Shouldn't he come here on purpose, just to make me feel like this?

"Why are you two still in a daze, hurry up and follow!"

Liu Mengning took a few steps forward and saw that the two of them were a little stunned because of what she had just said, so she stopped and turned around and waved to the two of them.

I don't know, I thought it was her bag tonight.

She seems to have a wonderful magic power on her body, which makes people follow her pace unconsciously.

When sitting on the seats of the roller coaster, Su Mingyuan and Xia Xueqi were relieved, thinking:

It's obviously a date between the two of us, so why was Liu Mengning dragged into the car together?

During this period, Liu Mengning didn't deliberately say that he was going to get stuck between the two and force a place between them.

Or do something bad like pulling the good sister Xia Xueqi to sit together, Su Mingyuan, you scumbag, and so on.

She sat alone in the front row, letting the dating couple Su Mingyuan and Xia Xueqi sit behind her holding hands, as if she didn't take this matter to heart at all.

The roller coaster started slowly.

Liu Mengning grabbed the armrest with anticipation.

Su Mingyuan and Xia Xueqi's hands were tightly held together, as if as long as they were held together in this way, they would not feel afraid and feel at ease.

This was actually Su Mingyuan's original plan.

He originally wanted to take Xia Xueqi to experience exciting projects such as roller coasters and pirate ships first. The dangers simulated by this kind of simulation became the only straw around Xia Xueqi when her heartbeat was racing, nervous and fearful.

The suspension bridge effect.

After finishing these projects, you can take her in your arms naturally, comfort her gently, give her the peace of mind she needs most, and then take her to experience other soothing and romantic projects, such as the merry-go-round. .

During this process, the feeling of heartbeat that was just like a castle in the sky just now will slowly transform into dependence on him and love for him.

When this relationship gradually warmed up and began to linger, hold her hand and sit on the Ferris wheel, and watch a gorgeous fireworks when the Ferris wheel rises to the highest point.

It was a wonderful romance.

Everything had been planned perfectly.

that is……


"It's like~flying~getting up~come~one~like!!!"

The roller coaster began to descend steeply when it reached the highest point. Liu Mengning clung to the handrail in front of her tightly, shouting happily and wantonly, her hair fluttering in the air, and her voice sounded so cheerful and relaxed.

The tense and exciting atmosphere that should have been created by the powerful back-push, weightlessness, and extremely impactful falling images under this super-fast acceleration disappeared in her cheerful shouting.

Su Mingyuan was speechless, he originally thought that under such circumstances, Xia Xueqi would hold his hand tightly and regard him as the only source that could bring her a sense of security and peace of mind.

As a result, Liu Mengning's shout completely destroyed the atmosphere that it should have.

Xia Xueqi was also speechless. She originally wanted to cooperate with Su Mingyuan's plan. After getting out of the car, she just pretended to be pale and frightened, and leaned on his shoulder logically.

As a result, Liu Mengning, an atmosphere destroyer, not only made her unable to disguise herself at this moment, but she was full of thoughts:

Liu Mengning, why are you so happy?

Mingyuan and I are holding hands and sitting behind you, dating in front of you!

Don't you feel a little bit of sadness and grievance?

Do you really just want to experience the joy of riding a roller coaster today?

At this moment, Xia Xueqi couldn't even help but begin to wonder, could Liu Mengning not actually be reborn?

Her appearance today was really just an accident, didn't she come to mess with me?

After the roller coaster ride, Liu Mengning began to look for the next game with great interest.

She wasn't with them the whole time. Sometimes she went to play other projects alone, and sometimes she joined them when they were about to play a project, but she didn't intentionally affect them.

She has no scruples. When she sees what is interesting and what she finds interesting, she runs over to participate with great interest. The whole playground is like her home, allowing her to roam freely and freely.

She seems to be simply here to relax, play, and find excitement. In the entire amusement park, her happy laughter is floating everywhere.

It's obviously a date for two people. If you want to say that you were disturbed, Liu Mengning didn't seem to be bothering on purpose.

But listening to the occasional laughter in their ears, Su Mingyuan and Xia Xueqi always felt a little...weird.

It's the kind of atmosphere that is about to be created, but somehow it always feels a little bit weirder.

As if the two of them are just ordinary tourists, is Liu Mengning the owner of the amusement park that really booked tonight?

Finally, most of the project has been played, and Su Mingyuan feels that there is no need to delay it any longer.

Although the atmosphere is still a bit off.

But on the Ferris wheel, in this truly alone space with only two people, while the Ferris wheel was slowly rising, it was enough for him to create an atmosphere.

And when the Ferris wheel rises to the highest point, the fireworks he arranged in advance will be gorgeous at this moment.

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