Devil Seeds

Chapter 399 Mingfeng (for subscription)

The Xuan Mansion was surprisingly cold at this time.

A thick layer of ice condensed on the city wall.

It was the condensation of hot water poured down the wall.

Thanks to this thick layer of ice wall, many of Tatar's attacks are often fruitless.

Not only that, if those martial arts people who come and go have not reached a certain level of cultivation, if they want to cross this ice wall that is seven or eight feet high, it would be a dream.

There is no point of focus on the smooth ice wall.

Only the chivalrous men who have received the waist badge and the order of the garrison general can go out of the city to hunt down the Tartars, and then use the waist badge to lower the hanging basket from the city wall and pull it into the city.

As for those master masters who can walk against the wind for a short time, they naturally have time to make a move.

On the flagpoles on the city wall, there are still the corpses of several Tatar masters.

That is all the credit of the martial arts people in the Jianghu.

At this time... in a small Xuan Mansion, the martial arts masters gathered are better than those big schools of martial arts with three mountains and five mountains.

The snow gradually seemed to be getting smaller, but the twilight with a little red light spread across the endless white land, and then sprinkled on the cold border city, bringing even greater coldness to the entire world as far as the naked eye could see. Of course, there were no stars in the sky at this time.

Naturally... I can't even see the moon.

A full moon hangs on a snowy night, and the moon is bigger than a carriage... Even if it is not a romantic imagination, it must be a wonder in the fairyland, and it has nothing to do with the border fort at this time.

Therefore, when the last red light of the day was completely dimmed, the world began to look extraordinarily dark. Even the ice and snow on the city wall and under the torches seemed to be covered with a layer of vague shadows.

However, the Xuan Mansion at night is more lively than during the day.

Those aboriginal soldiers are changing their guards in shifts. As for ordinary people, most of them have already evacuated.

What remained were some locally recruited militiamen and some hard-working people who really had nowhere to go.

At the entrance of the tavern, the boy in charge of leading and feeding the horses shivered in the bitter north wind, murmuring and complaining about the cold weather.

At this time, suddenly in the distance, a red BMW slowly approached, like a fire burning in a cold night, along the street, heading towards the gate of the North City.

Sitting on the horseback was a rather handsome young man.

He was still mostly dressed in Jiangnan's attire, and he still carried the unfinished scent of Jiangnan on his body.

If there is any difference, it is just that there is an extra goose down silver-white vest on the upper body.

Although the north wind was bitter, this young man sat on the horseback in such a cold weather, his body was still straight, as if he didn't mind the biting cold.

The wine shop is full of guests at the moment.

There was a burly man, whose body was glowing red from drinking, suddenly walked out, and was blown by the wind outside the door, shivering involuntarily, and couldn't help complaining: "It's so cold! Damn it, it's even colder than Liangzhou!"

He took two steps back and stayed inside the door, stretched his head out and let out a long breath, then sneezed loudly.

When he looked up, he happened to see the young man riding a fiery red BMW. He was stunned for a while, and then said: "This is so... that attire! It can't be him! He is here?"

In an instant, the man quickly retracted his head and went back into the door.

The young man on the horse didn't seem to care about the gazes from the tavern at all, and continued to parade on the horse.

The wind and snow hit his face, but he still did not change his style and bearing.

The horse's hoof knocked on the frozen snow, and it made a sound like gold and iron.

The soldiers guarding the city wall stood with long spears in a sheltered position on the city wall.

The sound of horseshoes was so loud that it naturally couldn't escape the ears of these soldiers.

"Who is this person here? Do you have a pass token?" The soldiers on the city wall shouted to the bottom.

They knew that in recent days, many heroes from all walks of life came to help them, and there were often some high-ranking and disrespectful people who liked to walk in the dark, and then went outside the city to cut off the heads of a few Tartars and came back to drink.

The first time I saw it, it was inevitable that my blood would boil.

The more times you do it, the more troublesome you will feel.

After all, some of the actions of these knights are equivalent to disrupting part of the city defense layout, which is more likely to intensify conflicts and bring some fierce battles ahead of schedule.

The rare rest time will also become more luxurious.

For ordinary soldiers, getting promoted and getting rich, and supernatural skills are all nonsense.

To be able to eat meat, to sleep with mothers and aunts, to have money to send back to the hometown, and to be able to return alive. When fighting, having time to rest more is the best.

The young man on horseback took out a pink plum blossom bottle from his bosom.

The bottle contains the best daughter red in Jiangnan.

He opened the bottle and took a sip of the wine slowly, as if wanting to warm his body.

It's just that the aroma of wine drifting away along the cold wind doesn't match the biting cold wind and the speeding ice and snow at all.

The night was terribly quiet, except for the wind blowing the dead branches, making the sound like a ghost scratching the wall from time to time.

Seeing that the people under the city wall didn't talk to each other, the archers endured the cold winter and opened their bows and arrows, aiming at the young man riding on the fiery red BMW under the city wall.

"Xuanfu City is broken, the first person to record the plot points is 80,000, and you can choose any chapter of the Grand Master of Divine Art."

"Everyone! Li Mingfeng is sorry!" The young man said to the soldiers who warned him again on the city wall.

Of course, his previous sentence was distorted into something unserious.


Random arrows shot towards the young man in an instant.

In the young man's hand, a long silver spear appeared.

The spear rotated, and the arrows that flew in the air were all thrown back.

The soldiers guarding the city wall were shot and fell to the ground one after another.

The young man held a spear and took a deep breath.

Moments later, the fiery red horse flew all fours.

This turned out to be the knight's charge into the battle.

Halfway through the spear, it seemed to be on fire.

And then, above the tip of the spear, there seemed to be a ferocious fire unicorn running out.

The Huo Qilin stepped on the ice and slammed its head against the thick city gate.


The city gate... and half of the city wall shook.

If it weren't for the thick layer of ice that strengthened the city walls and foundations, the city walls and the city gates would have collapsed by half.

Even so, the city gate was damaged.

"How dare you! How dare you come to steal the crystal!"

"This can't tolerate you!" Amidst the yelling voice, a big black man with a bearded face rushed over with two big axes in his hands, bare chested, without even wearing the clothes on his chest.

When he jumped up in the air, a large amount of energy from heaven and earth poured towards him.

The giant ax slashes, carrying the momentum of cutting through mountains and rivers and breaking Taiyue.

The young man was just riding on the horseback, holding on tightly to his body.

Then reach out and poke.

The tip of the gun spit out a cold light.

A halo as black as iron shone on the body of the big black man.


It sounded like some hard object piercing into pig iron.

Afterwards, the body of a black man with a master cultivation level fell into a pool of blood. The blood melted the ice and snow for a moment, and then was frozen into one piece like the surrounding snow.

There is one more update, everyone wait a moment!

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