Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 120 123: Kane’s daughter?

Chapter 117 123: Kane’s daughter?

"As long as you are a devil, you must die!"

The black shadow said something again, and then walked into the tavern. He saw a woman wearing a tight leather jacket slowly walking in. Chen Feng saw a small pair of guns hanging on her back and on her thighs. Crossbow.

"Demon hunter?" Chen Feng suddenly whispered. This look was exactly like the demon hunter in Diablo 3. In the CG and information released by Blizzard, the demon hunter was defined as a profession that can use two small crossbows.

Speed, long-range strikes, terrifying shooting, and rapid reloading. According to the game content released by Blizzard, the Demon Hunter is like a guy holding a Vulcan cannon. The crossbow arrows can be trained into straight lines to attack the enemy. A fatal blow.

Chen Feng even compared his rogue skeleton with the demon hunter in his memory. The rogue skeleton took 5 shots per second, but Chen Feng estimated that the small crossbow was faster, especially since he had two crossbows, while the rogue king only used one. Just a hand.

"You should know her!" The monk said to Chen Feng. Chen Feng was stunned. Who is this woman? Why should I know her? She is not my fiancée. Even if she is my fiancée, I may not know her.

"You really don't know her, do you?" Di looked at Chen Feng in surprise. Chen Feng shook his head decisively. The owner of the tavern had already brought the things up skillfully, and the woman didn't even say what she wanted.

"Today's salad dressing is good, you came back at the right time!" The tavern owner has never been so affectionate to anyone. Even though he runs a tavern, the owner himself is a level 29 paladin.

Because of a serious injury, although his health was restored, he was accidentally infected by a demon and lost one of his legs. From then on, he gave up fighting and opened a tavern.

In this year's Nightmare Moon, even the tavern owner got a task. You can fully imagine how terrifying and difficult this Nightmare Moon is.

"Thank you, Uncle Lipu!" The demon hunter smiled at the tavern owner Lipu, and then concentrated on eating. Chen Feng found that the woman was very careful when eating, not even a trace of salad dressing was wasted.

"You really don't know her?" Di looked at Chen Feng strangely. He didn't know Chen Feng's origin yet, but he just felt that such a decent person didn't know her.

"His name is Leah!" Di reminded. Chen Feng still looked confused. I don't recognize your name as Elizabeth. You are not the queen.

"Stop prompting, just tell me. I really don't know her!" Chen Feng rolled his eyes. Although the monk looks very kind, he is still a barbarian at heart. He just has an extra layer of piety. That’s all.

"She is the daughter of the wise Kane! You don't know her?" Di finally showed his barbarian nature and exclaimed in disbelief. Looking at Chen Feng, Chen Feng suddenly rolled his eyes.

"Why does he have to know me? I am who I am!" Lia raised her head and glanced at Chen Feng and the monk. She continued to eat her food. By the time Chen Feng realized what she was doing, Lia had already finished the slow plate of food. Eat clean, even the vegetables that are dressed up are not missed.

"As a demon hunter, whether it is the speed of eating or the rarity of food, they are far beyond their comparison!" Di said behind Chen Feng.

"Try not eating for 7 days, and you will know how important food is in this world!"

"Try encountering enemy attacks a dozen times in a row while eating, and you will know that the faster you eat, the better!"

Lia stood up, said something to Chen Feng, and then glanced at Chen Feng contemptuously. It was obvious that she was very dissatisfied with the average steak on Chen Feng's table.

"Tsk, tsk!" Seeing Lia walk out of the bar, Chen Feng shook his head. He didn't know how he provoked this girl, but it didn't matter anyway, and he wouldn't have much communication in the future.

After chatting with the monk for a while, Chen Feng walked out of the bar with a glass of wine and started wandering around.

"Hey, isn't this our illiterate genius?" Suddenly an annoying voice appeared from behind Chen Feng. Without even thinking about it, Chen Feng threw a blow towards his back that intensified the damage.

"Hey, let me go, are you serious?" Kratos was startled by the sudden increase in damage. He immediately took several steps back and looked at Chen Feng nervously.

"You guys, you haven't come to see me for so many days since I came back?" Men's friendship is very strange. In the past, the two people didn't like each other, but now they have become so harmonious.

"Busy, busy!" Kratos came over and put his arms around Chen Feng's neck. Kratos' 187-meter-high height rested on Chen Feng's body, and Chen Feng suddenly felt strenuous.

"Go, go, don't hook up, I'm not interested in men!" Chen Feng kicked Kratos away, and took several steps away from Kratos amidst the sneers of the Kratos brothers.

"I'll go, I'm not interested in men either!" Kratos roared in anger, and then shamelessly came up to him. Chen Feng looked at this guy warily.

"What are your intentions?" Chen Feng asked nervously.

"Hey, isn't the Nightmare Moon coming soon? All the equipment in our family has been distributed. I only have a dark gold equipment in my hand. I heard that you have a lot of dark gold equipment here. The head of my family asked me to Let me ask you, can you sell us a few pieces?" Kratos directly told his origins without any mincing words.

"Yeah, I almost forgot about this piece of garbage!" Chen Feng suddenly slapped his head. He still had a lot of unused dark gold equipment in his backpack, and he almost forgot about it.

Kratos had a black line on his face, what is rubbish? Is that dark gold equipment good? Dark gold equipment.

"Sell it to you, what price will you pay?" Chen Feng looked at Kratos and asked, Kratos pulled Chen Feng to a corner, and then took out the things on his body.

"I'll go!" He saw a rune in Kratos' hand. The smallest one was number 3. Chen Feng's eyes widened immediately. The smallest one had 100 million gold coins.

"Look at the levels of dark gold. Rune No. 3 is from level 6 to level 3. Level 6 or above is to be determined!" Kratos looked at Chen Feng enviously. Although the family is not short of money, money and runes are two different things. He can get 10 billion gold coins. There are many families, but if he is asked to come up with a No. 10 rune, there is nothing he can do.

The production and consumption of gold coins are pitifully small. Common people can hardly use gold coins, but runes are really good things. Generally speaking, runes are the mainstream currency in the future.

"Well, I can't decide, I have to ask Julian!"

After such a big deal, Chen Feng couldn't settle down anymore. He immediately thought of Julian, then took Kratos home, told Julian Kratos's conditions, and let Julian make a decision.

Thanks to "Kaipel" for the tip

Thanks to "Camilla" for the tip

Thanks to "The Wind of Desolate Valley" for the tip

Thanks to "Now 267" for the reward

Thanks to "【】Youran【】" for the reminder

Thanks to "Camilla" for the update

Thanks to "VIP Smoke" for the reminder and review vote, thank you very much!

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