Demon Game: I Have a Dice of Fate

Chapter 840 Reincarnation

"Since the Diko Group and the Six-Dimensional Order have the same origin, the technology used to build the [Second World] must come from the ruins of ancient human civilization!"

"The black helmet in my hand is so similar to the original version of the virtual helmet that it cannot be a coincidence."

"So I suspect that there must be some connection between the Black Helmet and the ruins of ancient human civilization!"

"Perhaps I can learn many truths from that ancient human civilization ruins, including but not limited to [Bottomless Pit] and [Second World]."

It was with this in mind that Chen Qi ordered Gelis to use various channels to find out the details of the ancient civilization ruins.

And today, everything finally came to fruition.

"It's actually a relic from the Tiandao Alliance era?"

"And this is the end of the Tiandao Alliance, when it is about to disintegrate!"

Chen Qi casually looked through the information collected by Gelis.

The first thing that caught the eye was a huge building that looked like a tomb.

The sky is round and the sky covers the earth. This is the most significant architectural feature of the Tiandao League era.

The Tiandao Alliance was born at the end of the old era, spanning the old and new eras.

Although it has existed for tens of thousands of years, its impact on human civilization was mainly reflected in the thousands of years since the beginning of the new calendar.

Then it disintegrated and was replaced by many sects.

Regarding the disintegration of the Tiandao Alliance, there are different opinions in the world.

But there are no more than two reasons, internal and external.

The internal cause is naturally the irreconcilable conflicts among the many factions within the Tiandao Alliance.

The Tiandao Alliance is originally a loose alliance. It can only share adversities but cannot grow rich.

The external cause was the memetic infection that began to spread during that period.

It was also because of this that after the sects replaced the Tiandao Alliance.

Under the slogan of completely eradicating the memetic infection, various landmark buildings from the Tiandao Alliance era were bulldozed, and all the imprints of the Tiandao Alliance era were erased.

Unexpectedly, after thousands of years, there are still remnants of the ruins remaining.

"It's a pity that it was bulldozed again."

"Otherwise, you can go visit it!"

According to intelligence, when the Eternal Life Fund found the ruins, it had lost all its magic and looked like an ordinary building.

It was also because of this that an archaeological team of just a group of ordinary people completed the excavation of the ruins.

However, the archaeological team formed by the Everlasting Fund obviously does not care much about cultural relics, and the excavations are destructive.

The various extraordinary people who came after that even looted the place, even digging up all the bricks.

By the time the Sword of Judgment appeared, it was already unremarkable.

As for what exactly was in the ruins, Gloria didn't find out.

This is a little strange!

You must know that Chen Qi's authority in Nantian Society has been upgraded to level 6.

And that ruins are related to the [Second World] plan, and it is absolutely impossible for the top ten super spell schools not to pay attention to it.

Even with Chen Qi's authority, he was unable to know the details of that ruins, so there were only two possibilities.

The first is that Chen Qi's judgment is correct. The ruins indeed involve the [Bottomless Pit] and the [Second World].

Therefore, everything about the ruins has been tightly sealed.

The second is that the things in the ruins involve memetic infection.

If this is the case, it is normal that Chen Qi cannot find any information.

Chen Qi, who has been exposed to the [Ancestral Gene], is not completely ignorant of the horror of memetic infection.

Chen Qi's instinct told him that there should be two reasons.

However, the strange thing is that when Chen Qi tried to use Tianji to obtain more information, he could not find anything.

With Chen Qi's current secret knowledge, this can only mean that "all clues" in the sea of ​​information have been cleared.

And this kind of thing can only be done by the Sword of Judgment.

But the strange thing is that although there are no clues in the sea of ​​information, Chen Qi instinctively "locked" the answer.

Before killing the Heavenly Secret Spider Mother, Chen Qi did not have this ability at all.

Regarding this strange phenomenon, Chen Qi had two guesses in mind.

Either the Tianji Spider Mother herself knew the answer, and Chen Qi inherited it from her.

Either Chen Qi really possesses certain qualities of an inexplicable thing, and even if the information has been annihilated, he can still generate judgments.

Chen Qi would rather believe it was the former.

"That's all, don't rush this matter, let's talk about it later!"

"The most urgent task is to stick to the [Secret Technique of External Cultivation]."

