Devil Seeds

Chapter 335: The Evil Path That Has Been Passed is the Righteous Path

Looking at Mr. Niu who was talking eloquently on the podium, Boss Lu smiled, gently stroked his newly grown beard with his fingers, then took out a cigar and sniffed it lightly in front of his nose.

This kind of human incense smell is the most suitable for him.

In the underworld, eating ghosts is the right way for salvation.

It is also the core essence of the ghost-eating technique passed down by judge Zhong Kui.

But after a long time, there will always be some people who go astray and become heresy.

What Mr. Niu is talking about now is exactly an 'evil way'.

There used to be some judges and ghost kings who took evil ways in order to gain powerful strength faster.

"The reason why the evil way is evil is because it is not recognized by the world. The evil way that has been followed is the right way to reach the heavens. Back then, those sword cultivators who devoted themselves to the way of the sword and had nothing but the sword were not evil ways? But now, who can say that they are evil ways?"

"I want to eat S-level weirdness in this world, completely control the death rules of this world, so as to touch the source of death, and then affect my personality in reality, and become a hell god who truly annotates life and death, and can judge yin and yang, so I can't follow Zhong Kui's righteous way. Standing in front of me so weirdly, he let me eat it without any resistance, and I dare not say that."

"So in this world, the right way must be the evil way, and the evil way is the right way." Boss Lu walked out of the classroom, then stood by the window in the corridor, and lit a cigar.

In the strong smell of tobacco, the high-rise buildings in the distance present a serious derailment and opposition in the field of vision.

On the sky tree, everything looks advanced, civilized, simple, and bright. Those high-tech products that cannot be popularized due to insufficient production capacity can be seen everywhere here.

People's lives are extremely convenient, and certain technologies they have mastered are extremely incredible in the eyes of the people at the bottom.

The way of life, as well as the lifespan, are separated from the bottom people below, as if separated into two species.

And under the sky tree, the dark and gray expanse seems to be in the style of the previous era.

Simple, boring, monotonous, with no hope in sight.

Some colorful advertising balloons and advertising airships floated between the dim buildings, like bright colors.

"True civilization will always be in the hands of a few."

"President Lu is a smart person. He should understand the principle of 'If the world is public, the world is not fair'. The disappearance of the unknown country and that unknown continent is the most obvious example. There is a balance line between us and the weird. Crossing the line... is destruction."

"We are the lambs they raised in captivity, but if the lambs have sharp claws and sharp teeth and want to resist, then what awaits us is the destruction of the entire ethnic group." A middle-aged Chrysanthemum Sword with a full head of silver hair said standing beside Boss Lu.

Boss Lu smoked a cigar, and said calmly: "I partly agree with President Liu Sheng, but... who is the lamb?"

Popped half of the cigar out the window, and then Boss Lu put his hands in his pockets and strode away, from light to darkness.

Although he uses the Chrysanthemum Sword Government, or even the World Coalition Government.

But they are obviously not all the way.

In the abandoned stadium in Arakawa District, a group of gangsters who were wandering here have been driven away by Shadow Bamboo.

At this moment, Ying Zhu was fighting Chu Yuanxiao.

He has no way to teach Chu Yuanxiao how to tame 'ghosts', he can only let him get used to his own power in battle, and let the power that comes from A-level weirdness, which can be released without any conditions, be gradually used by him.

After an hour of fighting, Chu Yuanxiao collapsed on the court covered in sweat.

And Ying Zhu stood beside him calmly, looking down at him.

"If A-level Weird wants to kill me, it only takes one breath. And I can't kill you with three moves. Now you can't even display one percent or even one thousandth of the ghost general's true strength." Ying Zhu said to Chu Yuanxiao.

Chu Yuanxiao panted, "Of course I know it too, but... that kind of power, I just feel like I can't use it. It's like the power is all over my body, but once I really use it, I'm discouraged."

"Have you tried to understand him?" Ying Zhu asked.

Chu Yuanxiao sat up, then looked at Yingzhu: " mean... General Ghost?"

Yingzhu said: "That's right! You are special. It was General Ghost who voluntarily transferred all his powers to you. Rather than saying that you ate him, it is better to say that he chose to let you inherit everything. So... I think you can feel him as much as possible, and feel the experience and strength of General Ghost. Maybe this is may not be able to unlock more power."

"The reason why you can't send and receive freely now is because you are resisting and fearing the power in your body. You are at should often search for something related to the ghost general!"

Chu Yuanxiao remained silent.

"For you... what is General Ghost? Is it an A-level weirdness that makes the entire Chrysanthemum Sword Islands tremble?" Yingzhu asked.

Chu Yuanxiao shook his head: "No! Of course not!"

Yingzhu asked: "What is that? Say what you really feel, if you really feel His words."

Chu Yuanxiao said: "Hero! I think he is a hero... no! Heroic Spirit! To others, he is the most terrifying A-level weirdness, but to me...he is a hero."

"I've seen it, I've seen it!"

"When a large number of exiles came to this country, we suffered too much injustice and suffered a lot of inhuman abuse. It was the appearance of the ghost general that made those people in the Chrysanthemum Sword Kingdom dare not raise their butcher knives against us. It was his existence that deterred those extremists."

"In that case, why are you afraid of his power?"

"He is not your burden, but your guardian, the sword in your hand, and the armor on your body!" Yingzhu said, suddenly slashing at Chu Yuanxiao.

A wild will-o'-the-wisp suddenly ignited on Chu Yuanxiao's body.

Among the will-o'-the-wisps, Chu Yuanxiao in military uniform had an extra saber in his hand.

The saber met, blocking Ying Zhu's sudden stab.

The two knives began to collide rapidly.

This time, Chu Yuanxiao unexpectedly fought with Yingzhu to an even match.

Looking at Chu Yuanxiao who was making rapid progress, Yingzhu felt many insights in his heart.

"Take the initiative to accept, take the initiative to meet. It can really have a miraculous effect. It can turn a boy who only knows how to fight on the street into a good fighter in a short period of time."

"It seems that there should be other ways of interpreting the ghost-eating technique. What Mr. Niu said may not be completely correct."

"In that case, let me try it out and see which way is the right one. After all... Chu Yuanxiao is the protagonist of this world!" Yingzhu thought to himself.

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