Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 436 452: Teasing!

Chapter 433 452: Teasing!

The rock skeleton's heavy fist hit the ground hard, and for a moment the ground began to shake violently, as if the ground turned into waves, and all the Sinking Demons within the range instantly entered a state of dizziness.

As the level of the rock skeleton increased, Chen Feng was surprised to find that the range of "Thunder Shock" was getting wider and wider. It was only a hundred meters at the beginning, but now it is as high as 400 meters, with a radius of 400 meters.

That can be equivalent to one mile. Although it is less than one mile, it is almost there. All enemies within a radius of 400 meters are in a dazed state. Even those who are not dazed are still dazed and rising and falling. Lying on the ground, it was like a small sailboat in the storm.

"Hurry!" Chen Feng immediately urged, and saw the corpse vulture immediately flying to the ground. Everyone immediately scrambled to climb on the corpse vulture, and the smarter ones ran to the big eagle. A single mount is much better than being crowded together. The corpse vulture is much better.

"Damn it, won't you let the one under you come down?" Dennis roared angrily, but Chen Feng snorted coldly and waited for you to come up before slowly punishing you.

Chen Feng didn't pay attention to Dennis's roar. Instead, two fireballs hit the rock skeleton hard. The health of the rock skeleton was instantly reduced. Chen Feng immediately took the rock skeleton back.

"No, you bastard, release your skeleton quickly, are you going to make us a target?" Dennis roared when he saw that the target that attracted the fallen magician disappeared.

"Dismissed!" Chen Feng snorted coldly, "Who do you think you are? Since you want to be a target, let's let you be a target."

It's also because Dennis was smart and ran onto a big eagle, otherwise Chen Feng would really be unwilling to disband the corpse vulture for the sake of others, but since you are on the big eagle, Chen Feng said there is no pressure.

"No!" Dennis roared, and the big eagle turned into a pile of broken bones with a "click", and Dennis suddenly fell down.

"Pull me up quickly, pull me up quickly!" Dennis immediately raised his shield to defend the sinking demons around him. Although the sinking demons would not kill him immediately, he would be consumed to death.

"Okay, let's go home!" Chen Feng said calmly. Others looked at Chen Feng and suddenly became angry, but now no one dared to offend Chen Feng.

If Chen Feng disbands the corpse vultures, then everyone will fall down, and then they will naturally know that they will be consumed alive by the Sinking Demon.

"Your Excellency Chen Feng, please save my subordinates!" A paladin said to Chen Feng. Chen Feng glanced at the paladin. Isn't this the person who held Julian back last time?

What's that name?

Chen Feng looked at the sky and began to think. Chen Feng had heard of this person's name, but he couldn't remember it. Looking at Chen Feng's confused look, the paladin's face was ashen.

"Oh, your name is Justin, right?" Chen Feng suddenly realized something, which made the paladin even angrier, but he still had a smile on his face.

"Yes, Mr. Chen Feng has a very good memory. I wonder if you have gathered the No. 15 rune. Do you need my help? But please bring my subordinates up first. After all, you are a level 90 paladin. , a dozen treasures of mankind!" Justin said to Chen Feng.

"Hmph, this is a lesson for him. Who made him yell at me when I took away my wife last time? Let him be beaten half to death down there first, and then bring him up when he has no energy left to curse!" Chen Feng He rolled his eyes and said calmly.

"Your Excellency Chen Feng, please save my subordinate. If this continues, he will die. The Sinking Demon has mutated for some reason. All Sinking Demons have become around level 70 in strength. We can't delay it any longer!" Jia Steen said loudly to Chen Feng.

Dennis below was yelling angrily. Unfortunately, Chen Feng didn't listen to them at all. Instead, he paid attention to the Sinking Demon. He didn't expect that the strength was as high as level 70, which was much stronger than Chen Feng's skeleton.

No wonder the skeleton that can easily kill Chen Feng turns out to have increased by 10 levels. In terms of strength, it has at least doubled. Have the side effects of the World Stone being contaminated really come out?

"Your Excellency Chen Feng!" Justin roared angrily. He tried to say whatever he wanted, but instead of saving people, Chen Feng looked like he was demented. Didn't Dennis yell at you last time? It was for the sake of mankind.

If Julian were here, would they still be trapped here? They would have broken out of the siege long ago.

For a moment, Justin put all his hatred on Chen Feng. If Chen Feng hadn't pulled Julian away last time, obviously the big guy would still be killing the enemy to his heart's content instead of being chased and intercepted by the enemy.

When he thought of this, Justin not only resented Chen Feng even more, but also coveted Julian even more. He was 64 this year, but he was not much older than Julian, because at his level, his lifespan was at least hundreds of years, or even higher. millennium.