"But before that, I have to solve the Black Helmet's agitation problem!"

"I need to concentrate on my practice, I can't just stare at it all the time."

Chen Qi unceremoniously blamed the failure of his cultivation on Black Helmet's interference.

He planned to completely install the black helmet and then devote himself to training.

Divine Master Tianlan has already certified it. He already has the qualifications to practice the secret method of external cultivation. How could he fail to practice it?

In the spaceship, apart from Chen Qi, only Dickens could barely sense the black helmet.

Chen Qi wanted to find someone to take over, but Dickens could only be the one to take over.

But this one is still in a deep sleep state, and the power of the soul shadow fluctuates intermittently, making it difficult for him to take on important tasks.

Fortunately, Chen Qi had already thought of a solution.

"I still have one treasure involving the power of the soul!"

"It just so happens that Dickens is in the process of metamorphosis, and I just want to do an experiment to see if this thing has any effect on my [Higher Dimensional Soul] Ancestor Virus."

After rummaging around for a while, Chen Qi finally found the treasure he had hidden at the bottom of the box.

It was an ordinary stone slab with some shadows lingering inside.

Originally, Chen Qi was not able to accurately determine the number of shadows, but after mastering some of the secrets of [high-dimensional soul].

Chen Qi can do it now.

17, there are a total of 17 soul shadows within the stone wall.

Without any hesitation, Chen Qi placed the stone wall in the shadow of Dickens.

Then there was another soul shadow.

It's just that the shadow of Dickens's soul did not enter the stone wall, but covered it.

"It really works!"

The moment the stone wall was in place, Dickens's soul, which had been fluctuating, became stable.

The [Higher Dimensional Soul] Ancestor Virus in his body, which was originally somewhat chaotic, has also become a little "calmer".

But that's not all.

When the Black Helmet beeped again, the sleeping Dickens slowly opened his third eye, and then the Black Helmet's restlessness stopped.

Chen Qi’s method is indeed feasible.

"Feel the current situation well."

"The transformation must be successful!"

Chen Qi stayed beside Dickens for a full day. After confirming that all the data were improving, he finally felt relieved.

Dickens is now his only work, which is related to the [Higher Dimensional Soul] Ancestral Virus and the [Wings of Time and Space] Ancestral Virus.

It can be called the most expensive experimental product.

The two ancestor viruses developed by Chen Qi came from the spiritual dimension after all.

Only Dickens was in a special state at that time and could it be loaded successfully.

Chen Qi wants to recreate it in reality, but he can't do it now.

Unless Chen Qi gets enough data from Dickens, who has successfully transformed.

After confirming that he had obtained the black helmet, Chen Qi immersed himself in training again.

At the same time, the spacecraft was still traveling at high speed, flying towards its destination.

But this is destined to be a long journey.

Time passed day by day, and various undercurrents began to surge in the real world.

However, they were still a little "cowarded" after all and only continued to ferment in the dark.

On the contrary, in the spiritual dimension, another major event "that attracted worldwide attention" broke out.

After several failed negotiations, the Demon-Slaying Alliance finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to forcefully break into the [Reincarnation Realm].

On that day, tens of millions of heavenly soldiers and generals attacked the [Reincarnation Realm] in a mighty manner, but the result was a bloody blow.

The power of the golden spiritual world is far beyond imagination.

What's more, the [Reincarnation World] is an extremely unique one in the golden spiritual world.

"Junior, I really didn't expect that the [Reincarnation Realm] would actually stand on the opposite side of us!"

"It is absolutely impossible to fight against us humans as a decision made by the consciousness of the [Reincarnation Realm]."

"It seems that the disappeared members of the Samsara Dao may have all entered the [Reincarnation Realm] and also mastered the consciousness of the [Reincarnation Realm]!"

"This is going to be big trouble!"

At the Nantian Gate, Gu Yunqing, who had witnessed the disastrous defeat of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, let out a sigh.

Although this attack was originally a test, after all, only heavenly soldiers and generals participated in the battle.

But most of the tens of millions of heavenly soldiers and generals have been lost, and they can't even break through the boundary. Isn't this a bit exaggerated?

Is the golden spiritual world so powerful?

And how does the reincarnation path enter the [reincarnation world] and control its consciousness.

Isn’t the spiritual world only controlled by humans?

