"Charge and kill."

"Destroy everything!"

"Revenge against humanity!"

In the spiritual dimension, the waves of demons are still getting higher and higher.

However, even though humanity's defense line is full of loopholes, it has still not been destroyed.

The demons obviously had a plan and drove the demon warship directly towards the spiritual worlds.

Boom, boom!

One after another, the demon warships were like meteors, falling directly into the spiritual worlds.

The next moment, the demon battleship disintegrated, and countless demons swarmed to attack the entire spiritual world.

The "life" in the spiritual world naturally rises up to resist.

Then a series of world wars began.

"It's all a spiritual world above white."

"The devil really knows how to kidnap people and choose valuable ones."

"Of course, they are really bullying the weak and afraid of the strong. They dare not touch those golden spiritual worlds."

At Nantianmen, Chen Qi gave his statistics in detail.

There are a total of more than 130,000 white spiritual worlds anchored by the Demon Realm.

But the spiritual world, which is being invaded by demons, is hundreds of times higher than this number.

When the devil kidnaps someone, he must also consider the safety of the hostages and not be harsh.

But for the many small gray spiritual worlds, the demon, who had been hungry for a long time, directly regarded them as cream cakes.

Although this cake is covered with sand, it is very chewy.

But the devils can still eat a mouthful of butter.

Almost every moment, a small gray spiritual world is completely devoured by the demon.

But this kind of destruction is fundamental.

Even if humans in the real world have not forgotten it, it will take at least a hundred years for these small gray spiritual worlds to be reborn.

"Senior Gu, the boundary between reality and reality is being weakened."

"I really didn't expect that if the spiritual world, which is the foundation of the spiritual dimension, is destroyed, the boundary between reality and reality will be affected."

After the destruction of many small gray spiritual worlds, some cracks suddenly appeared on the ice, which is the boundary between reality and reality.

Although the cracks were very slight, they were only on the surface, and even Ulma, who was lying on the ice, did not notice them.

But Chen Qi saw it clearly.

As soon as the all-out war started, Chen Qi received an instruction from Gu Yunqing.

"Junior, those who are capable will work harder. The other side of the boundary between virtual and real depends entirely on you."

"Senior, I can still count the rest of the data."

"But where the boundary between reality and reality is, senior I am too old-sighted to do anything."

“And that’s where it counts.”

"We must not allow demons to enter the real world on a large scale."

For human beings, it doesn't matter how the demons mess around in the spiritual dimension.

Because the foundation of human beings is the real world, as long as there are no problems there, humans in the spiritual dimension can never lose.

And the demon naturally knows this weakness of human beings.

Thousands of years ago, they had to completely shatter the boundary between reality and reality before they could wreak havoc on the human world.

So when the fight starts this time, as long as the devil is not stupid, he will definitely find a way to destroy the boundary between reality and reality.

But today is different from the past. The line between virtual and real in today's era is too thick.

But this is determined by the strength of the spiritual dimension.

The greater the population in the real world, the greater the distortion of the world by human spirituality, and the spiritual dimension will naturally become more powerful.

This distortion is the boundary between reality and fiction.

There is a positive correlation between the virtual and real boundaries and the spiritual dimension.

It is also because of this that the destruction of many gray spiritual worlds caused the appearance of cracks on the ice.

But it's just some minor cracks, nothing serious.

In fact, [Devil-Slaying Alliance] is very confident in the boundaries between reality and fiction.

Unless all the demons lay on the ice and chewed hard, there would be no big problem with the boundary between reality and reality.

Chen Qi's constant observation was just a precaution.

After all, there is still delusion!

These guys are the best at digging holes.

If the devil really wants to come to the real world, illusion is an inevitable part of it.

It was precisely to deal with the illusion that Ulma waited on the ice.

Although the boundary between reality and reality is infinitely broad, the ice is too thick.

The intact ice surface is difficult to penetrate even if it is exhausted.

Therefore, if the delusions want to break through the boundaries, they can only stare at those "old wounds."

