Devil Seeds

Chapter 166 Crazy Arrival

"How long will the people from the Blood Demon Palace get through the formation and come over again?" Ke Xiaoliang's face properly showed a trace of panic that he tried his best to hide.

Gu Tailang happened to see this panic.

Gu Tailang suddenly laughed again: "Three days! At least three days, I changed several spell symbols on the teleportation array, and the entire teleportation array has more than 7,200 different symbols. A monk needs to find the correct one among at least 200,000 possible changes. Experimentation takes time, combination and matching, and realization of feasibility all take time."

"So boy, cherish your last three days! Of course, you can only be accompanied by me in these last three days."

But Ke Xiaoliang silently calculated in his heart.

"Three days, in the gourd world, it will be thirty days."

"My current magic value is used to get the blood of the ancient gods into the Gourd Realm. I'm afraid it's not enough. So in thirty days, I have to cut another crop in the Gourd Realm."

"Do more insurance."

"Fortunately, some links have already been prepared. Now we just need to push!"

In the world of Gaowu, the battle on Duantian Cliff has fallen into a lengthy tug of war.

Some monks of the Blood Demon Sect chose to die with the enemy when it was not necessary, in order to return to reality and reinforce the offensive and defensive battles in the Blood Demon Palace.

The blood stains on Duantian Cliff had already dried up.

The mouth of the collapsed cave kept oozing blood plasma.

Whether it is the coalition forces or the Blood Demon Palace, they can all be described as heavy losses.

There seems to be no winner in this battle.

Or in other words, the fruit of the winner is not in the present, but in the future.

There are many reasons for this war.

And when it gets to this point, the reason becomes unimportant.

Li Xingzhou, the lord of the Blood Demon Palace, was wearing a bright red blood robe, standing at the entrance of the ruins of Lingyun Grotto, looking at the people who gathered around him with bloodshot eyes.

The ferocity and hatred in the eyes quickly turned into a real tide, drowning everyone.

Eyes can't kill.

But in this world, Li Xingzhou doesn't have this ability.

"Are you all going to target our Blood Demon Palace?"

"Because you are afraid that we will become stronger, what are you afraid of?"

"You are fearing us, so we will definitely become stronger. The blood shed on this cliff today will not be wasted in vain. Everything will be doomed. It is doomed that one day the blood will cover the sky and fill every corner of the world. A corner. All of you will become blood slaves of our Blood Demon Palace!" Li Xingzhou panted, and then said to the crowd.

Following behind him, the monks of the Gorefiend Palace, who were more or less injured and whose formation seemed loose, all showed the same resentful expression at this moment.

"Ten Demon Sects!"

"The most hateful thing is the Ten Demon Sect!"

"You dirty, despicable bastards who only play tricks. I know that you are here. You are also in the Blood Demon Palace... There are your shadows behind this, and even your own planning. "

"But I'm here to tell you that your plan has failed!"

"All the hidden stakes that you drove into my Blood Demon Palace have been pulled out. Suishan's big glutton was also cut into three pieces, and only half of his head escaped. I am afraid that he will have to cultivate for hundreds of years. , he will not be able to survive the next catastrophe." Li Xingzhou continued.

There was anger in his heart, and even more resentment.

The crowd around them were silent but kept approaching.

As said before.

The reason no longer matters.

Whether someone is planning everything behind the scenes and using it is no longer the point.

The point is... the cultivators of the Blood Demon Palace must be wiped out. Now that they have been provoked, they should be ruthless and never timid.

"Everyone! Let's join attack!" Aunt Li stood in the crowd and waved her delicate hand.

The allied forces, who were already exhausted, gathered their last bravery and rushed towards the lonely and incomplete monk team of the Gorefiend Palace.

At this time, the surge of true energy and the complicated moves have become a thing of the past.

Only the simplest and most direct killing.

The knife saw blood, and the sword pointed directly at the vital point.

The last remaining monks of the Gorefiend Palace in this world are being brutally slaughtered.

Some people will even have their limbs cut off and dragged to a corner, using martial arts to confuse their minds and fascinate their souls to strengthen the hint of being killed.

In reality, in the Gorefiend Palace, a large number of monks in the Gorefiend Palace died with their souls and bodies.

Even with the exuberant vitality of the monks in the Blood Demon Palace, after the death of the soul, the vigorous body would just turn into a pile of rotten flesh.

"All disciples... drink blood!" Li Xingzhou roared.

Many monks from the Blood Demon Palace poured the polluted blood that had been prepared in unison.

Then he turned into a monster covered with weird organs, exuding twisted and crazy meaning, and killed towards the coalition forces.

But to deal with these monsters, the coalition forces already had countermeasures.

They don't confront it head-on.

Instead, they are covered with layers of large nets, or locked with iron cables.

Just wait a little longer, these blood demon palace monks who drank the polluted blood will go crazy, collapse, and completely lose their rationality.

Without rationality, their attack direction becomes disordered and chaotic.

After a while, the physical body couldn't bear this madness, and it would explode into pieces of dirty blood and messy organs scattered all over the place.

Only a very small number of people with strong willpower or deep obsession can survive the first level.

Although his body is alienated, he can still retain part of his sanity and continue to attack.


In the belly of the mountain, there was a strange sound suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of grunting became more and more obvious.

Li Xingzhou was taken aback for a moment, and the six eyes that grew out of his forehead turned simultaneously.

"Come! Come! Come!"

"My adventure in the Blood Demon Palace, my opportunity in the Blood Demon Palace, the time for my Blood Demon Palace to take off... finally came!" Li Xingzhou raised his hand and shouted loudly.

The next moment, the sound of rushing water interrupted his shouting.

The clogged cave was washed away by the rushing blood river.

And in the rushing river of blood, a crazy will began to spread unscrupulously.

At the same time, tall, evil, dark, and crazy shadows began to cover the sky.

On the sky that was quickly rendered blood-colored, a blood-red eye tore open the sky... with indifference and cruelty, peeking down.

It's like...a hole was pried open in the home of a group of ants, and people stood at the hole, spying on the ant's kingdom with their eyes.

People with weak cultivation and poor willpower were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground.

This is not their lack of xinxing, but a kind of overlooking that seems to come from a higher level of life, and instinctively feel trembling.

The magic value rushed towards Ke Xiaoliang like a tide.

The crops planted should be harvested!

If it wasn't for the days of fierce fighting, there would be a long period of foreshadowing.

At this moment, the appearance of terrifying and crazy weird eyeballs may not have such a good effect.

Days of fierce fighting exhausted the people.

The madness of the monks in the Blood Demon Palace was a disguised form of some kind of expected publicity.

Only then did it achieve the effect of shocking everyone's minds, creating a large amount of fear, and harvesting magic points in an instant.

One more chapter today, take a break and come back later!

thank you all!

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