Julian was only in his 20s, so they were both babies. As for Chen Feng, although he was powerful and talented, how could a necromancer fight with a paladin?

The Paladin is the Necromancer's nemesis.

Justin began to make up his mind that he must marry Julian. With his current strength, it was still difficult. After all, Julian was a princess, and she was the princess of Khanduras, and she was a level 90 paladin. People don't take it seriously.


"As long as I get that thing, I can become a hero that attracts worldwide attention in one fell swoop. Not to mention Khanduras, even Tyrell will have to treat me with courtesy!" Justin's eyes gleamed. , but Dennis’ scream below brought Justin back to reality.

"Your Excellency Chen Feng!" Justin called out again. Chen Feng waved his hands helplessly. Looking at Dennis who kept screaming below, Chen Feng was speechless for a while. Can such a person be upgraded to level 90?

Chen Feng really guessed it right. Dennis was Justin's lackey. Justin didn't get promoted by his own strength. Instead, he relied on his family members and his subordinates to bring him up all the way. of!

I went to Lu Gaoyin at level 10, and went to Kurast at level 20. At level 30, I was taken to the Demon Fortress by six level 90 tribesmen, and I secretly upgraded to level 90.

It's really good to have someone to guide you.

But Chen Feng didn't find a problem. Bringing newcomers in this way was expressly prohibited, because it would kill the newcomers' combat effectiveness and prevent them from receiving any training in their ability to respond to danger.

Such a person goes to hell, even though he is as high as level 90, but when fighting alone, he cannot even reach level 80. It is like someone holding a weapon that must be broken in before he can use it smoothly.

And because there is no relationship between life and death, people are not comfortable with several skills at all, and do not even understand the beauty of their own skills. Such people are actually a bunch of burdens.

Therefore, the Demon Fortress did not find them out for the sake of their family, but now that the Kurast demons are attacking, they will naturally send these guys over to train and train them.

But judging from the current situation, he can't even bear the pain. Such a level 90 expert is really a waste among wastes. Chen Feng shook his head for a while.

"Bring him up!" Chen Feng summoned a big eagle, grabbed Dennis by the shoulders, and directly dragged Dennis into the sky as if he were a prey.

"Chen Feng, you bastard."

"Shut up, don't force me to throw you down again!" Chen Feng's face turned cold. Dennis immediately swallowed back his curse and looked at Chen Feng with an indignant look, but Chen Feng remained indifferent.

"Hmph, I don't care what your status is or how high your level is. Don't forget that I saved you. I won't abandon you because you are still useful. If you don't work hard to kill the enemy by then, I will I will still be rude to you!" Chen Feng said seriously to Dennis.

Dennis looked disdainful, and Chen Feng snorted in his heart. Don't think that I can't deal with you when you get to the city. When the time comes, let Julian cast a halo, or simply let the Blue Iron Tree use its roots to throw people into the army of sinking demons. , Chen Feng didn't believe he couldn't be killed.

"Dennis, did you hear what Mr. Chen Feng said? In order to repay Mr. Chen Feng for saving his life, we must fight bravely to kill the enemy. Mr. Chen Feng really understands the righteousness!" Justin immediately smiled at Chen Feng and said, but that smile made Chen Feng Very uncomfortable.

Justin used these words to trap Chen Feng, but he did not continue immediately. Instead, he first created an image for Chen Feng that "we are very upright", and then waited.

The corpse vultures and Yalongs were flying high in the air, and the sharp cold wind made everyone tremble, especially Dennis, who had a face of frost, he was very cold.

"Your Excellency Chen Feng, can you let Dennis get on the back of a bird?" Justin looked at the frost on his subordinate's face and immediately shouted to Chen Feng. Sure enough, Dennis looked at Justin gratefully and felt sorry for Chen Feng in his heart. The anger was even greater.

"Oh, I almost forgot, but how do you change it? Otherwise, Mr. Justin, please get on the back of the big eagle and give up your current position to Dennis!" Chen Feng said with a smile.

The smile on Justin's face froze, but after looking at the people around him, he immediately gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement.

I have to say that Justin still has some brains. He is in the center of the corpse vulture, surrounded by people. It is the best position and blocks all the cold wind.

But the big eagle's body is not only small in space, it cannot stretch its whole body, but also has to withstand the fierce cold wind, which is simply a kind of torture.

In the words of Dennis' gratitude, Justin smiled a little stiffly, changed places with Dennis, and then Chen Feng smiled weirdly at the corner of his mouth again.

"Boom!" Just in time, a fireball exploded under the corpse vulture.

"No, the Sinking Magician's attack distance seems to have become farther. Everyone, hurry up, we have to fly higher!" After saying that, without waiting for everyone's answer, the corpse vulture and the big eagle flew higher in an instant.

Justin's face became even paler!

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