Although there are many "old holes" on the ice, at least they are not impossible to mark.

Chen Qi was "condescending" and his eyes were constantly scanning like a radar.

Although the resolution is very low, if you are lucky!

Maybe it’s false and unlucky!

"The fight has started. The fight has actually started?"

"Is it fate that really wants to destroy us, Xu Huan and the Demon?"

"What a shame, human civilization is really thriving."

"Why? Why don't good people live long, and the harm will last for thousands of years?"

"Evil beings like human beings should have been punished by God long ago."

On the ice, Ulma was constantly patrolling, overlooking the billions of spiritual worlds below.

In its eyes, the entire spiritual dimension is infinitely pale.

Only the black light escaping from many spiritual worlds rendered ugly scars.

That's right, in Ulma's eyes, the spiritual world of billions of human beings is just the scars left behind after the world was traumatized.

Evil humans are harming the entire world.

The illusory people's understanding seems to be a bit confusing.

But if all kinds of emotional factors are eliminated, everything they see in their eyes is the truth.

The birth of the spiritual dimension stems from the distortion of the world by human spirituality.

If we regard this distortion as a kind of "injury", and regard the birth of the spiritual world as the scars left after the heaven and earth were injured, it seems to be okay.

Therefore, in the cognition of illusion and demon, they represent justice.

What they are doing is to eliminate humans, the group of worms that are eating the world.

And by destroying spiritual worlds one by one, they help eliminate scars in the world.

This is a matter of immeasurable merit.

Many even falsely believe that they were born to shoulder such a lofty mission.

Otherwise [falsehood] should not appear.

From the bottom of his heart, Ulma hoped that Xu Huan and Tian Mo would win.

But now as a bystander, he couldn't see even half a chance of the demon winning.

Leaderless, it was a chaotic mess.

This is what Ulma sees as the offensive of the demons.

If he were still the eldest brother of the illusory people, if the demons were still under his command.

In this battle before us, how could the level of the demons be so low?

Sure enough, without him, the demon is doomed.

"Ulma, don't dawdle, don't try to be lazy."

"Hurry up and patrol for me."

"The master has spoken, 10 falsehoods, this is your mission indicator."

"The master is in urgent need of money now, please act quickly."

"Clatter, crash, crash!"

The nine dog chains on Ulma's body were shaking constantly.

The moment the dog leash shook, Ulma's stance also swayed, jumping 180 degrees in an instant.

Brothers, I'm really sorry.

My mother can’t help herself now!

You're all going to die anyway, so it's better to fall into your brother's hands.

If it were said that Ulma had some thoughts of running away before.

Well, after seeing the demon and Xuwu pulling their legs together like this, it now just wants to be a "good citizen".

Although Ulma also feels that she is wise and powerful and can save the building from falling.

However, the current demons and Xuwu are just a bunch of pigs, so what if he is a super god?

It is doomed to be unable to make a comeback.

In this case, of course it has to perform well.

Ulma was determined not to dawdle any more.

It began to run wildly on the ice, and no one was more familiar with this place than Xu Hua.

When it comes to drilling holes, Ulma is the expert.

The impact of the all-out war in the spiritual dimension is not limited to the spiritual dimension.

In the real world, the moment the spiritual dimension begins, the atmosphere in the other world becomes tense.

"[Shocking explosion, shocking explosion, the devil launches a full-scale war, the demon-killing war begins]!"

Although those who can enter the spiritual dimension are at worst the top controllers who have touched the power of authority.

But the evil deeds of the demons that wreaked havoc on the human world were known to everyone in the world.

Therefore, the low-level transcendent beings may not know about the spiritual dimension, but no one knows about the world of gods and demons.

Although the demon has not appeared in the world for a long time, the new generation in the other world have long forgotten what the demon looks like.

But the demon is one of mankind's greatest enemies, and they have not forgotten it.

Now humans are actually at full-scale war with the demons. The shock caused by this can be imagined.

"It's over, it's over, the devil is so evil and powerful, can we humans win?"

