Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 182 184: After the nightmare, an ordinary day

Chapter 179 184: After the nightmare, an ordinary day

Time passed day by day, and without the trouble of the fallen, Luo Ge finally settled down. In the last three hours, the Nightmare Moon will end, and everyone is looking forward to it and looking at the sky.

Waiting for the moment when the sky clears.

The battle outside is still very fierce, and all the demons have mutated to an incredible level. All the monsters are attacking humans crazily, but humans are still resisting desperately.

After a month of practice, especially in the last few days, all professionals have become very powerful and their levels have increased by about 5 levels. In this way, nearly a thousand people will leave Luoge at the same time.

Many people were over level 20 at this time, and the monsters this time were really generous and gave people a lot of equipment.

Although equipment is being consumed at a terrifying rate every day, the barrier still needs to be maintained after all. Today's Nightmare Moon is so powerful that it has begun to impress humans.

Fortunately, the barrier not only protects the city, but also creates a huge halo of nearly 5,000 yards, protecting all humans around it. People also consciously hide within the halo to avoid being weakened by the Nightmare Moon.

As time passed by, Chen Feng couldn't help but smile as he listened to a group of people on the city wall counting down in low voices. Did these girls have an alarm clock in their hearts or something? They were counting down anyway.

"Tick-tock-tock!" Chen Feng seemed to hear the sound of the hour hand moving, closed his eyes and lay on the city wall.

Finally, cheers came to my ears.

"We passed!"

"Time is up!!"

"Sun, look at the sun!"

The crowd began to roar wildly. Chen Feng lay smiling lightly, and the screams in his ears could fully reflect the excitement of the owner of the screams.

A ray of golden sunlight fell on Chen Feng, and he heard crazy screams starting to come from his ears. When Chen Feng opened his eyes, he saw that all the monsters outside the city wall had begun to retreat crazily.

Those who did not retreat in time were hit by the golden sunlight, and bursts of smoke suddenly appeared from their bodies. Then they spontaneously ignited and died instantly.

"Angel light!" Kasha sat next to Chen Feng. Chen Feng smiled faintly. It turned out to be them. They will pretend to be good people after the battle is over. They are worthy of being angels.

"When will the sacrifices begin?" Chen Feng asked Kasha, who took a sip of wine.

"The day after tomorrow, I will rest for two days today and tomorrow, and then start the sacrifice!"

"Okay, I can hang out for a few more days!" To be honest, although Chen Feng didn't have to go down to fight monsters by himself, fighting for three consecutive months made him feel like he was reincarnated.

Chen Feng is just an otaku who doesn't even bother to exercise on weekdays. When he came to this world, he was engaged in high-intensity fighting for three consecutive months.

And after experiencing so many life-and-death battles, Chen Feng was honestly very tired.

Although they are not going on strike to quit, at least they are temporarily irrelevant. Otherwise, with so many bosses in the distance, such as blood birds with flaming corpses, Chen Feng would have already rushed up and killed them. After all, they all have a lot of experience.

But Chen Feng has no such intention. His biggest wish now is to have a novel or an MP3, so that he can lie on the city wall and let his skeleton fight as he pleases, while he quietly reads with this torch.

But this is all fantasy.

There are also novels in this world, but Chen Feng still doesn't know many words. Reading them is probably like reading a book from heaven. As for MP3, forget about that stuff.

"Why don't you find a girl to stand by and sing to you?" There are also girls like this in Luo Ge. They are like singers, singing to people in pubs or to professionals.

In a dark world, many girls who cannot become professionals still have their own dreams of singing, dancing, and becoming generals.

Where there is hope, there is a dream, and where there is a dream, there is a future. Luoge fully agrees with these children, and even asks Luoge to protect them, especially girls who like singing and dancing, and has specially issued a protection policy.

After all, not every professional respects them. If someone comes to take over, it will be unspeakable hardship.

Fortunately, the Luo Ges are all girls, and girls naturally help girls. If such a situation really occurs, the most serious situation is expulsion.

Expelling people from a grid is the most severe form of punishment. Without backup or supplies, even if the equipment is of good level and high level, they cannot survive.

There is nothing for you to eat outside. Do you want to eat the meat of a hard-haired rat? I guarantee that you will mutate after eating a piece of it. It is absolutely true.

The cheering crowd entered the city from outside the city, but the sound only lasted for an hour before the sound disappeared. Everyone went home to sleep. Everyone was exhausted.

Although ordinary people are happy in their hearts, the feeling of joy is not as strong as that of professionals. Many people live a peaceful life with the thought that the sky is falling.

The common people did not disturb the professionals. Today's market became more lively, but the noise became quieter. Many bosses even made simple gestures with their hands during bargaining, but did not speak.

