The son of the chief executive of the planet, a genius scientist, and the future star of the Rising Star Corps.

The first identity was brought by himself, but it took Zhou Zhen less than a year to have the latter two identities, which is considered very complete.

In the process of studying exoskeleton armor, he had contact with many scientific researchers, and his identity was not hidden.

Now he has become the most famous young man in the entire Qaidar galaxy.

In the eleven habitable planets of the Qaidar galaxy, he is now a star.

In the peace talks with the Kerry people, the Rising Star Army also needs such a young idol to unite people's hearts.

Ronan was still imprisoned by the Kerry people at this time. This tough hawk did not meet the needs of the current universe.

Whether it is a Cree or a Shandar, they are very afraid of each other's strength.

However, Zhou Zhen is very clear that the signing of the peace agreement will take two more years.

After the signing of the peace agreement, the hawks in the Cree carried out an action to seize power and released Ronan.

Because of the protagonist's mischievous farce, Ronan got the power gem, and then launched an attack on Xander's star.

The strength of the Cree and the Shandar was originally 50-50, but the power gem is one of the ultimate powers of this world.

Ronan, who had obtained the gem of power, possessed power beyond the Shandar.

Zhou Zhen wanted to contain all of this, he had already planned, he would first get the power gem.

At the beginning of the movie Guardians of the Galaxy, it has been pointed out that the gem of power is on the abandoned planet of Morag.

Before setting off, Zhou Zhen had already gained a full understanding of this world through the network of this world.

The abandoned planet of Morag is located between the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Andromeda Galaxy, and the distance from the Qaidar Galaxy is only two transitions.

The plot of Guardians of the Galaxy originated from Ronan getting the power gem. If he got the power gem two years in advance and gave the power gem to Nova, what would the result be like?

I'm not sure in other respects. What is certain is that as long as Ronan doesn't have the power gem, he will not dare to come to Xandar.

Although as a character who did not appear in the plot of the movie, changing the plot from the beginning is the biggest subversion!

Of course, this plan Zhou Zhen didn't tell anyone that the first thing he had to do during the travel period was to subdue the fifty bodyguards.

The fifty bodyguards are four teams of the Rising Star Corps, each with twelve members, plus the leader and deputy leader.

Although they are Zhou Zhen's bodyguards, they are actually elite soldiers of the New Star Legion.

Without them, the New Star Legion is not at ease Zhou Zhen's travel.

But with them, it is no longer convenient for Zhou Zhen to do anything.

Zhou Zhen also didn't want to get rid of them, if they encountered pirates, they could indeed help Zhou Zhen.

In this world, there are countless various abilities, and Zhou Zhen's personal strength is not top-notch in this world.

Take the Shia as an example. Their ordinary people can lift a ton of objects on average and have super endurance.

This ability is even stronger than Zhou Zhen, who now has internal strength.

Not to mention that some of their tribes still have ancestral phenomena and have wings.

In addition, their technology is also very advanced.

Superlight space starships, shipboard energy weapon technology, force field technology, superlight communication technology, transmission technology, stealth technology, stargate technology, these are the most advanced technologies in the universe today.

In particular, they have a unique ultimate power starburst technology, which allows stars to directly enter the supernova evolution period.

This also makes the Shia become one of the super powers of the universe beyond the Cree and Skuru.

In contrast, although the Shandars possess the most advanced technology, their individual strength is relatively weak.

Their ultimate power is Zhi Nao Nova, able to gather all the Shandars into one force.

Zhou Zhen's current idea is to show some super powers in front of them, so that they can be their own help, rather than fetters.

Because there are too many super powers in this world, showing some super powers will not cause panic, but will make people respect.

However, it is not time yet, because he is still in the Qaidar galaxy. If superpowers are exposed, he will be recalled as soon as possible.

And now is not the time to go back...

The universe is too big, it's just a Qaidar galaxy, Zhou Zhen traveled for two full months, still just watching the flowers.

On each planet, Zhou Zhen first enjoyed a panoramic view of the entire planet in space, searched for the most spectacular scenery on the planet, and then went to play.

The speed of the interstellar spacecraft allows Zhou Zhen to quickly travel through the landscape he wants to see.

While playing, Zhou Zhen did not completely give up "research".

According to the development context of the earth's technology and the development context of the Sandal Star, Zhou Zhen integrated the technological developments of the two different worlds and analyzed many technologies that could be improved.