Those guys in the reincarnation path are aliens who have abandoned human civilization.

"Senior, the facts are already very clear. There is indeed something wrong with the consciousness of [Reincarnation Realm]!"

"As for the reincarnation path as a heterogeneous person, why can he control the [Reincarnation Realm]!"

"Probably because they feel that they are still human beings, and the consciousness of the [Reincarnation World] also recognizes it!"

"The golden spiritual world is indeed independent and is not bound by the world government's definition of human beings!"

Chen Qi, who has dealt with reincarnation before, knows this very well.

Although the rest of the world regards reincarnation as an alien, people themselves don't think so.

They still feel like humans.

The foundation of the secret method of reincarnation is the reincarnation of consciousness.

That is to transfer one's consciousness to a new body.

In this process, the reincarnated person needs to cut off the connection between his own consciousness and soul and become a "lonely ghost".

Even if the reincarnation is successful and seizes the dominance of the new consciousness, it is still unable to establish contact with the soul of the new body.

Quite the contrary, it can lead to a disconnection of the soul from the new body as well.

The reason for this is because the reincarnation of consciousness in the "reincarnation path" is "flawed".

The reincarnation of consciousness in [Reincarnation Path] cannot affect babies born a hundred days ago.

Because their technology cannot solve the "mystery in the womb".

As for the new body after a hundred days, although it will be "confused" due to the subconscious influence of the new body.

But the technology of [Reincarnation Path] has been able to achieve 100% success, and there will be no loss of consciousness.

It is precisely because the new body "does not start from scratch" that the reincarnated consciousness cannot fit in with the shadow of the soul of the new body.

Linking souls is naturally even more impossible.

Members of the reincarnation path without souls are naturally non-human beings according to the definition of the world government.

Even if they claim to be human beings, or even pretend to be good citizens, they will still be beaten and killed.

Only because there are skeletons standing in front of them does the path of reincarnation seem inconspicuous.

There are many groups in the world who are dissatisfied with the "definition" of human beings.

Samsara Dao, which has no obvious anti-human stance, has won a lot of sympathy and even confused many people.

Because of this, their situation is much stronger than that of the Skull and Bones Society.

But as long as the World Government remains, no one dares to openly admit that members of the Samsara Path are human beings.

I never expected that [Reincarnation Realm] would actually admit it.

However, if you think about it carefully, this seems reasonable.

After all, the [Reincarnation Realm] has a long history, and the World Government’s recognition of human beings has only been promulgated for a few thousand years.

The consciousness in the [Reincarnation Realm] will only act based on instinct and will not learn and progress.

Its cognition is stuck in the past, which is normal.

"Reincarnation Dao believes that it is a human being, does [Reincarnation World] recognize it?"

"I see!"

After being reminded by Chen Qi, Gu Yunqing suddenly realized.

Although this thing is a bit incredible, it is indeed very reasonable.

"In terms of the definition of human beings, many old timers do believe in free conscience."

"But it should be that the relationship between [Reincarnation Dao] and [Reincarnation Realm] is quite special. This relationship was even established earlier than the World Government."

"Otherwise, it is the Skull and Bones Society that is causing trouble now. With the tree that leads to the underworld, it is easier for them to establish contact with the golden spiritual world."

“But all this time, they seem to have been rejected!”

"This shows that the decrees issued by the world government are still binding. Even the golden spiritual world knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

Gu Yunqing talked eloquently. In fact, since the war in the spiritual dimension began, the Demon-Slaying Alliance has been more defensive than the Skull and Bones Society.

In addition to their consistent anti-human stance and entanglement with illusions, they have a criminal record.

What's more important is that they hold the secluded tree.

That is a divine object that can penetrate reality and illusion and reach directly into the underworld.

Regarding the origin of the Tongyou Tree, there are many bizarre legends in the world.

There are rumors that the Tongyou Tree comes from the old times and is a sacred object of a fallen alien civilization.

That's why it appears in the hands of the anti-human Skull and Bones Society.

Some people also believe that the Tongyou Tree originated from the Tiandao Alliance era, and is even unclearly related to a certain sect.

The world government's suppression of major sects has left many consequences.

Tongyou tree is one of them.

This statement is more widely recognized in the world.

But it's not the weirdest.

