Destiny Card: Awakening God-Level Talents at the Start

Chapter 147 Premonition of Disaster Coming

It wasn't until after the game that Chu Wang learned from Du Xiaofeng about the opponent of the freshman friendly match at Tianming Academy.

Zhongjing Academy.

This school is named after Zhongjing City, naturally because its campus is in Zhongjing City, and the students it recruits are mainly students from Zhongjing City.

If you think about it, you will know that compared to other universities, which can easily have tens of thousands of students in one class, Tianming University only recruits 107 students every year, which naturally cannot meet the needs of young people in Zhongjing City, the most populous city in the world.

Therefore, Zhongjing Academy came into being, and before the rise of the Holy Academy, Zhongjing Academy once became the institution with the largest number of students in the Federation, and it had the potential to challenge the Ninth University.

If it weren't for the Destiny Academy being too powerful, any graduate would be a super card master. Otherwise, over time, under a subtle influence, Zhongjing Academy, which has the largest population and student base in Jiujing, really has the potential to replace it and become one of the nine major universities. .

Therefore, the one the Zhongjing Academy is most unconvinced about and wants to overthrow the most is the Tianming Academy, which is above them and is pressing down on them every day.

Therefore, whenever there are exchanges or group competitions between the two schools, the students of Zhongjing Academy work extra hard as if they have been given a shot of blood.

But once they go out to Zhongjing City and compete with other schools in the Ninth University, Zhongjing University has a deep sense of inferiority. It feels that it is inferior to the other Ninth University. It is like a phantom god in the civil war.

Naturally, Fang Bo did not explain these things to this new class of students. The main focus was on frustration education.

He would rather his students lose a game in Zhongjing City first, and then be more cautious when they go out. They understand that it is necessary to go all out when fighting a lion against a rabbit.

However, these things are all information displayed on the roadside, and any interested student can find out with just a little inquiry.

Especially students like Chu Wang, who are interested in participating in the national competition, must be very careful.

The competition venue was naturally set at Yunshang City, which was vast and sparsely populated.

After all, even students from Zhongjing Academy will rarely have the opportunity to visit this magical Yunshang City in this life.

In the first game, the opponent Chu Wang drew was a girl, but it failed to bring any difficulties to Chu Wang.

He has an average appearance, an average figure, his name seems to be common, and his strength is even more average.

The opponent didn't even survive Chu Wang's [Holy Impact], and flew directly out of the ring.

The girl who flew out of the ring cried and ran away.

As a result, Chu Wang stood there awkwardly, so much so that he couldn't even remember what the other person looked like.

Even when we met on campus the next day, we didn't recognize him or apologize to him.

This greatly hurt the other party's heart. This kind of disregard was even greater than the humiliation caused by Chu Wang's easy defeat of her.

Because there were so many contestants from the other side and it was difficult to select internally, every student from Destiny Academy had to compete against three students from Zhongjing Academy this time.

Only then did Chu Wang intuitively feel the power of Tianming Academy.

On the first day, in the first round of 50 battles, there was no news that the Destiny Academy was defeated.

Although the opponent sent the weakest group in the first round, even so, not losing a single game truly proved that the freshmen of this class of Destiny Academy were really surprisingly strong.

But even so, Zhongjing Academy is still confident enough to stay overnight. Judging from the expressions of several teachers, even today's total defeat has not dampened their confidence. It seems that they are hiding some great trump card.

Even Zhongjing Academy, which has always been suppressed by Tianming Academy, seems to be reforming, starting to take the elite route, and starting to value the combat effectiveness of the new generation of card masters.

Starting from the forced addition of practical exams in the college entrance examination, it was like a storm that quickly swept through the entire Chinese Federation.

It was not until the second round that Chu Wang, who was watching the game boredly on the sidelines, suddenly saw a figure beside him.

"I may know something important." It was Zheng Xiaofeng's voice that sounded in Chu Wang's ears.

"What's wrong?" Chu Wang turned his head curiously. After all, it should be a big deal for Zheng Xiaofeng to come to him specifically.

“Perhaps soon, card masters across the federation will know this.

In short, all forces are now frantically increasing their overall strength and looking for ways to obtain more resources.

Many forces are even more ruthless. I heard that on the law enforcement team, mid-level card masters have begun to enter the secret realm.

That is an unexplored secret realm where life and death are unpredictable, rather than simply training newcomers in the next mature secret realm! "

Du Xiaofeng's face was serious, and he gritted his teeth and said a shocking sentence, "A big crisis may be coming to mankind."

"Before you came to Destiny Academy, had you ever experienced riots in the secret realm?

In fact, it's not just your hometown Dingfeng City. This situation has happened in many places.

Moreover, more and more such incidents are happening frequently throughout the Blue Star. It seems that something is about to wake up..."

When Chu Wang heard this, he felt cold all over. Even if he was on the lively viewing platform where thousands of people were sitting around, there was an icy and lonely chill that enveloped him tightly.

“So, all major universities and various forces are striving to cultivate a group of new forces as soon as possible.

In the past, it may have been that the strong worked more, while the weak grew up and enjoyed life at the rear.

Next, all the rules of the game may change, and the weak will no longer be able to use their full strength to enjoy the resources that the strong have fought for!

You should also be able to feel that all the major forces seem to be concentrating their efforts and want to quickly create a group of strong people in order to better deal with the crisis.

So I think we should change our improvement plan appropriately. In the past, we thought about steady development, but now we have to change everything to focus on speed and grow up quickly. "

Chu Wang nodded vigorously, looking around at the students who were full of enthusiasm and whose faces could not hide the enthusiasm of youth. "It's been a troubled year. For us, we don't know whether it's luck or misfortune."

Thinking of this, a sense of urgency surged into his heart, and Chu Wang once again thought about his path to promotion.

The last time he swallowed the Earth Litmus given by Qin Henshui, the effect was surprisingly good. Originally, Qin Henshui estimated that Chu Wang would be able to increase his mental power by about fifty or sixty points.

Unexpectedly, Chu Wang, who had hardly tasted any heavenly materials or earthly treasures, could actually absorb the energy of the earth's litmus to an extremely high level by relying on his solid foundation and the increase brought by the [Zhengzheng Sword Bone].

His mental power increased by 83 points out of thin air. Then he returned to the dormitory and with the help of the power of the formation, his mental power improved a little. Until today, Chu Wang's mental power has reached 693 points.

With another 7 points of spiritual power, Chu Wang can start the three stages of spiritual practice and sprint towards the level of a high-level card master.

Moreover, once he becomes a high-level card master, Chu Wang can immediately upgrade the sacred green caterpillar to a platinum-level or even diamond-level [Oriental Qisujiang Wood Chrysalis].

In addition, Tianjing City still has a little more than two months before it can be upgraded to the legendary [Southern Gate].

At that time, you will definitely need to have at least a high-level mental strength to be able to use it freely.

If everything goes well, in two or three months, his combat power will immediately increase explosively.

"Maybe we shouldn't be so conservative..." A flash of determination flashed in Chu Wang's eyes.

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