In these two months, Zhou Zhen has come up with at least 20 effective technical improvement plans. Every time he has the latest ideas, he will send these technologies to his technical team as soon as possible.

Seeing Zhou Zhen continuously put out various researches, the Rising Star Legion paid more and more attention to Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen is not afraid of being hollowed out. There are countless technical solutions between the two worlds that can be improved.

Not to mention three years, that is thirty years, and Zhou Zhen's "ideas" will not be emptied.

Two months later, Zhou Zhen traveled to ten other planets in the Qaidar galaxy, recorded countless precious images, and then prepared to leave the Qaidar galaxy.

And his goal is the planet Morag after the two transitions.

The Luke was completely controlled by the Red Queen. The bodyguard team and the little maid Fanny thought that Zhou Zhen was going to the planet Sovereign, but when the spacecraft stabilized, they realized that there was a desolate star in front of them.

And this Death Star, like Sandal, has three moons, that is, three moons.

However, compared to the beautiful Shandal, this dark purple planet looks extremely hideous.

"Master, where is this place?"

"Morag Planet."

Lei Sen's expression was a little serious, but he didn't blame Zhou Zhen for suddenly changing his plan.

His task is to protect Zhou Zhen. As long as his life is not in danger, no young man will rebel!

In Leyson's view, this young Luke is much better than most young people, and he is easy to serve.

"Luke, you changed your original plan and ventured to this place. Can you explain it?"

"Rason, do you still remember the history of the planet Morag?"

Leyson recalled and said: "The Morag people were one of the most powerful forces in the universe 1,300 years ago. But overnight, the planet changed drastically. All people died.

The Morag upheaval has been the biggest mystery in the universe for a thousand years. Countless people have studied this history. So far, there is no reasonable explanation.

However, the explanation that most people agree with is that this is caused by the super power of the power gem. "

It is a recognized fact that the planet Morag was destroyed by the power of the power gem.

However, most people believe that this is caused by external forces using power gems.

No one thought that this was a mistake in the Morag people's own research on power gems, which caused their own annihilation.

Everyone thought that the power gem had already been taken away by the master, but they did not expect that the power gem was still in the abandoned temple.

Zhou Zhen nodded. "I am also very interested in this period of history, and I have done some research. I suspect that the power gem may still be here..."

Lei Sen was shocked and laughed again. "If you want to explore, of course we are happy to accompany you."

He regards this as Zhou Zhen's adventurous spirit, and their task is to protect Zhou Zhen. Since Zhou Zhen wants to be a treasure hunter here, of course he will continue to protect him, so he should play with Zhou Zhen.

He clicked on the personal computer on his left arm and pointed out the information of Morag, and said: "Due to the heavy damage to Morag, the terrain has changed and all life forms have disappeared.

After 1,300 years of evolution, this planet has now regained a bit of vitality, with a small number of life forms, but the ground environment is still harsh.

Many treasure hunters come here to try their luck, but because the original technology left too little, no one has made a lot of gains here, and gradually fell into disuse.

Now it has become a paradise for interstellar pirates, and it is said that many hunter teams have secret bases on this planet. "

Zhou Zhen turned his head and said: "After the red, open the equipment warehouse. Scan the entire planet image, and mark the image of the temple ruins when you encounter it."

The equipment library opened, and Zhou Zhen walked in with Fanny and Leisen.

There are four suits of armor and countless equipment for adventure in space.

Zhou Zhen walked directly to the auxiliary equipment area, opened the control panel, and clicked on the magnetic device.

When the storage cabinet was opened, dozens of magnetic devices were controlled by the instrument and sent directly to Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen looked around and chose a small triangular magnetic device, and then pretended to be retracted into the back waist, but actually retracted into the space.

This magnetic device is exactly the same as the one that the protagonist of the movie took out at the beginning.

The protagonist relies on this small device to **** the cosmic spiritual orb, which is the power gem, from the locator.

Zhou Zhen turned around and said: "Fanny, you stay on the spaceship with Lei Sen. When we come back, I want to eat the roasted spirit beast meat with Xi'axiang fruit."

"Okay, Master."

Reson said: "I will stay on the spacecraft to control the whole situation, and everyone else will follow you. Luke, I hope you can understand that you want to explore and I will not stop it, but you must pay attention to your safety."

"Of course, Leyson, I'm still a young man, I haven't enjoyed more fun in life yet, and I won't take unnecessary risks."

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