Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 489 504: Belief Barrier!

Chapter 486 504: Belief Barrier!

Sure enough, Chen Feng's crow's mouth magical skill was not mastered in a day.

The next afternoon, the whole sky suddenly became dark. Everyone looked up in fear. To everyone's surprise, they saw countless vultures flying over from the sea behind.

Huge monsters were caught in the claws of the vultures. There were even a dozen vultures grabbing a huge monster together. It seemed that they could not escape this airdrop.

"Damn, it really is this trick!" Kasha said angrily. This is simply bullying humans who don't have an air force. The vultures in the sky are like bombers, swooping down towards the crowd crazily, and then grabbing the people in their claws. The devil was thrown down.

"Damn it, everyone be on guard, the Paladin turns on the anti-drug aura!" Kasha shouted, and saw huge "Oraks" falling from the sky and began to attack humans continuously.

"Roar!" Each barbarian roared again. Although the duration of the roar increase has not yet expired, all the barbarians roared again just in case.

Orak is actually a giant spider. Each spider is as big as four or five fallen demons. When it stands up with its eight big legs, it can be more than 2 meters tall.

Each Orak was dragged over by a vulture. Once it fell to the ground, it immediately sprayed venom at the professionals around it. Fortunately, Kasha's policy was good. A large number of Paladins had already put the aura of power on them. This aura that enhances one's combat effectiveness is switched to an anti-toxic aura.

In this way, poison resistance and fire resistance coexist. At least Orak and the Sinking Demon will not be able to take advantage. Otherwise, if the fire resistance is replaced, then the Sinking Demon will be in trouble again. What if there is a Sinking Magician in a corner? When a fireball comes, it would be difficult to survive without the fire resistance aura.

Nowadays, the levels of the Paladins are all over level 40, so the number of halos that can be opened is as many as 5, but not everyone is like Julian and others, adding 10 or even 20 levels to the skills of a one-time halo.

For most Paladins, when blessing mutation, a certain aura may increase several times, so that the effect of a certain aura is particularly prominent.

At this time, if it were you, would you waste your skill points?

No, so many paladins continue to invest points into a certain aura after being blessed and mutated. As a result, some paladins have average combat capabilities and average defense capabilities, but the power of a certain aura is comparable to Julian.

For example, the fire resistance aura. Some paladins have this halo level of over 40. The maximum fire resistance limit can be increased to 100 points, and the increased fire resistance points can also reach thousands of points.

In this way, the most common monster that this group of people cleans up is naturally the Sinking Demon. The Sinking Demon itself is a flame attribute monster, and with its powerful fire resistance aura, during the Sinking Demon's attack, this team only needs to defend against physical attacks. , the others don't matter at all.

Physical attacks are naturally the opponent of shields. A good, strong, and perfect shield is the pursuit of all melee professionals. Although many barbarians do not like to use shields and prefer to hold weapons with both hands, there is a perfect shield. Shields were placed before them.

I guess even the Paladin can't defeat the Barbarian.

And if the skill with a high level is not an elemental resistance skill, but a health-increasing skill like "Prayer", then it will naturally be easier to recruit another paladin, whose skills are more ordinary but more comprehensive.

In this way, a team of two Paladins will be much better than an ordinary team in terms of defense and health recovery. In this way, by recruiting a few more melee units, there is no need to worry about blood recovery.

And if you get the skill "Meditation" that can restore mana, it will be even simpler. This kind of Paladin will not be in a fixed team.


Because such a paladin can increase the mana recovery speed by thousands of times. In other words, as long as you have this paladin, you don't have to worry about the problem of mana recovery at all.

There is no need to take mana potions, there is no need to worry about running out of mana, and all skills can be unleashed to your heart’s content.

This kind of Paladin is a talent that the Church of Zakarum must accept. Then 99 mages will appear to form a team with you for leveling. You just need to make a fire and hang a barbecue grill aside, and watch the mages go crazy. Just throw skills.

There are 99 mages with no mana loss. This kind of existence is simply like carrying 99 Vulcan cannons that do not need to lose bullets. That terrifying attack is really not something ordinary monsters can withstand.

Even if the fixed dark gold BOSS encounters such a lineup, it can only run away in despair, otherwise it will wait for a dozen Hydras around it in the next second, then fill it with a dozen meteorites or thunderstorms, and then there will be a dozen blizzards in front of it.

What a tragedy.

Therefore, the paladins below are actually in an arranged team. Generally, the meditation halo and the army of mages are together, so that the mages don't have to worry about blue.