All of a sudden, the whole city suddenly became quiet.

Chen Feng had a strange feeling. Under the golden sunshine, a city should have been bustling with activity, but here, everything was quiet, making people feel confused.

Today's sun felt particularly short-lived, and many people began to fill in the soil outside the city, filling back the deep pits made by Chen Feng.

Moreover, there are many professionals who have followed Chen Feng's example and created pits that are not too big or too small, but many monsters such as zombies and fallen demons will fall into them, and then they will take advantage of the mages.

However, Chen Feng's fighting method has become one of the fighting methods that Luoge must learn in the future. Mages especially like this method the most, among which the fire method is the main one.

And as time goes by, the flame mage regards this skill as a god, digging holes, filling monsters, and then meteorites fall from the sky...

This move also spread from Chen Feng's hands, and even spread to the Demon Fortress, and a large number of professionals used this move to dig a trench in the ground, just to contain the enemy when they charged. enemy attack.

Chen Feng had no idea that the cave Andariel had accidentally created would turn into one of the most famous fighting techniques in the world due to his flexible use.

If he knew, he would probably despise this group of people in his heart. Every race on earth knows such fighting skills, even the stupid and pig-like little Japanese know it. People in this world seem to be occupied by data.

It was not yet night, and the outside of the city was already flat. Chen Feng walked boredly on the streets of the city, casually picked a leaf from the fruit tree on the roadside, and played with it in his hand.

Bored again.

Chen Feng originally enjoyed such boredom, but when there were no monsters to fight, he suddenly realized that he did not want such boring days at all.

As he walked, he came to the bar involuntarily. Chen Feng pushed the door directly and saw that it was filled with people. Looking at the full bar, Chen Feng couldn't help but be stunned. Then he ordered a bucket of wine and squeezed in. At the table of a group of barbarians.

"Drink!" Chen Feng shouted as he picked up the wine. The barbarians immediately laughed and raised their glasses. Everyone knew Chen Feng, but his seemingly rude behavior suddenly gained everyone's favor.

Directness is the best respect for barbarians.

One night, Chen Feng vomited profusely. He had not been so indulgent for a long time. Chen Feng was carried back to Julian's house that night, and then Julian threw him on the bed and ignored him.

The next day, the crowd started to get noisy. All the professionals went straight to the bar, but they were shocked to find that the bar was not open. There was a notice on the wall saying that there was not enough wine. In order to have wine for the sacrifice, the bar was closed. open.

A group of people complained, but they had no choice but to leave because of the sacrificial activities that would start tomorrow.

However, compared to the lack of attention in the bar, the auction house was very busy and chaotic. Everyone crowded into the auction house to exchange or buy the equipment they needed.

Chen Feng also went to take a look, and saw sheets of parchment stuck in mid-air on the wall, with detailed data on the equipment and the conditions for exchange written on them.

If you want this piece of equipment, tear off the note, then go to the counter and hand the note and the equipment or money over. Someone will help you find the equipment, but of course it may take a little longer.

Chen Feng found Kidd. Kidd, a super powerful paladin, was actually as busy as ordinary people. Finally, Kidd saw Chen Feng who was laughing evilly in the crowd, and grabbed Chen Feng.

"I knew I wouldn't come here!" Chen Feng gritted his teeth. He was assigned to the necklace area where it was easiest.

The auction house is divided into regions, with one area for each type of equipment, and the regions are also divided into sections, such as armor, uniforms, leather clothing, hard leather armor, inlaid armor, chain mail, scale armor, etc.

The same goes for everything else. Although the classification is complicated, it is precisely because of this that the division of labor is clear and everyone works in an orderly manner.

For the exchanged equipment, stick the note on the exchanged equipment. When the buyer comes to pick up the goods, call the note and the equipment together. Of course, please pay 1,000 gold coins as a handling fee.

Trapping people to death will not pay for their lives.

Now is the time when gold coins are booming. Kidd is determined to recycle gold coins and equipment together. Although people are complaining, they still pay the money willingly. Equipment is the key point.

Of course, there are also people who trade privately, but they are usually outside the auction house or in the tavern, but now the tavern has been closed...

Chen Feng was in charge of a piece of necklace, which was the piece of equipment with the most abnormal attributes. Chen Feng looked at the equipment around him and exclaimed, but after waiting for a long time, no one came to change it.

Finally, someone came to exchange it. When the buyer came to pick it up after the exchange was completed, Chen Feng was dumbfounded again.

10W handling fee, thank you.

"What a rip-off!" Chen Feng shook his head. This is a terrifying rate of making money.

In this way, Chen Feng's ordinary and fresh day passed, and what awaited Chen Feng was the beginning of the national sacrifice!

The fourth update is here. Please vote for me. The fifth update is in progress.

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