Devil Seeds

Chapter 372 The Hidden Side of the World (Both order two thousand plus more!)

"Is this the setting?"

"It seems that my new identity is not bad, and I got involved in such an incident as soon as I came." Bai Gusheng will not have any negative emotions because of his current identity.

In other words, the identity of such a clone is not necessarily more bizarre than his own origin.

"So, did your experiment fail?" Bai Gusheng began to test for information.

The man was silent for a moment, as if he had received some kind of instruction, and then he said: "Yes! It is indeed a failure, the technology of human cloning is mature. But the cloning with the genes of the former sinners, but the cloned bodies are all spiritless bodies."

"They can only survive in the cultivation tank and cannot contact the outside world. They will only waste resources."

"Until you appear..."

Bai Gusheng said: "I also failed, right?"

Some questions, direct questions and leading questions, may have different answers.

No matter how proud Bai Gusheng was, he also came from the ten demon sects.

As we all know, the words of the ten demon sect monks cannot be trusted.

The man looked at Bai Gusheng with pity in his eyes: "Yes, you are also a failure. You can barely survive in the sterile room. Any long-term invasion of germs may kill you. As for the birth of your consciousness... It may be related to the weirdness that is locked around you. He even gave you a certain amount of common sense."

"So in a sense, you are also a contaminated test object, and the core research value no longer exists."

"From this point... maybe I can congratulate you!"

Bai Gusheng did not believe such an explanation.

Because a man's actions and words are contradictory.

A person who no longer has much research value will not receive such 'special' treatment.

"May I know who created me?"

"I'm just... curious!"

"After all, to a certain extent, he is my... father?" Bai Gusheng's tone was inexplicable, and he even substituted some of his real emotions into it.

Outside the ward, in the monitoring room separated by a wall, a female analyst looked at the graph projected on the instrument and whispered, "There is a 92% probability that his emotions are real. This is very strange... I mean, in a common sense, a person with such an identity should not have such weird emotions towards his creator."

The old man with gray hair but well-dressed, with an old identity card hanging on his chest, and a message recording pen in his hand let out a chuckle.


"It's in his nature!"

"I stripped the weird source quality very finely, and then injected it into a large number of experimental subjects. Since he is activated, it means that he has inherited some weird qualities. So he is cunning... He is releasing a camouflage signal through this behavior."

"Arrange my No. 7 substitute, contact him at the right time, and cooperate with him!" said the old man.

After he finished speaking, he thought for a while and added: "Also... let him know about the antibody supplement protein. I want to see what he will do in order to get the right to move freely."

One of the old man's young assistants suddenly hesitated.

He said cautiously: "Teacher! Is this too risky?"

"This is the Sky Tree after all!"

The old man suddenly turned around like an angry beast, staring at his assistant and his student.

"The mistakes of the old era have lasted for hundreds of years, and now the opportunity to restart everything is in front of us. Human beings will surely embark on a new evolutionary path, and the opportunities that were wasted in the past will also reappear in our hands. When the human body carries a strange essence, all people will become gods."

"Now... you're actually worried about taking risks?"

"No... there is no risk! If you can get the correct answer in the end, then no matter how big the sacrifice is, it will be worth it."

"Whether it's you, me... or the entire Sky Tree and Dongbao, they can all be sacrificed!" The old man said a little crazy.

It's just that the old man's anger and madness didn't last long.

The seemingly ordinary female analyst suddenly pulled out an injection gun from behind and shot the old man in the back.

The old man's expression immediately became chaotic and confused.

Two big men supported the old man and sent him to lie down on the sofa.

On the other end of a communicator, a voice full of majesty said: "Dr. Ueno's hysteria has become more and more serious. You must strictly manage his working hours. can be as satisfied as possible with the decisions he made when he was awake."

"That test product... can relax the control appropriately, but it can't let him get the real long-lasting immune protein."

All the staff nodded in agreement.

Then the communication ended.

The men in the ward received instructions.

"It was Dr. Ueno who created you. He used to be the greatest scientist in this country. He was also regarded as a savior... But now it is different. Now the most successful doctor in this country is Dr. Niu. He is the real great man." The man said.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and said, "Okay! You already know too much, I shouldn't have told you so much."

"Until the immune protein is adjusted for you, you must continue to stay in the ward."

"Maybe in a while, you will live like an ordinary person."

After speaking, the man walked out of the ward.

After leaving the ward, the man's face was blurred by electric arcs, and he turned into another look.

At the same time, he also took off the uniform of the ghost killing team.

Bai Gusheng sat on the hospital bed and looked out the window.

"Deliberately leaking information, waiting for me to practice... It seems that this is still an experiment."

"I'm still in the lab!"

"But Ueno Yoshito...why haven't I heard of this person?"

"The last time I entered this world, I had a good understanding of the background setting of this world and a lot of information about famous people."

"Is there a real person, but his life has been concealed. Or is it a casually made-up character?"

Bai Gusheng pulled out the needle in his hand, and then took a deep breath.

Surreptitiously eavesdropping on the movement outside the door.

Then he quickly opened the door and rushed out.

At the same time, follow the signs on the wall and run to the dispensing room.

The invisible camera followed Bai Gusheng closely, recording his behavior.

However, Bai Gusheng ran halfway, and suddenly turned around.


Two invisible cameras chasing him were shattered.

At the same time, Bai Gusheng didn't rush to the dispensing room at all, but rushed into a utility room.

In the utility room, I found the clothes of some medical staff and put them on, put on masks, endured the extremely uncomfortable pain every second, turned and walked out of the hospital.

In the monitoring room next to the original ward, everyone was a little flustered.

Sound the alarm and block all exits urgently.

And the old man who was lying on the sofa, who was supposed to be dazed, inadvertently raised the corner of his mouth.

By chance, Bai Gusheng picked up an identity magnetic card that was left behind by someone.

With a magnetic card, he passed through several checkpoints and gates quite smoothly.

After dinner, let's continue!

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