Heavily armed, Ye Cha entered the complex.

It is said to be a complex, but in fact it is only three or five houses.

Ye Cha approached the first room, found that it was a warehouse, pushed open the door, and there were some things piled up inside that needed to cross the canyon.

Including tents, jackets, crutches and much more.

If you want to fully walk through the canyon, a day or two is not enough, you need to spend the night in the canyon, experienced travelers will prepare their own, and those who don't know, can buy it here.

Ye Sha cautiously walked around the warehouse, moving forward while putting on the Xingyao goggles, but he never noticed the red shadow in the Xingyao goggles.

Ye Sha then left the warehouse and walked to a house on the other side.

When you enter the house, there is a large hall with a semicircular front desk in front of it, and the floor is covered with dust and cobwebs.

Ye Sha walked to the front desk and took a look inside, the drawer fell to the ground, and countless forms were scattered all over the ground.

Ye Sha picked up the form casually and saw that it was a form for the registration of personal information.

The role of this place is to rent a car, and some people like to hike through the Grand Canyon to visit, while others prefer to take a car, and this place is for the latter.

Ye Cha lost the form and continued to walk forward, at the back of the front desk, there is also an area where many climbing equipment are stacked, and it is estimated that there are also cliff climbing projects for tourists.

Ye Cha still used the Starlight Goggles to search, but still found nothing.

Ye Cha walked out of the house, if it wasn't for Char's oath, Ye Cha would have suspected that this guy was playing tricks, this place has really been abandoned for a long time, and there is nothing at all.

However, at the moment of approaching the third house.

Ye Sha immediately pulled out the silver thorns, held them flat with his two guns in his hands, and aimed them at the gate.

The smell of blood

is very, very strong, and you can smell it clearly even through the door.

Ye Sha cautiously approached, then stepped forward with both guns, raised his feet and pushed the door open little by little.

As soon as the door opened, Ye Cha saw a skeleton, lying directly by the door, with tattered clothes hanging on his body.

And not far from the skeleton, Ye Sha saw a fresh corpse, not a human, but some kind of animal, or should I say, it was the corpse of an ancient species.

It looks like an ancient species like a lion, but its head is gone, and the flesh and blood of its body are pitted, so it is difficult to distinguish what kind of ancient species it is.

But the most important thing is that the blood is still flowing, which means that there is not much time for this ancient species to die, and it also means that there must be other ancient species in this place.

Human? That can't be!

The flesh lost from the body of the ancient species of death was obviously not cut by a knife, but bitten.

So, it shouldn't be someone else on the death train who got on the train first.

Ye Sha walked more carefully, moving forward step by step.

The house was originally a dining room, with tables and chairs falling everywhere, and the most of them were bones, both human and ancient, adding up to about twenty.

Ye Sha guessed that this place should have become a nest occupied by an ancient species, and those bones were all food for the ancient species, or rather, it should be leftovers.

Suddenly, just behind Ye Sha, a huge black shadow gradually emerged, his eyes flashed red, and then he raised his claws violently and slapped them down towards Ye Sha.

Ye Sha felt the strong wind coming from behind him, his pupils shrank sharply, and then he jumped forward, supported the ground with one palm, and quickly rolled up.

A table was flapped out of the way, and after hitting the wall, it fell apart.

A giant bear swayed out of the shadows and staggered out.

Ye Sha was stunned for a moment, what a mess of hedgehogs and bears, isn't this a crescent bear!

Crescent bear, gold 1 star, extinct cave bear branch in ancient times, covered in brown or black hair, but there is a circle of crescent white fluff on the chest, so it is called a crescent bear.

This guy is a purebred ancient giant bear, but the bear's fur is hard, and when it is angry, it will explode in all directions, probably because of this, Char mistook it for a hedgehog's thorn.

Bears are very ferocious species, usually quite mild, but when provoked or provoked, they will become extremely brutal, and it is common to tear tigers and leopards alive.

The crescent bear in front of him was obviously in a state of rage, and after missing the blow, he landed on all fours and roared loudly at Ye Sha, which didn't look like a gentle appearance.

In the next moment, the crescent bear ran like a bulldozer, and with every step he took, there would be a sound of "knock, knock" on the ground, and there was a feeling that the ground was shaking.

Ye Sha immediately raised his pistol and pulled the trigger.

Bang, bang

, bang, bang, bang...... Gunshots rang out one after another, and bullets continued to hit the crescent bear's body.

The crescent bear was even more angry, roaring incessantly, blood splashing on his body, and the momentum of the charge stopped.

However, the damage caused by bullets to the crescent bear is actually very weak.

The bear has thick fat, and its defense is very high, and the crescent bear is even more perverted, as an ancient species, this guy's height is terrifyingly close to three and a half meters, and his huge body is at least seven or eight hundred kilograms.

Therefore, the power of the Demon Breaking Bullet can almost be ignored, this bullet is specially used to deal with zombies, and the silver bullet has a certain effect, but it is also very limited.

In the next moment, after the crescent bear circled the ground angrily, it raised its bear paw again and swept it, slamming the table away and smashing it in the direction of Ye Sha.

Ye Sha dodged quickly, and then ran out to the side.

Ye Sha inserted the silver brambles back into his holster, then took off the Black Hawk Compound Bow and put the explosive arrow on the string.

Since the bullets were useless, they naturally needed something more powerful, and then, before the crescent bear could rush up again, Ye Sha pulled the string and shot the arrow.


he made a hasty shot during the run, Ye Sha was not able to accurately hit the crescent bear, but shot at the table on the side.

However, it's also close enough to the crescent bear.


A huge explosion sounded, and the black flames mixed with the flames pushed out in all directions, quickly engulfing the crescent bear.

Ye Sha stopped and looked at the black smoke and flames rising in front of him.

I even killed a golden 3-star dragon bat, not to mention a golden 1-star crescent bear.

Moreover, the crescent bear and the dragon bat have something in common, neither of them has any special abilities, and the only reliance is that the body is very strong and the strength is huge.

But the crescent bear is obviously not as good as the dragon bat, the dragon bat can fly, but the crescent bear cannot!

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