Devil Seeds

Chapter 558: Merman

Simply and neatly, solve the last few small troubles.

At the invitation of Taoist Zui, Gong Sanshiliu and Liu Tianzhen flew onto the yellow leather gourd. The four of them gathered together, but they showed three directions, standing back to back, vigilant about their surroundings.

The brilliance of the magic weapon, the brilliance of the spells, and all kinds of magical auras that cannot be triggered, all complement each other against the gray background.

The short-term cooperation is not enough to offset each other's wariness.

But at least, let them maintain a tacit understanding when there are powerful enemies peeping in the dark.

The sky was overcast and cloudy, and from time to time there were red thunders.

A strong wind blows from afar...a pine forest in another picture, but nothing is happening around.

The picture enters a non-stationary static state.

It's like time-lapse photography with a set process.

Everything seems to be draining.

Just like a long time, it was shortened to a few seconds, and a fast walk was carried out.

The eruption of the volcano, the drying up of the magma, the cracking of the earth, the spreading of the gray mist...these are all happening and developing rapidly, but they have nothing to do with Gong and Liu.

They are just bystanders.

"It seems that he really has quite limited control over this place." Gong Sanshiliu once again affirmed his judgment.

In the next second, the picture in front of him was overturned.

Everything that was originally presented in front of them was shaking rapidly, like an original painting being torn away from their eyes by an angry palm.

In an instant, the four people who were originally gathered in one place and were wary of their surroundings were thrown into different scrolls.

In just a split second, tightly grasping Liu Tianzhen's Palace Thirty-Six, the two fell into one place at the same time again.

Standing on an unfamiliar mountain, looking at the raised ridge under your feet, and the sea in the distance that can only be regarded as the background layout, smelling the sea breeze blowing towards your face.

Gong Sanshiliu's expression was not pretty.

"I still guessed wrong. It's not that there are only eight pictures, but only eight pictures were exposed. And now... Liu Tianzhen and I are in the ninth picture."

This is a deserted island.

The ugly ravine divided this deserted island into two parts.

The gully is covered with green grass and dense jungle.

On the other side of the gully, scorched earth was everywhere, and thick smoke was coming out of the cracks in the ground, rushing up into the sky.

"Is it a volcano again?" Liu Tianzhen tightly grasped Gong Sanshiliu's arm, feeling a little excited and a little scared in his heart.

At the same time, looking at Gong Thirty-Six, there was a little numbness in his gaze.

Gong Thirty-Six 'subconsciously' stretched out his hand to grab her, which was very useful to her.

However, at this moment, Gong Thirty-Six has no intention of considering her girlish feelings.

"The person behind the scenes manipulating the secret realm lost his composure and sent us to a picture scroll that was never opened."

"This already explains a lot of problems."

"What is shown here is not just the opponent's loss of control over things."

"It also shows that the opponent's grasp of the entire secret realm is extremely limited."

"For example...he can remove a person in a certain painting in the secret realm, but he can't fix the direction of transmission."

"Falling points should be random."

"That's why Liu Tianzhen and I entered this deserted and uninhabited island."

"It's a pity that Master Breaking the Three Precepts and Taoist Drunk failed to come together."

"But it's not all bad."

"They are all masters of practice, and their brains are not stupid. If they are restrained in another place, the people who manipulate the secret realm behind the scenes will not be able to target us with all their strength."

"This may be our chance." Gong Thirty-Six opened up the last four sentences and said to Liu Tianzhen.

With just a few words, Liu Tianzhen released most of the residual pressure that had not yet been released, and the expression on his face became more natural.

Even though she was slightly dissatisfied with Gong Thirty-Six's numbness in certain matters.

But at this time, she will never play any petty temper.

While talking, the two of them have entered the gray area side by side. The gray mist that came out of the ground seemed to have no substance at all, no smell, and even if they touched it with their hands, they couldn't feel anything strange. The air is average.

I sniffed my nose carefully, but I didn't smell any sulfur, which was completely different from what I felt in the previous picture scroll of Doomsday Volcano.

However, as they gradually penetrated into the gray area, some animal bones appeared.

These skeletons are extremely large and have strange shapes.

It is said to be a monster, but it is more like the remains of some kind of giant monster after death.

This made Gong Thirty-Six more vigilant.

The previous paintings, even the Doomsday Volcano map, actually only depict natural landscapes.

Although exaggerated and unrealistic, it is still within certain limits.

And now... a skeleton appeared on the screen.

This shows that there is hidden content in this picture scroll.

Some messages may even be recorded and left behind.

Going forward, some incomplete armor, weapons and human skeletons also appeared in front of them.

This further affirmed Gong Sanshiliu's inference a moment ago.

Gong Thirty-Six kicked a piece of Duan Ge that fell to his feet, and then stepped on it with all his strength.

The broken head was not broken by stepping on it, but only slightly bent.

Obviously, the materials of these weapons are very good.

Maybe it's still an ancient magic weapon.

Gong Thirty-Six picked up an epee and held it in his hand. After preparing, he fumbled carefully.

At the same time, he glanced at Liu Tianzhen beside him.

Some things seem to be coincidences... but they are not!

It is not an independent world, if it is just a secret realm, it is not out of the control of the world.

Therefore, as a person who should be tribulated...Liu Tianzhen naturally has some kind of luck and destiny attached to him.

And the Palace Thirty-Six associated with it.

Perhaps in this special 'journey', some gains may not be certain.

"Did you hear any sound?" Liu Tianzhen spoke suddenly, interrupting Gong Sanshiliu's train of thought.

Gong Thirty-Six also stomped his feet and listened attentively.

Sure enough, faintly, a pleasant singing sound came from a distance.

However, they couldn't understand the content of the lyrics at all.

This is not the language of this world, or even the language shared by most monks.

It's like some kind of uncommon minor language.

"There was singing."

"If it wasn't for outsiders like us."

"That means that this picture scroll will be different from the previous ones... it has given birth to life!" Gong Sanshiliu whispered.

While speaking, the two of them had already galloped quickly in the direction of the singing.

Across the many mountains, on a black cliff overlooking the sea, there is a half-man half-fish stone statue, and the singing is emanating from this stone statue.

"This is... a shark?" Gong Sanshiliu said.

"Bolu Country, Li'er Country, Diaoti Country, and Beiqu Country are all in Yushuinan. The tattoo is nirvana, and the body of the painting is scales, that is, a mermaid." Liu Tianzhen raised his head proudly, sticking out his straight nose , so as to make annotations.

Goodnight everybody!

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