Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 451: Getting married tomorrow, 4 updates!

Chapter 448: Getting married tomorrow, 4 updates!

Tomorrow is the wedding day. My parents and my wife are very busy tonight, but the Duke still sits in front of the computer and types out 4 updates, in order to fulfill his promise of 10,000 words of updates every month.

The only one that exists now is the 29th, which means that there is no manuscript for the last day of the 30th. Originally, I shouldn’t have written today, because although today is not as important as tomorrow, all kinds of things are left to my parents and wife to do, and let the Duke I feel a bit sorry.

However, the Duke remembered that there were so many book friends supporting the Duke, so he shamelessly sat down and wrote out the number 30.

Tomorrow is supposed to be the 3rd update, because today is the 4th update, but since tomorrow is the Duke's big day, the Duke can't be stingy, and there will be 4 updates tomorrow.

Don't blame Mr. Duke. Although it's just an update, the 28th, 29th, and 30th are big days. I'm so busy that I don't even have time to take out my phone, let alone code words.

Although it is only one update, this is the Duke's new idea. I sincerely thank you all for your blessings. The Duke will also tell the Duke's wife his blessings to make her happy too.

To be honest, I am really nervous about the big day tomorrow. When I was typing today, I made several mistakes due to excitement and nervousness, and I had to rewrite it. I was helpless.

A friend told the Duke that this is called premarital phobia. In fact, on the 25th, I swore to the Duke that I was not afraid at all.

But I am destined to have insomnia today.

The 4th update tomorrow will be from saved manuscripts, the 3rd update the day after tomorrow will be from saved manuscripts, and the 4th update on the 30th will be from saved manuscripts. Forgive the Duke for not having time to type.

As for next month, there will be a guarantee of 2 updates a day. The Duke will not deceive everyone. If there is a break in updates one day, just watch the news. It must be that a certain plane crashed and the Duke was on it.

Finally, please subscribe.

The Duke doesn’t want anything to get married and asks for blessings from the alliance leader. All he needs to do is subscribe. Whether you are reading pirated posts or genuine ones, I hope you can subscribe. This is the best wedding gift for the Duke!

Finally, I sincerely thank all readers for your support along the way. I will continue to work hard!

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