Kamui Palace.

After Zhao Ziyun came back from the library, he sat in the living room and was clean.

A cup of tea, a book.

Of course, the book is for appearance, and he can't really be pure.

Just as he took a sip of tea, the housekeeper Liu Shan came over to report.

"Lord Wang, Lord Eldest Sun, you are asking to see you outside the door, do you want to see or not?"

Liu Shan has only come back from the last time he went out to do things for Zhao Ziyun.

"Is he alone?"

"No, and his son." "

Please let him in, and his son will continue to kneel outside the door!" Liu

Shan got the order and came directly to the door.

"Steward Liu, what did the prince say?" asked

the eldest grandson Shunde in a low voice.

Although he is a general and a prince, he does not dare to be too high-profile in front of other housekeepers.

It was also polite at this time.

"The prince said, you can go in, but Ling Gongzi must stay outside the door, and it depends on his performance.

Liu Shan smiled and basically relayed Zhao Ziyun's words.

"Bastard, do you hear that? Don't you get down on your knees. The

eldest grandson Shunde turned around and scolded the eldest grandson with a black face.

The eldest grandson had a displeased face, and he was reluctant to kneel down at all.

Under the gaze of the eldest grandson Shunde, he knelt down helplessly.

"Can't I kneel, you can go in quickly!" In

the living room, Zhao Ziyun soon saw the eldest grandson Shunde, and saw that his face was not very good.

The attitude is very respectful.

"Xiaguan, I've seen the prince. He bowed respectfully in his hands.

Zhao Ziyun, who had just drunk tea, originally had a cold face, but at this moment he became warm.

"Oh, Lord Eldest Sun, what wind has blown you here. "

This ...... I ...... "

The eldest grandson Shunde was stunned for a moment, what just happened, you forgot it so quickly?"

His face was even worse, and he was embarrassed.

Zhao Ziyun naturally said this on purpose, in order not to put pressure on him.

For Shuge, it is definitely not something he dares to do, there must be someone behind this.

"Lord Wang, isn't this because he offended you?" I just want to see if this matter can be private?"

Zhao Ziyun seemed to have forgotten about this matter, and pondered slightly.

"Oh, what did you say, if you didn't mention it, I'd almost forgotten it, come, Lord Great-grandson, please take a seat. With that

, Zhao Ziyun enthusiastically invited the eldest grandson Shunde to sit down.

When the eldest grandson Shunde saw Zhao Ziyun's appearance, his mind was full of question marks.

What does it mean?

Just after this happened, he said that he had forgotten, was this deliberately embarrassing and did not want to admit it, or did he want to give himself a step?

He didn't know much about Zhao Ziyun's temper and character, so he was a little confused at this time.

The eldest grandson Shunde, who sat down, also didn't dare to sit down like a pins and needles, drinking tea in his hand, and always glancing at Zhao Ziyun with his spare eyes.

"Lord Eldest Sun, are you here for the matter of Prince Ling?"

Zhao Ziyun asked in a relaxed tone.

The eldest grandson, Shunde, hurriedly put down the teacup and stood up again.

"Yes, yes, yes, how does the prince think this matter is handled?"

"This matter, in fact, is very easy to solve, it depends on your attitude, I have a good personal relationship with the eldest grandson, for the sake of his face, I don't want to make a big deal about it, as long as I explain the person in charge behind it." "

What Zhao Ziyun said is naturally the eldest grandson Wuji, they are relatives, the family is high and powerful, and the eldest grandson Shunde naturally understands what Zhao Ziyun means.

"Lord Wang, I don't know what the main thing behind this matter you are talking about?"

"Lord Eldest Sun, what kind of person Ling Gongzi is, don't I know, don't you know? Is he such a person who knows how to dance and write? What do you say he wants my book pavilion to do?"

Zhao Ziyun directly pointed out that he was going to put pressure on him.

"Does the prince mean that there is someone behind the dog who instigated him to do that? The lower official really doesn't know about this matter, if there is really someone, the prince means to confess the person, and my son will be fine?"

Zhao Ziyun nodded, "I'll give you two days, you can just bring me the answer when the time comes."

Zhao Ziyun waved his hand and motioned for him to retreat.

The eldest grandson Shunde came out in a cold sweat.


"Lord Wang, you call me?" Liu

Shan was quickly called over by Zhao Ziyun.

"You go and find out the truth behind this for me. "

Yes, my lord. "

I have to say that the housekeeper arranged by Li Shimin for him is still quite strong in terms of ability.

In the afternoon, Zhao Ziyun was called to the palace.

In the Wude Palace, Li Shimin was flipping through the chapters, and suddenly saw Zhao Ziyun.

"Ziyun, you're here, please take a seat. "

Your Majesty, what are you looking for?" Zhao Ziyun casually found a place to sit down.

Li Shimin also put down the matter in his hand and asked people to make him tea.

"Ziyun, this year's grain has been down for a long time, how is the situation of your fief?"

Zhao Ziyun didn't know why Li Shimin suddenly asked this?

His fief was in Wuling Yuan, where all the big families lived.

Could it be that Li Shimin asked this with a deep meaning?

Zhao Ziyun thought a lot in an instant.

"Ziyun, do you know why I put your fief in Wuling Yuan in the first place?"

Li Shimin suddenly asked.

"I don't know!" Zhao

Ziyun told the truth, he hadn't thought about it so much.

"Then let me tell you!"

"Wuling was originally a gathering place for the clan, and it was a link between the clan and Chang'an.

"The clan has been the benchmark of the world's noble clans since the Han Dynasty, and among the world's wealthy families, the influence is very large, which is not a good thing for the country."

"I want you to balance this power.

As soon as Zhao Ziyun heard it, he understood that Li Shimin had already had the intention of moving these families.

The world's most prominent families are dominated by five surnames, and these families have far-reaching political influence.

They can often use the power of their families to influence the situation of the court, and many officials in the Manchu court are their protégés or members of their own families.

This belongs to the Shandong Wang clan in terms of saying.

In the court, several of his senior members belonged to the Shandong Wang clan, such as Wei Zheng, Fang Xuanling, Li Shiji and others.

Not to mention people in other positions.

Because they form an invisible force, this force is very unfavorable to the rule of the Tang Dynasty, in other words, most of the talents in the world here come from these families.

Although the Li royal family is expensive, it is inferior to others in terms of talent delivery.

As the emperor, Li Shimin is very worried about this, if the people of these families are infiltrated in the future, then his Tang Dynasty will not have the possibility of subversion.

Even if it can't be fully penetrated, the delivery of talent is a big problem.

So he deliberately suppressed these nobles.

So last time Zhao Ziyun said that he wanted to buy a college, of course Li Shimin agreed.

He also wants to take the talent into his own hands.

Zhao Ziyun listened to Li Shimin's words and nodded.

"Your Majesty, what do you want me to do?".

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