After being happy for a while, his face became a little gloomy.

"Lord Wang, I suddenly thought of one thing, that is, what should we do with the ones we produce?"

"You want to produce so many clothes every day, what should we do?"

Zhao Ziyun knew his thoughts, with a bright smile on his face.

"Haha, Liu Shan, Liu Shan, you are really a talent, have you forgotten Lord Wang about this matter?"

Zhao Ziyun mentioned this, and Liu Shan instantly remembered Wang Ding.

"Oh, Lord Wang, do you mean Lord Wang Ding? He is indeed a master, and it is absolutely no problem to leave this matter to him.

Thinking of this, Liu Shan regained his smile.

"Then you sorted out the needs of the border and sent them first.

Zhao Ziyun commanded casually.


Afterwards, Zhao Ziyun was still thinking about the iron material, he felt that Du Ruhui said that a month was too long, and he didn't want to wait that long.

After all, time is running out.

Wouldn't it be better if the matter could be resolved in a short period of time?

After a day of thinking, Zhao Ziyun really came up with a method, that is, "God will make you crazy first" trick if you let you perish.

He figured it out, it was impossible for the Cui family to collect all the iron in the country.

Under the heavy reward, there will be brave men, the same reason, heavy money for iron, will inevitably let more people send iron to Chang'an from afar.

However, presumably, the family will not let them send the iron to Chang'an so easily, and it will inevitably be intercepted in the middle of the road.

This is the effect that Zhao Ziyun needs.

Since the family wants to monopolize first, then follow their ideas.

After that, according to Du Ruhui's idea, they announced everywhere that they didn't need iron, so after the demand was not so strong, no matter how high the price of iron was, it would be the most dangerous for them.

After that, Zhao Ziyun used a little more trickery to continuously bring in some iron from other places, and confirmed that he would not buy the iron of the family, so the family would panic.

When the time comes, it is not him who asks for the family, but the family who asks for him.

After Zhao Ziyun decided about this matter, he began to do it.

After a few days like this, the family didn't react, and the court reacted first.

Inside the Hall of Martial Arts.

Li Shimin is discussing things with Du Ruhui and others.

At this time, Du Ruhui's face was extremely unhappy.

"Your Majesty, this Shenwei King doesn't know what he means, he said that he would cancel the use of iron, but now he has begun to buy in Chang'an City again, which makes us very passive next year!" Du

Ruhui couldn't figure it out, just a few days after he said it, Zhao Ziyun actually launched thousands of copies of iron seeking information in Chang'an City, didn't this encourage the family to continue hoarding?

As far as he knew, not only the Qinghe Cui family was hoarding, but also the Fanyang Lu family, but also the people from the Taiyuan Wang family were also doing this.

The other two are not very many, but they also want a piece of the pie.

Seeing Du Ruhui's angry appearance, Li Shimin could only comfort.

"Keming, you don't have to get angry, I have already sent someone to call him, let him give you an explanation of this matter in person.

At this point, Du Ruhui was a little angry.

Keming is his character, and most of the ancients called it.

The eldest grandson Wuji on the side was also a little laughed by this incident.

"The prince is resourceful, there should be other schemes! Lord Du doesn't need to be so angry!"

"Let's take this down jacket as an example, he sent the border clothes to the border so quickly, can you believe this kind of thing? "

Listening to him, this method is called the production line method, and the efficiency is really much stronger. "

The prince has really a lot of ideas!" As

soon as the eldest grandson Wuji said this, even Li Shimin nodded frequently.

He believed that Zhao Ziyun was not a random person.

The last time we invited everyone to breakfast at the Tai Chi Hall, this is also an example.

"Keming, what the auxiliary machine said is right, you have to believe Zhao Ziyun.

Li Shimin further comforted him.

Although Fang Xuanling on the side did not speak, he also showed a strange smile.

During the time they were waiting for Zhao Ziyun, several people were discussing this down jacket incident.

Because in just a few days, they heard a lot of things.

Some people are rumoring that Zhao Ziyun's clothes have begun to be shipped to states across the country.

It is also rumored that he has almost enough of the one million taels.

It is even rumored that he wants to sell the clothes he produces to the Turks and other places.

Each of these news is more shocking than the other.

"Xuanling, do you say that the rumors in the market are true? This kid really has such great ability?"

"What is the matter that Your Majesty is talking about? What is his efficiency in doing things? What about him selling clothes to the Turks?"

Fang Xuanling looked at the other people calmly at this time.

"Then you talk about his efficiency first, can he really transport goods to the states so quickly? Can he really quickly scrape together a million taels? I really can't imagine how this happened?"

This is not only Li Shimin's voice, but also the voice of other people.

Several people were thinking, and their eyes fell on Fang Xuanling's face at the same time.

"Your Majesty, this first thing, the minister thinks it may be true, after all, his production places are all over the place, as for how he shipped it, the minister does not know.

"If the first thing is true, then the second thing may also be true, but if you think about it, it's really hard to believe, after all, it took less than ten days to do it, it's incomprehensible.

"This matter is someone else, the minister never dared to believe it, but this was done by King Shenwei himself, and too many miracles and incredibles happened to him, and the minister still chose to believe it.

After Fang Xuanling finished saying this, everyone had a calm smile on their faces.

Everyone else nodded slightly, agreeing with Fang Xuanling's words.

"Hahaha, why do you even think of him as a god? "

Auxiliary, what do you think?"

Although Li Shimin said that he didn't believe it, he believed it more than anyone else in his heart.

He deliberately asked the eldest grandson Wuji again.

"Your Majesty, the minister thinks that this matter is generally credible, and since it can be spread, it must not be groundless. The

eldest grandson Wuji also chose to believe without hesitation.

Li Shimin looked at Du Ruhui again, only to see that Du Ruhui was still unhappy, but he still chose to nod and believe.

"It seems that you have all been affected by what he has done, and you all believe in him unconditionally!"

"Then tell me why he still bought goods from the Turks?

Want to see how their reactions change.

However, what he saw was indeed calm, and it seemed that none of them suspected Zhao Ziyun's approach.

They all take everything this man for granted.

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