Devil Seeds

Chapter 326 The Bell Rings

The truth is of course this truth!

Since ancient times, there has been a saying in the mortal world that "the punishment cannot be punished by a doctor". The so-called emperor who breaks the law is the same as the common people. In fact, it has always only existed in the concept of Legalism.

Jurisprudence is a method used by those with vested interests to restrain and manage the ruled, so how could they be willing to commit suicide?

Just like Ke Xiaoliang in his own world, how could he be completely constrained by the rules he made?

He is willing to abide by the rules, just because following the rules to a certain extent is good for him to prosper and evolve the world. It is for higher-level interests and rewards, and to maintain the stability of the overall situation. For him, the benefits are greater than dispensable constraints.

But if one day, this rule reverses to check and balance him, then he would rather overthrow the world and start over.

Um... Delegating to the world, it can be extended to mean that all living beings create and kill kalpas, and the world should have a kalpa to smash the universe, reverse the five elements, and recreate everything.

Judge Lu and the Bull-headed Ghost King are the life-and-death balance maintainers selected by the underworld.

But despite this heavy identity, they are also individuals who strive to be the best and want to stand at the top of the heavens.

The meager benefits brought to them by maintaining the balance of life and death are completely unable to satisfy their ambitions for them.

The yin skills in his hands are used to reward the exploitation from the superiors, and to communicate and motivate the underlings, and to take care of his Taoist companion in life, his ghost wife after death, and the continuation of blood in the world...

How is it enough?

Is there ever enough?

The Bullhead Ghost King put down the teacup and slapped it heavily on the table.

"You find a chance... I'll do this." The Tauren King said with his eyes wide open. Although he didn't speak harshly, he has already shown his attitude. If he can't take advantage of this, then he will break up with each other.

Lu Jinnian thought for a while, then said hesitantly: "Okay! I'll give you this plot point as an apology. After three days in the strange world, I will directly eat a B-level weirdness in full view, and then gain the ability of the other party. At the same time, I will announce it. This is your research result. And you... also seize the opportunity to spread the ghost-eating technique through the Internet and various platforms."

"Remember, you must be quick. The power of the government in this world and the strength of the ghost killing team cannot be underestimated. If we take a step too late... we may be interrupted. Rights will not allow such methods to spread without restraint and uncontrollable."

"At that time, if the ghost-eating technique cannot be passed on, you and I will lose all our previous efforts."

At this moment, Ke Xiaoliang almost leaned into their ears and said, "Don't worry! It won't happen!"

The ghosts of the weird world are the ghosts of rules.

It itself is written in the basic rules of this world, so their evolution and strength have nothing to do with Ke Xiaoliang.

related to the world.

Therefore, no matter how powerful the weirdness of the weird world is, it cannot feed back any power to Ke Xiaoliang.

The best feedback for Ke Xiaoliang is only the "way of practice" that grows from scratch, adhering to the will of humanity, following the rules of the world, but challenging the limit.

Three days later, in Chrysanthemum Sword Country, under the sky giant tree in Roppongi.

This tree, the largest sky tree in the entire Chrysanthemum Sword Country, is made of flowing silver.

Under the night, the energy flickering in the flowing silver gathered into a huge white light, shining and illuminating the darkness. Even if it cannot bring real security, it is enough to make people feel at ease.

Even the buildings under the giant tree in the sky are shrouded in brilliance, as if they have also resisted the fear in the dark night.

Suddenly a scream pierced the entire street.

A girl with dyed blond hair and a JK suit in a miniskirt screamed at the suit and the ringing mobile phone on the suit.

The ear-piercing ringtones of the telephone began to ring in the street one after another.

Everyone who picks up the phone subconsciously will disappear out of thin air, just like being sucked into the network of that message.

And the constantly beating ringtone shook people's minds, making them subconsciously grab the phone.

The homeless people without mobile phones seem to be smiling happily at this moment.

But soon...they couldn't laugh anymore.

Because of the public phones in the surrounding shops and the unopened cell phones in the mobile phone shop...all of them started ringing.

In the magical voice, people's willpower is not as firm and strong as they thought.

One after another, people who did not carry their mobile phones walked into the mobile phone shop, picked up the prototype on the table, and connected the call to death.

The ghost killing team was notified immediately.

The pitch-black aircraft pierces the night sky.

The ghost-killing team members with all kinds of ghost weapons, wearing uniforms, landed one after another.

These people among them, in addition to using ghost weapons.

There are also quite a few mechanical transformations that have become cyborgs with mechanical modules installed.

Some even have 'ghostly' mechanical organs.

Become a half-human, half-ghost monster.

This is the truth that the dead fish-eyed teacher couldn't tell the students frankly when faced with students' problems.

Possessing and possessing extraordinary power by oneself... the price to pay is to become a monster like a cyborg ghost.

Use the coldness of machinery to fight against the evil of ghosts.

If you hadn't faced too much sorrow and death, and felt powerless many could people choose to turn themselves into monsters?

"All the team members who have installed the communication module, turn off the communication module and enter the standby mode. The attacking team... rush in with me, activate the rules of the ghost weapon, find the strange body, and then... hunt him down!" The big man with a full-body mechanical module and only half of his head belongs to him, wearing a close-fitting military uniform and a black windbreaker, standing at the entrance of the street and shouting.

Afterwards, dozens of ghost-killing team members spread out to the entire street.

This is the core of the Chrysanthemum Sword Country, and it is the most prosperous area. Of course, the speed of response of the Ghost Killing Team cannot be compared with that of Yumu City.

But this weirdness hidden in the communication world is extremely difficult.

His body seemed to shuttle between different mobile phones and communication terminals, and he always moved ahead of time before the members of the ghost killing team found him.

He was awake, completely different from the sleeping Wei Wei that Li Xingzhou had killed.

The sober B-level is weird, fully displaying his murderous nature that can kill people wantonly.

When a phone rings, innocent lives are taken.

And those passers-by who have mobile phones and are being targeted... are not allowed to leave the danger zone.

Because of their escape, it may cause a strange spread.

This is something more dangerous.

Therefore, even if all the civilians in the entire area are dead, no one is allowed to leave.

As for throwing away the mobile phone or any communication device, you can get rid of the weird entanglement... This concept is too simple.

If it is E-level or F-level, it can be like this.

But that's not the case with Class B.

After being infected with the breath, no matter when, no matter where, as long as the condition is triggered, it will be killed, and at the same time, it will cause a strange spread.

This is the lesson of blood summed up by countless deaths and large-scale sacrifices in the past.

There is one more, continue after dinner! Everyone wait a moment!

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