Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 867 880: College fight!

Chapter 864 880: College fight!

The establishment of the academy has filled the entire dark world with endless hope and fighting spirit. News about the academy is provided by dedicated people to all parts of the world every day, and all humans are watching here.

The second month's assessment exam is here. This time, because of the addition of a new barrier, all professionals have lost their professional abilities. The content of the assessment is the same as last time, namely the literary exam and the martial arts exam.

The literary test has added new content, the understanding of characters. In fact, in Chen Feng's words: "This is the Chinese language test. Anyone who fails the test will be punished double!"

Chen Feng has always advocated that no matter how stupid a person is, they should at least learn how to write, be able to read, read newspapers, and write, instead of looking at a lot of words and being confused.

Therefore, Chen Feng set the passing score at 80 points for the Chinese language test. If placed on Earth, Chen Feng would be a perverted teacher, but this is a dark world.

Severe diseases require heavy medicine, and Chen Feng is going to give this world a strong medicine. Although two demon kings were eliminated by Chen Feng, and one was still sealed in his backpack, under the current situation, the position of human beings is becoming more and more precarious.

Demons can freely come to the human world, and the original projection has disappeared without a trace. The weakest demons now are all level 60 fallen demons. Although they cannot absorb the power of hell and become weaker, even if they are on the verge of death The Sinking Demon also has a strength of ten or twenty levels.

For 99% of ordinary students, let alone level 10 or 20, even level 5 Sinking Demons can torture them, and Chen Feng and others are working hard to test some things.

"In other words, as long as you have enough strength, coupled with qualified physical fitness and fighting skills, ordinary people can defeat the Sinking Demon?" Chen Feng looked at the plan that Hagrid presented, and Hagrid nodded.

"But is this strength requirement too high?" Chen Feng frowned. The data in his hand showed that no matter whether the Sunken Demon was at its peak strength, the body's ability to withstand pressure would not change.

The physical body can withstand a force of four hundred kilograms. Only a force of more than four hundred kilograms can cause a lot of damage to this body. In other words, a force of less than four hundred kilograms is like a slap.

For those who weigh more than 400 kilograms, a fist will naturally hurt more than a slap.

I have heard that Zhen Guanxi was killed with three punches, but I have never heard of Wu Dalang being beaten to death with three slaps. Therefore, fists are king these days, but Chen Feng knows that on earth, the punching strength of a human being reaching 300 kilograms is already the top. .

But in this world, even the weakest fallen demon needs a strength of four hundred kilograms to cause substantial damage. This kind of power is really impossible for ordinary people to achieve.

"Of course, it's only four hundred kilograms of strength. As long as any barbarian reaches adulthood, let alone seven or eight hundred kilograms of strength, how could he not reach it!" Hagrid rolled his eyes at Chen Feng, and Chen Feng suddenly realized that he was almost Forgot that this is a dark world.

The folk customs here are tough enough to describe. Generally speaking, an ordinary adult would be at least a strongman or a fighter on earth.

Here, almost any adult man with a punching force of 300 kilograms can achieve it with a little exercise or those who often do farm work. Chen Feng suddenly laughed. He did not expect that it would be very simple for ordinary people to kill the Sinking Demon.

"Although the data can be achieved, don't forget that the real difficulty is the mentality. Many farmers will encounter the Sinking Demon when working in the field. In fact, if they fight, they can defeat it, but it is not that they cannot defeat it, but I don’t dare to fight, so it basically creates a fearful mentality!”

"As soon as you see a demon, you say you can't beat it. I'm afraid your students will wet their pants or even die because they won't be able to use their skills!" Hagrid looked at Chen Feng seriously and said.

Chen Feng nodded. Psychological problems are a big problem, but this cannot be solved all at once. It can only be solved step by step, and more importantly, someone must set an example.

"Barbarians are indeed good role models, but it is obvious that more than 80% of the new ordinary students are not as good as barbarians in physical fitness. In this way, even if barbarians defeat the enemy with bare hands, they will not be regarded as role models. , but will become a matter of course!”

"So, we need to find a cowardly, inconspicuous, or even looked-down person to defeat the devil. Only in this way can we set an example to others that 'he can do it, of course I can too'!"

But if you find such a person, if you go too far, it will ruin the person's life, so Chen Feng was hesitant. Although he often said that he was a villain, Chen Feng was very willing to frame the devil and so on. But when he was asked to plot against an ordinary person, Chen Feng shook his head.

