Devil Seeds

Chapter 464 Fierce Battle

Chu Yuanxiao didn't stop busy.

After more than ten years of rebirth, every minute cannot be wasted.

In addition to training his own abilities step by step and inheriting more of the power from General Ghost, Chu Yuanxiao is also cultivating those around him who have been 'tested' by time and are recognized as reliable.

Not only that, even for those visitors from different worlds with different hearts, Chu Yuanxiao did not 'alienate' them, on the contrary, he cared more about them.

According to their 'likes', actively dispatch tasks to them.

The strange thing is that the more difficult and dangerous the task is, the happier they are.

In addition, more and more people defected to the Chenxi Society.

After all, the government of the Judao Kingdom could not tolerate the growth of the Chenxi Society, and began to take the initiative to contact, and several frictions occurred.

This kind of friction may turn into a mighty battle at any time.

"In the original historical process, another week will be the first head-to-head confrontation between the Chenxi Society and the Judao National Guard. In that battle, the Chenxi Society suffered a disastrous defeat, and only some core backbones escaped. It was also because of that battle that many The guest from another world was promoted and gave Lu Jinnian the space to join the Chenxi Society, and that's when he started to make arrangements."

"This time, maybe this battle will be advanced, or it may be postponed. But whether it is advanced or delayed... I have to win! Only by winning this battle can more visitors from another world attach themselves to me. They are not pillars, but they can become a driving force. And the rights of the Chenxi Society, I must firmly hold in my hands, and I must not relax in the slightest." Chu Yuanxiao stood on the roof of the building with a saber in his hand. Waving.

At the same time, high in the sky, there is a sky eye, which is staring at him almost all the time.

In the Judao country government, the voices of polarization are particularly serious.

However, voices opposing the use of force against the Chenxi Society are gradually being suppressed.

The opposition was manipulated and agitated by the monks.

It's just that the monks in this period have not yet seized important positions in the governments of various countries, and the influence they can have is still quite limited.

Ten days later, the barriers were raised along with a total of three districts.

Arakawa District, where the headquarters of the Dawn Society is located, has been completely isolated and turned into an isolated city island.

Attracted by weird sound waves.

A lot of weirdness began to spread towards the Arakawa area.

Those F-level and E-level weirdnesses are useless if taken out alone.

Once the number of gatherings is large, an overlapping death force field can be formed. In this force field, even the strong don't know when they will accidentally trigger a certain death rule and die directly.

After all, there are too many behaviors of individuals in time, either intentionally or unintentionally.

E and F grades are weird, although there are many prefix conditions to trigger the death rule, the number makes up for the deviation in probability.

Standing on the top of the building, Chu Yuanxiao sent a message to Takagi Ryuzo through the communication equipment.

The sky was pierced by huge beams of cloud.

The strong light was refracted back, covering the entire Arakawa area.

Under the scorching light, those low-level monsters began to feel uncomfortable, and the formation that was originally attracted and gathered also began to scatter rapidly.

A large part of it began to crash into the surrounding 'copper and iron walls', like a torrent, rushing back to other areas.

The last time... the Dawn Society also suffered such an impact.

In order to save the ordinary people in the Arakawa District, the Chenxi Society ran around, consuming a lot of physical and mental energy, and had to fight against those low-level and strange death force fields.

Before the guard team launched a real attack, most of the personnel of the Dawn Society that could fight had been lost.

Of course, this time, Chu Yuanxiao was well prepared.

Low-level creeps will not be killed by strong light.

But they are instinctively sensitive to light.

Therefore, strong light can dispel low-level weirdness and make them fall into a state of confusion or stiffness.

bang bang bang!

A large number of bright incendiary bombs exploded in the Arakawa area.

The whole area seemed to have suddenly raised a large number of 'little suns'.

The few low-level monsters that are still invading are also under the strong light, forced to enter a state of stiffness, and lose the ability to act recklessly.

Chu Yuanxiao took off from the top of the building and slashed through the air, smashing the sky eye that had been watching him in the sky.

After that, there was no nonsense, and he cut out a blood-colored flame in the direction of the sky tree.

At the same time, on the sky tree, there are luxurious places everywhere.

Whether it's restaurants, hotels, schools, clubs...all fell into varying degrees of chaos.

According to Chu Yuanxiao's instructions, the monks who tried their best to lurk into the sky tree began to make all kinds of troubles in the sky tree.

Then these chaotic monks were besieged by a large number of robots and guards, and most of them died under random gunfire.

This seemingly meaningless 'sacrifice' is inevitable.

There is no real revolution without bloodshed.

Mercy does not control soldiers, righteousness does not control wealth!

It was a long time later that Chu Yuanxiao realized this truth last time.

And this time...he won't be indecisive anymore.

What's more... Those who are sent to die have ulterior motives.

Chu Yuanxiao didn't have any psychological burden.

With all kinds of chaos on the sky tree, the security team's follow-up plan for the Dawn Society was also forcibly interrupted.

Even the chaos on the sky tree is far from hurting the root cause.

The high-level guards did not dare to gamble.

It is still necessary to follow the orders of many "nobles" and send a large number of people back to the sky tree.

With the right timing, Chu Yuanxiao gave the order to launch a counterattack.

This time...he wants to go straight into the core area of ​​Dongbao City, cut a line, put the headquarters of the Chenxi Society at the foot of the Sky Tree, and build a small country with the port area as the core.

Only by setting their headquarters at the foot of the sky tree in Dongbao City, those crazy high-level officials of the Chrysanthemum Sword Kingdom could not launch a second assault like the last time.

With weapons of mass destruction... directly wipe out a city.

Numerous figures are flying between the buildings.

Those robots, as numerous as locusts, shattered and exploded amidst the light of knives, fire and the strange light released.

There were fewer and fewer people following Chu Yuanxiao, but Chu Yuanxiao stopped without hesitation.

Even in his ears, he could hear the painful screams of his comrades.

On the battlefield, kindness is cruelty.

And this benevolence, whether it is for the enemy or for one's own people... is the same.

Once a strategic goal has been set, it is necessary to do everything possible to achieve it.

If it fails, even by a hair's is the greatest disrespect and cruelty to all the victims.

Chu Yuanxiao's speed was extremely fast.

Not far ahead is the five-color pagoda, a landmark building in the port area.

This tower is not just a simple building.

It is also a war mech that can be activated instantly.

Chu Yuanxiao's first goal in occupying the port area was to capture this powerful mech.

Let it become a sharp sword that threatens the sky tree.

The spirit of the intestinal pain is a little trance.

Go squat for a while first.

There is one more update, and it will arrive after the break!

thank you all!

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