"Are you stupid? The demon has been driven back to his hometown a long time ago. We are not those stupid ancient cultivators. We have nothing to be afraid of!"

"But don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unlikely event. What if the devil has been practicing in seclusion for thousands of years and his strength has greatly improved?"

"There's something wrong with this guy's stance. Is he possessed by a demon?"

Even low-level extraordinary people who don't understand anything can "talk loudly" about things like war.

You can imagine how lively the public opinion in the entire world is now.

Although the vast majority of extraordinary beings are full of confidence and believe that humans cannot lose.

But there are always a handful of "reflective monsters" who are born pessimists.

Under their guidance, some melon-eating people who did not know the situation began to worry.

The atmosphere of the entire inner world suddenly became quite depressing.

In this regard, the major forces in the world don't care at all.

Even this situation was expected by them.

After all, the inner world has been peaceful for too long. Even the inner world, which fights every day, has not experienced a real "war" for a long time.

As peace lasts for a long time, it is normal for everyone to have some panic about war.

Even some "defeat theory" was deliberately guided by their indulgence.

This is not fishing.

Instead, it makes the "lazy guys" in the other world nervous. Only when people feel the crisis can they forge ahead.

Don't forget that the war is only fought in the spiritual dimension now, but it is inevitable that the demon will come to the real world.

It’s really because there are too many demons, they are deceitful and treacherous enough, and the boundary between reality and reality is too broad!

Therefore, it is just a good time to take advantage of everyone's "sense of crisis" to give all the extraordinary people a good lesson in "preventing and controlling heavenly demons".

No 998, no 98, just 9 yuan 9 to take home the "Tianmo Illustrated Book".

As for the various secret techniques and alchemy treasures for preventing and curing demons, that's another price.

War has always been a feast of gluttons.

Even if the little shrimps are not qualified to go to the battlefield now, they still have to have money to pay.

The tense atmosphere in the ethereal world has had some impact on the mortal world.

For example, all major middle powers have begun to reorganize their armaments.

But it is only a moderately powerful country. The small countries are still drunk and enjoying a peaceful life.

After all, if the sky falls, there will be someone tall to hold it up.

They have already become a big brother and all they have to do is pay protection money.

So on the surface, the ordinary world is really calm.

The biggest impact of the spiritual dimension on ordinary people is that some people have nightmares and have problems sleeping.

But among mortals, there are some aliens after all.

For example, the Muggle cult with pumpkins on their heads has closer ties with the other world, and naturally knows about the war between humans and demons.

Then they can't sleep.

Not only that, they are worried all day long.

What if those "trash" guys in the world are defeated?

Wouldn't that hurt us?

It's so scary that the demon can get into the brain.

Perhaps the Archbishop was right, the supernatural power should be completely cut off.

Only in this way can everyone sleep peacefully.

Thanks to the delay in all-out war, the Muggle Order has become unified in its thinking.

Once the war in the spiritual dimension begins, it will "never end."

Unless the "foundation" is completely destroyed, both sides in the war will "die and live again, live and die again."

At first, Chen Qi was shocked by the vast scene of war and was fascinated by it.

But after seeing too much, Chen Qi became numb.

After all, according to Chen Qi's observations, the current war is still in the warm-up stage.

The demons and illusions above the Weaver realm did not take any action.

Of course, this cannot mean that they are "kind-hearted", it can only mean that they are timid.

Obviously, the bosses' wars are always so simple and unpretentious.

Let's use the younger brothers to compete for consumption first. If they don't fight for the life of the last younger brother, they will never appear.

Of course, Chen Qi has another guess.

That is those powerful demons and illusions, mixed among the weak demons.

Their ultimate goal is, of course, to invade the real world.

Only when such beings come to the real world can they cause trouble to mankind.

Otherwise, it would be like throwing yourself into a trap and delivering food.

"Look at this situation, this is going to be a protracted battle!"

"Even if the time in the spiritual dimension is not equal to the real world, even if everything goes smoothly."