As for the elemental resistance aura, four of them form a team together, so that the entire team has the effect of the aura, and then cooperates with the attack aura and the like.

The most popular thing among a group of melee professionals is the mutated "redemption halo". This halo can convert surrounding enemies into spiritual energy to replenish the paladin's blood volume and mana.

However, this skill is ineffective against partners, but there are still exceptions. In a corner to the east, a group of melee professionals with red "mutated redemption" halos are walking unscrupulously among the army of fallen demons.

Advanced Redemption, after mutation, has an 80% chance of saving a corpse whenever an enemy dies, and the corpse will convert aura, giving the Paladin and Paladin teammates an additional 1,200 points of life and mana.

In this way, as long as you kill enemies quickly, you are basically invincible.

"Attention everyone, prepare to switch the halo!" Soon after he said it, the offensive level of all humans was directly demonstrated and greatly improved.

There were only less than a few thousand of Orac's airdrops, and now they have all been wiped out, but the sharp-eyed Kasha has already seen new monsters being transported up by the corpse vultures.

Two corpse vultures transport a monster together, which is a huge pollution monster.

"All paladins, switch to poison resistance, switch to lightning resistance, and pay attention to the attack of pollution monsters!" Kasha shouted, and in an instant, the green halo on the ground suddenly switched to a white anti-lightning halo.

There was a sudden glare on the ground, as if there was a light bulb under everyone's feet.

A 3-meter-tall pollution monster fell into the crowd, but what greeted him first was not the melee attack, but the arrows and magic of all long-range units.

Don't underestimate Amazon. There is a group of paladins who specialize in upgrading the "Power Aura" and "Blessed Aiming" auras, and they are tailor-made for Amazon.

This group of people does not need to be too powerful. They only need to raise these two skills to the highest level, or click on the "Fanatical Aura", so that they can attack, attack accuracy, and attack speed.

And if there is a high-level fanaticism aura, the power aura and the blessing aiming aura can be ignored. This is the Amazon's favorite aura, because once there is such a halo, it means that all Amazons do not have to worry about their accuracy and damage.

Even if you are holding an ordinary weapon, with the blessing of skills and aura, you can still cause decent damage.

"Are you ready?" Kasha shouted towards the city wall. She was already ready to kill. Now that the Sunken Demon army is mixed with the Moon clan, and there are vultures raiding in the sky, another protection for the city must be opened.

Belief enchantment.

Belief enchantment, like belief aura, is a super terrifying skill that reduces all enemy resistance. A general belief enchantment has the power of level 20 belief aura, which means it can reduce the enemy's physical defense by 90% and 525 points. elemental resistance. (Change it, replace the percentage with a fixed amount!)

In this way, the enemy's defense is basically reduced to an extreme, and the defense is reduced by 90%. Even the Dark Gold BOSS cannot bear such a weakening, so physical attacks can kill this group of enemies faster.

However, this kind of consumption is very huge. One day's consumption of the belief barrier can support the consumption of several enchantments in the previous few days for a month.

Therefore, after storing the equipment for so long, Kasha planned to use it all at once to kill all the enemies around him with maximum efficiency, and then force the enemy army to retreat.

There is no way, the current situation is not so fun, the city is very empty, the 47 people of the demon-killing team, plus hundreds of family elders and patriarchs above level 80, have all been dispatched.

Because everyone is afraid of the mysterious bug.

Nowadays, once those bugs are the devil's tricks, once the bugs appear on the battlefield, the fierce warriors who are fighting simply cannot notice the bugs that are just like earthworms.

By then, no matter how many people will die, it won’t be too much.

Therefore, now we must repel all the enemies, and then wait for the others to return. Then whether to prepare for defense or to attack with confidence, everything has not yet been decided.

But what is certain is that what the top management is worried about now is not the airdrop of corpse vultures, but the bugs brought back by Chen Feng, so Kasha is determined to repel the enemies outside first, and then he can free his hands. To deal with those bugs comprehensively.

"Captain Kasha, there are still three minutes!" A shout came from under the city wall. Kasha nodded and immediately summoned five huge Valkyries. The Valkyries rushed out among the monsters again.

"Chen Feng!" Kasha shouted. Chen Feng was stunned and turned to look at Kasha.

"Wait for all the trump cards to appear later. We must repel this wave of enemies now, otherwise if any bugs appear, people will die!" Kasha said seriously, and Chen Feng nodded silently.

Indeed, people will die.

And many people died.

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