nature. He learned to communicate with nature and finally became a druid. ancestors.

The mistress is called Isu, and she is a little girl, but she is the real ancestor of Divina. She understood the power of air, water, fire and earth and became the first mage.

The last one cannot be said to be Chen Feng's ancestor, but the Necromancer's ancestor. Chen Feng has a 90% probability that the skeleton man just now is him, Rasma.

The disciple of the dragon Tageo, the necromancer who controls the balance of life and death, is known as the most mysterious and lonely hermit.

Later, the powerful strength of human beings caused panic in heaven and hell. Nefalan's eldest brother Bulcaisuo could single-handedly defeat Baal. Such power frightened everyone.

As a result, human power was sealed. Following various events and the passage of time, human beings finally became what they are now.

"You mean, the skeleton man just now is Rasma?" Divina covered her mouth, and Chen Feng nodded. It was really possible.

Otherwise, how could he have such a terrifying staff?

If anyone had this staff, Chen Feng had no doubt that he could rush into hell alone, but Chen Feng had never heard of anyone rushing into hell and summoning thousands of death servants.

"Go back and ask Kane, but don't talk to others about the real dark gold equipment. I'm afraid it will cause trouble!" Chen Feng said to Divina, who immediately became serious.

Chen Feng felt that the dark gold staff in his hand was not weaker than the God-given equipment. Especially for a necromancer, the powerful attribute bonus could make his necromancer servants roam the world.

The more important point Chen Feng hasn't said yet.

If the Skeleton Man is really Rathma, then he is the only Nephelan who is still alive, the only god-like existence who has lived since the birth of the world of Sanctuary.

For this reason alone, there is actually enough reason for Chen Feng to keep this secret.

The last Nefaran, both heaven and hell wanted to kill him.

There are no words to explain the implications, but Chen Feng knew that it was best not to take this thing out and keep it in his backpack forever.

After the introduction, Chen Feng pulled Divina to stand up. There was still something to do. The terrifying experience of the Spider Queen allowed Chen Feng and Divina to both upgrade. Chen Feng reached level 9, while Divina also improved gloriously. Reached level 8.

"Let's go and pack up the blacksmith. I think you can still level up!" Divina's experience has exceeded half, and the blacksmith's experience can really bring her to level 9.

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