He calls himself a villain, but in essence Chen Feng is still an ordinary college student. Although he has grown to the point of becoming a god, his heart will not change.

After living on earth for more than twenty years, Chen Feng has never thought of harming anyone in the past. Will it change in this world?

Obviously, no.

The environment can indeed change a person, but the change is in two directions. One is to make people completely broken down and do anything, and the other is to make people's hearts become harder, with clear grievances and moral bottom lines. The strongest boundary line is absolutely defended.

Chen Feng would not go beyond the thunder pool.

"Let's give it a try first. You still have to take your time. The school has only started for two months. Your goal is to forge a group of elites who can be active in the Demon Fortress in two years, and then a group of elites who can be active in the human world!"

"I do think so, but the problem now is that the key is to train everyone's strength together!" Chen Feng smiled bitterly.

"So you just created such a training subject? I'm not telling you, is this thing really useful?" Hagrid took out the training subjects listed by Chen Feng.

This is what Chen Feng concluded by referring to the training methods of special forces in TV series and movies. Many of them are well-founded, such as running with logs on their backs, and then a group of people carrying big trees forward, as well as various lurking trainings. Even all humans have to practice shooting and long-range bow and arrow training.

In Chen Feng's eyes, these are all necessary, because fists and feet vary from person to person, but when it comes to shooting, anyone with a little bit of strength can shoot a bow. A sharp arrow does not require 400 kilograms of strength. Generally speaking, It is said that arrows with good quality can completely penetrate the skin of demons such as the Sinking Demon.

In this way, as long as poison is applied on it, what does the devil have to fear?

But Hagrid shook his head and said that this kind of training was just a joke, but Chen Feng didn't believe it. Didn't you think highly of military training at the beginning, such as walking in line, lining up, etc. But facts have proved that after a month of training, all The children have become very obedient to orders, which makes everyone shine.

What Chen Feng wants is not that everyone is extremely strong, but that these people have basic skills. They can at least escape unharmed when encountering demons, or they can obey orders and not panic when fighting.

"Aren't mine the same as yours? I'm training with weights, and you're lifting bricks. They're actually the same!" Hagrid's training is very simple, that is, moving rocks, and finding a group of professionals to transport countless bricks from the sea. stones, and then a child is given a basket and asked to fill the basket with stones and then raise both hands above his head.

"Look at this, raising your hands above your head, you might as well put your hands flat. This look is produced by Shaolin Temple. How handsome!" Chen Feng spread his hands, put them flat to form a straight line, and then moved the two tables. Ge's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, this posture is good. In this way, all the muscles of this arm can be exercised!" Hagrid immediately started to revise, and he actually lay directly on the table, while Chen Feng was still holding the table.

"Okay, don't get excited. Let's take a look at my plan. My plan is actually a two-way improvement of both strength and physical fitness. Although it will be slow, the overall quality will be improved very steadily, so that it will not be counterproductive!" Chen Feng put down the table and said.

Hagrid looked at Chen Feng. He knew many of Chen Feng's thoughts, but some of them were too weird in his eyes. What was the use of crawling, what was the use of leap frog squats, and practicing rock climbing on the balance beam? They all have wool for use.

But he knew that Chen Feng was never a person who spoke in vain. He started to compare in his mind, and finally nodded and started discussing with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng and Hagrid argued fiercely. The most important thing now is to train the students' physical fitness and strength. As for bows and arrows, you can take your time. Bows and arrows, like firearms, can be fed by bullets. Yes, the durability of arrows can be used for a long time anyway, not bullets, which will be used up as soon as they are fired.

The arrows can be found again, so Chen Feng customized a batch of 10 million arrows and a total of 2 million bows and sent them to the school. These bows and arrows are the most common bows and arrows, and there are no requirements in terms of attributes. In other words, even ordinary people can equip it.

But it has an astonishing ejection capability, with a shooting range of an astonishing four hundred meters. Even if it is placed on a firearm, it is an astonishing distance.

The force required to draw the bow and arrow is a full three hundred kilograms. This is just to pull the bow. If you want to fully draw the bow, you will need at least seven to eight hundred kilograms of strength. Most people cannot achieve it at all.

However, Chen Feng also set a rule. Whoever can fully draw the bow first and shoot with a range of more than one thousand meters will be directly rewarded. The reward will be personally selected by the principal Chen Feng.

Who is Chen Feng? He is a god-like existence among all students. Will the things chosen by gods be bad? :

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