After a day of exams, all of them felt like they were fully loaded.

They are all very much looking forward to the next day's exam, and based on the difficulty of today's exam, they believe that they should be able to answer it better tomorrow.

And the eldest grandson Wuji is also suspicious, Zhao Ziyun's statement.

He was still a little uneasy, so he went directly to the palace to find Li Shimin that night.

told Li Shimin everything that happened during the day.

"Your Majesty, this is what happened today, the prince has this law, and the minister feels very inappropriate. "

Your Majesty, you are the king of saints, you have to make a judgment.

When Li Shimin heard this, he was already blindsided.


ancient times, we have only heard of candidates bribing examiners, but we have never heard of such a situation.

This is probably the most strange thing since ancient times, and the most bizarre thing is that he has to pay for those people to reward them out of his own pocket.

Is this a panic because of the money to burn, or how can it be dropped?

Regarding Zhao Ziyun's statement, Li Shimin was also at a loss for a while.

But he thought about Zhao Ziyun's various strange practices before, and he always felt that Zhao Ziyun should not be so simple.

For he is not a loser in his own right.

"Strange, strange, could it be that he is really a god descending from heaven? turned into my god of war in the Tang Dynasty, a poet immortal, and now he is a boy of scattered wealth?" Li Shimin said softly.

"Your Majesty, you have always disbelieved in ghosts and gods, why do you now say that he is a boy who scatters wealth?"

The eldest grandson Wuji was also helpless, he really didn't know that Li Shimin would react like this, and he thought that if he said this strange thing, Li Shimin would stop it, which was also the purpose of his entry into the palace this time.

"Oh, I was thinking about something else, I'm afraid this matter won't be easy, you can continue to follow him tomorrow, see how it goes, and come back and tell me.

Li Shimin was really distracted just now, he felt that Zhao Ziyun's thoughts were really strange, but this situation was very much in line with him.

The lobby is the kind of person who needs this kind of imagination, strange thinking, and ability to get things done.

There is no doubt that Zhao Ziyun is such a person, and he has found Zhao Ziyun such a strange person more than once.

So he is still full of confidence in Zhao Ziyun.

"Your Majesty, I naturally want to go with him, but this style is really corrupting the dynasty, if he really rewarded those people this time, then in the future, who would want to be a down-to-earth official. "

This makes it difficult for His Majesty's Jiangshan Society to manage, there was such an example before, and this time it is like this, as if he is the only one in this Tang Dynasty, Zhao Ziyun, his influence may exceed His Majesty, isn't Your Majesty worried at all?"

"Auxiliary, you are exaggerating, there are a few such people in Datang, and the last incident did not cause harm to my country, but made the court more active than before. "

Do you know why the prime minister can support the boat in his belly? Although you are now a scholar, but you are also the responsibility of the prime minister, can't you be more open-minded and open-minded?"

"Even if he has a lot of influence, he also contributes to the Tang Dynasty, the more such courtiers, the happier I am, I can't wait for each of you to be a talent like Zhao Ziyun, then I can't think of prosperity in the Tang Dynasty."

Li Shimin was not worried that Zhao Ziyun would betray him at all.

"Your Majesty, don't you just think that he will ......"

Eldest Sun Wuji did not finish his words, but Li Shimin already understood the meaning.

"Auxiliary, I hope that your words today will be rotten in my stomach forever, I believe in Ziyun 100%, don't say anything dissatisfied, I have a secret to tell you.

Seeing that Li Shimin's attitude was very strong, the eldest grandson Wuji knew that he could not persuade him, but when he heard the secret, he still asked with some curiosity.

"What is the secret? Your Majesty.

Li Shimin took two steps towards the eldest grandson Wuji, and then whispered into his ear: "Actually, I also let him secretly train a cavalry of 50,000 people.

As soon as this sentence came out, the eldest grandson Wuji's face immediately changed, and he hurriedly knelt down, wanting to love Li Shimin to take back the talisman.

But before he knelt down, he was supported by Li Shimin.

"Auxiliary, I know what you think, and I know what you want to say.

"I want to tell you this secret today to tell you one thing, I believe in Zhao Ziyun 100%, and I believe in him as much as I believe in you. "

That's why I told you this secret, and you also have to understand why I agreed to him, am I confused?"

But this person is Zhao Ziyun, his force value can only be described as terrifying, and the person who can scare the Turks back, if he has 50,000 horses, wouldn't it be like a tiger with wings, and it will be easy to level Chang'an City.

How could he not be worried?

Wasn't this the kind of person the master was talking about?

He really couldn't understand why Li Shimin even agreed to such a request?

This news was an earth-shattering explosion to him.

However, Li Shimin's attitude made him very puzzled, and

after muttering for a long time, he still didn't say anything to admonish.

Because he knows Li Shimin's temper.

In the end, he could only retreat in frustration and shock.

The news kept him up all night.

The next day, early in the morning, he hurriedly wore court clothes and followed Zhao Ziyun to Guozijian.

After that, he saw that Zhao Ziyun's face was a little different.

This man is a man with military strength, and he can't afford to mess with him no matter what.

Zhao Ziyun was very curious when he saw the tired look on his eldest grandson Wuji's face.

"Lord Changsun, why is your face so pale for a few days? Did you not rest last night?"

Zhao Ziyun greeted Changsun Wuji very warmly, but Changsun Wuji did not speak, and looked at Zhao Ziyun's expression a little strange.

Seeing the expression of the eldest grandson Wuji, Zhao Ziyun seemed to suddenly realize.

"Oh, so I was with Madame last night...... Well...... Haha!" Zhao

Ziyun looked like he understood in seconds, which made the eldest grandson Wuji speechless, and he looked very aggrieved.

"I didn't expect the eldest grandson to be really a tiger and wolf, admire and admire!" Zhao

Ziyun shouted again, which made the eldest grandson Wuji very embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Lord Wang, it's not what you imagined, the minister really didn't have a good rest last night. The

eldest grandson Wuji defended.

"Well, I know, I understand, this kind of private matter, you don't have to let me know. Eldest grandson, please, after today's business is over, the eldest grandson will go back and rest early.

Zhao Ziyun's words made the eldest grandson Wuji have no temper, and he didn't bother to explain, so he followed behind Zhao Ziyun.

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