"Without more than ten years in the real world, the war in the spiritual dimension cannot end."

"This is because humans have an absolute advantage."

"If there are any more twists and turns in the middle, I'm afraid we won't be able to finish the fight in less than a hundred years."

Looking at the demons that are still as vast as the sea and are still pouring out.

Chen Qi made a judgment.

No wonder Senior Gu said there is no need to rush in killing the demon.

If Chen Qi were to do this himself, he would probably kill himself and vomit himself, but he would not be able to kill even one ten thousandth.

Sure enough, this kind of repetitive and monotonous work requires God to take action.

Of course, the situation is so chaotic now, which is not a good time for the Bubble King to appear.

What Chen Qi needs is "the public's attention", and now everyone is busy killing the devil.

Bubble Tianjiang couldn't produce any sparks at all, and Chen Qi certainly wouldn't do such a loss-making business.

Haven't you seen that Senior Gu is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai?

People are not anxious about taking loans, so Chen Qi is naturally more calm.

After adapting to the high-intensity work, Chen Qi became more and more comfortable.

Then he had a bit of "energy" to fish.

It's definitely not possible to use this amount of energy to study the three ancestor viruses, so we can only watch the show.

Because [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul] is developing a new plot on its own.

Therefore, the flow of time in its world is extremely slow, almost as if it is frozen.

The war in the spiritual dimension has been going on for several months, and the "gay drama" in "The Legend of the Purgatory Ghoul" has just come to an end.

What's quite interesting is that [Purgatory Ghoul] is so eye-catching, but no demon dares to come and cause trouble.

And only some golden spiritual worlds enjoy such treatment.

This shows how powerful and special [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul] is.


At the Yuanjing Group headquarters, two figures kept colliding in the sky.

At this time, Jin Kelang opened his eyes again and turned into the Baizhang Demon God.

Although his body size is 10 times smaller than before, his combat power has not decreased but increased by ten times.

This is why he has the confidence to bring Gao Tianzhu back to Yujing Group.

Because he is completely different from before, and he is getting stronger every moment.

However, after the fight actually started, Jin Kelang realized that he was wrong.

Gao Tianzhu, who was also open-minded, was not weaker than him at all.

They had been fighting for so long, but they still ended up in a draw.

However, a tie was just Jin Kelang's "wishful thinking".

Because Gao Tianzhu suddenly spoke during the battle.

And this means that he is still able to fight with ease.

"Kinkoro, is this the power you are proud of?"

"It's such a disappointment."

"Arrogant, arrogant, ignorant, and ignorant of progress."

"It turns out that you have degenerated into this."

"Jin Kelang, you are not worthy of fighting me, let alone being my friend."

Gao Tianzhu shook his head contemptuously, and then blocked all Jin Kelang's attacks with just one hand.

"This, how is this possible?"

"You haven't tried your best."

Only then did Jin Kelang suddenly realize.

He is no longer Gao Tianzhu's opponent.

Even the combat effectiveness of both sides is not at the same level.

In a daze, Jin Kelang recalled the first time he met Gao Tianzhu.

At that time, he was also so suppressed by the other party that he had no power to fight back.

"Kinkoro, for the sake of being friends, I will teach you another lesson."

"Watch out, this is the real power of purgatory!"

Blood continued to flow from Gao Tianzhu's eyes, and the next moment, his pupils turned into bloody vortexes and began to rotate continuously.

As his pupils rotated, Jin Kelang in Gao Tianzhu's field of vision began to appear distorted.

However, this kind of distortion not only appeared in his field of vision, but actually appeared on Jin Kelang.

"This, what kind of power is this?"

The moment he was locked, Jin Kelang struggled hard.

However, he seemed to be trapped in an invisible whirlpool, and everything he did was not affected at all.


As Gao Tianzhu's eyes gathered together, Jin Kelang was directly smashed into pieces by the whirlpool.

The next moment, Jin Kelang's lonely head appeared at the Yujing Group headquarters.

This is Gao Tianzhu's "friendship".

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