The most bizarre rumor is that the Tongyou Tree itself comes from the spiritual dimension.

It is the influence of an ancient golden spiritual world on the real world.

Some people even think that the Tongyou Tree is a falsehood, a falsehood that has completely achieved authenticity.

As for the essence of the Tongyou tree?

Perhaps only Skull and Bones and the Sword of Judgment know best.

Anyway, with Nantian Society's well-informed information and the noble status of the true successor.

Gu Yunqing and Imperial Viscount didn't find out either.

"Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages?"

"Senior really hit the nail on the head."

"I think the way [Reincarnation Dao] controls [Reincarnation Realm] is not by force, but by inducement!"

"They should want to help the [Reincarnation World] establish true reincarnation."

"Only in this way can they drive the [Reincarnation Realm]."

Chen Qi stared at the increasingly bright [Reincarnation Realm]. It was obviously stronger than when he first observed it.

"The plan of [Reincarnation Path] should first control the billions of spiritual worlds in the spiritual dimension, and then cover the real world in reincarnation."

"This is the direction of the development of the reincarnation world."

"I even suspect that the birth of [The Way of Reincarnation] is the influence of the [Reincarnation Realm] on the real world."

Chen Qi also agrees that there is a special relationship between [the Tao of Reincarnation] and the [World of Reincarnation].

But he and Gu Yunqing had different opinions on who should be the leader between the two parties.

At first, Chen Qi thought it was [Reincarnation Dao] invading [Reincarnation Realm].

But now, the truth seems to be exactly the opposite.

"Mortal people are afraid of birth, old age, illness and death, so they have thoughts of immortality and reincarnation."

"The population explosion in the inner ring world, [Reincarnation World] is definitely one of the biggest beneficiaries."

"Quantitative change has reached qualitative change. What it is doing now is just responding to the expectations of mortals and allowing reincarnation to truly come to the world."

"This is the instinct of the golden spiritual world. Their interference in the real world is a response."

"We can say that it chose the wrong time, but it seems that it cannot be defined as a betrayal of human civilization."

"Tens of trillions of mortals need [reincarnation]!"

"This is probably the reason why the academy has been slow to take action before, and even now it has not sent anyone to attack the [Reincarnation World]."

"Because [Reincarnation Realm] is not the enemy, but just a pig teammate who takes advantage of the situation and holds us back."

Perhaps because of participating in the Sword of Judgment celebration, Chen Qi's current ideological level is a bit high.

His perspective on the problem has reached the entire inner world.

Everything happens for a reason.

In the past, Chen Qi needed to peel off the cocoon to see the truth clearly.

But now he seems to be standing too high, condescending, and can be seen through at a glance.

"[Reincarnation Realm] is not the enemy?"

Looking at the group of heavenly soldiers and generals who had returned in defeat and suffered heavy losses, Gu Yunqing was a little confused.

[Reincarnation Realm] is still the common property of all mankind, so the big bosses of the Demon-Slaying Alliance have taken action against them. Are you embarrassed to do it yourself?

But the world government shouldn’t allow reincarnation, right?

Certainly not!

This may help strengthen the World Government's control over mortals, but it will make them "lay flat".

If all mortals lay flat, then human civilization would be completely ruined.

As stupid as Gu Xiu, he also knows that the development of civilization must be based on squeezing all mortals.

Only by allowing mortals to "forge ahead" can the extraordinary world remain dynamic.

Of course, if you squeeze too much and block the upward channels, it will easily lead to malnutrition in the overall civilization.

If reincarnation is really completed, who will "cultivate immortality" in the future?

Full of "worries" about the fate of human civilization, Chen Qi and Gu Yunqing continued to watch the show in the spiritual dimension.

It is absolutely impossible for the Demon-Slaying Alliance to give up.

As a result, after some testing, the alliance died down.

This made the two spectators a little uncomfortable.

Time passes day by day, and in the real world, the long-awaited Skull and Bones Society finally appears.

But they only showed up once and didn't do anything big.

This disappoints the "bad guys".

After a long flight, Chen Qi was only three days away from the Sea of ​​Death.

But at this time, Chen Qi was not excited at all about arriving at his destination.

On the contrary, those who "failed" are a bit doubtful about life.

He still hasn't mastered the secret technique of external cultivation.

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