Devil Seeds

Chapter 603 Bloody Battle (Updated)

The huge explosion began to spread crazily in a coherent manner.

And the formation that was originally used for the ban also showed traces of cracks.

The dense, cobweb-like cracks revealed the determination of the manipulator behind it.

As long as all the insiders are killed and all traces of crimes are eliminated...then the truth is in the hands of those who have the right to speak.

It only takes a little time to adjust, and the false truth will become real.

Amidst the huge explosion and fluctuations, Ke Xiaoliang's figure was pulled back, as if a huge picture had been unfolded, and the condensed sword shape in his hand was ready to go.

It was Ke Xiaoliang's plan to complete the entire character design as a swordsman.

After all...Many people's stereotypes of "Sword Cultivator" help Ke Xiaoliang to complete the character setting more effortlessly.

One sword...!

The sword light pierced through the layers of explosions.

It also penetrated the forbidden formation that will be broken but not broken.

Ke Xiaoliang's body clings to the sword light, escaping from the explosion and the ban.

The broken clothes and the blood dripping all over his body seemed to illustrate the tragic escape.

Ke Xiaoliang can break through without injury.

But this kind of 'strength' is too far away from people, and naturally lacks a kind of storytelling.

When Ke Xiaoliang penetrated the formation, what he faced was not the freedom of the sea and the sky, but the silvery blade.

There are still monks in Baotong Realm, ambush outside the formation.

And rightfully so!

Ke Xiaoliang was naturally mentally prepared.

Since the other party has already planned to cover up this matter, let everything dissipate by the seaside with the raging fire and white sun.

Then there is no need to set up a series of checkpoints.


Swords collide.

The monk who was in charge of intercepting Ke Xiaoliang only felt a strong and sharp qi pouring into his body.

The hand that was originally holding the knife softened for no reason, and the overall offensive was greatly reduced.

Another person hastily came to fill his seat, helping his companion to surround and kill Ke Xiaoliang.

At this time, Ke Xiaoliang looked extremely bleak from the outside, like a ghost.

Although it is fierce...but it is like the end of a crossbow.

May be defeated at any time.

The person who filled the seat used a magic stick.

Stick method is not the essence.

The core is all about the various spell blessings that surround the magic stick.

Obviously, this is a 'rich' monk.

In Baotong Realm, the more magic spells are blessed on the magic weapon, the more it shows that this person is rich.

As soon as the long sword was drawn, the true qi burst out, and the sword qi was generated to directly smash the attacker's magic stick.

It has long been a well-known consensus that the material of the Baotong Realm magic weapon is simple.

The replacer's hands were covered with bloodstains, and he felt distressed when he saw the incomplete magic stick in his hand, but his feet shone with aura.

Several hidden spells were actually launched with their feet, attacking Ke Xiaoliang at the same time.

Breaking the front, killing the shadow, destroying the soul... three kinds of spells, all kinds of evil.

If it hits, no one will feel better.

Ke Xiaoliang's stature shortened, and his long sword rose... The sword light surged! The galloping Jian Guang let go, but still used extremely refined sword moves!

good! A good move to fish for the moon in the sea!

A sword passed across the opponent's abdomen, and the sword energy burst out, shattering his internal organs at the same time.

Ke Xiaoliang, who was covered in blood, his eyes were full of light, and all his energy was restrained.

The whole person seemed to have died, turning into a piece of rotten wood.

In the next moment, all the energy and energy exploded in a moment.

It's like trying to take away the light from the scorching sun in the sky.

Ke Xiaoliang unleashed an extremely dazzling sword.

At this time... all the light became extremely dim under the sharp edge of this sword.


Ke Xiaoliang unleashed five swords in a row!

Every sword will crucify the monks who came to besiege!

Only the sirens on these monks kept screaming piercingly.

But it was no longer possible to wake up their master.

High above the sky, blood was sprinkled.

A large number of beams of light concentrated on Ke Xiaoliang's body, casting his shadow high into the sky.

"Ma Yuantao... No! Zhang Yuliang! You, an extraterrestrial demon, broke into our Baotong Realm, murdered people, and acted recklessly. Today, I, a cultivator of Baotong, will definitely kill you and seek justice for the victims."

The angry voice spanned half of the sky, shocked the sky, and then sprinkled to the vast earth.

Holding the sword light, Ke Xiaoliang kept panting.

Blood was dripping all over his body, and he might fall down at any time.

A large number of unmanned magical weapons floating in the air probed Ke Xiaoliang from near or far. They pointed the lens on the magic weapon at Ke Xiaoliang, filming and recording the scene at this moment.

Ke Xiaoliang seemed to want to defend something.

But only a mocking smile appeared.

His eyes were fierce, like a lone wolf.

A ray of light swept across the sky, and Xiu Yuan... the monk who was supposed to sit in the center and remotely control the battle, appeared at the scene very unsuitable for his identity.

Even if... only his avatar appeared.

After all, he didn't have enough magnanimity as the Great Elder wished.

"Zhang Yuliang! Don't you plead guilty and obey the law?" Xiu Yuan's voice carried the power of laws.

This is an extremely difficult technique to practice, and when it is reached to the extreme, it is the great supernatural power that speaks out the Dharma.

Ke Xiaoliang didn't respond, but continued to look at Xiu Yuan with mocking eyes, as if he was using this effort to recover his strength.

"I want to cover it up, it's simple...kill me!" Ke Xiaoliang finally replied.

In just seven words, enough information has already been revealed.

Excessive explanation is not necessary.

In many things, Ke Xiaoliang is far more thorough than Xiu Yuan.

The rules of the world, of course, are not only made up of power.

But behind any rules, there must be powerful support.

Xiu Yuan's not strong enough, and his rules are not strict enough.

Most importantly!

He's not shameless enough, or unruly enough.

He personally showed up to kill Ke Xiaoliang, which seemed to be an act of leading the way.

But it is inevitable that after the event, it will be interpreted by many people.

"Okay! As you wish!" Xiu Yuan stared at Ke Xiaoliang coldly.

There was a fire in his heart, and it wasn't just for Ke Xiaoliang.

But now... he can only burn this fire to Ke Xiaoliang.

"Lei come!" came an order.

A lot of thunder began to spread around Ke Xiaoliang.

Turning into blue-purple chains, Ke Xiaoliang will be bound heavily.

The chains transformed into thunder indeed bound Ke Xiaoliang's whole body.

But in the crisp sound of the sword, the original hard and powerful chains full of tyrannical energy broke down inch by inch.

"A real man can't change his name if he can sit down!"

"I... Ma Yuantao!"

"This sword is my name, take care!"

After the words fell, Ke Xiaoliang's sword flashed, not for leaving, not for running for his life... On the contrary, he followed Xiang Xiuyuan without hesitation.

Just like many people's impression of sword repair.

Never regret, see death as home!

Goodnight everybody!

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