Devil Seeds

Chapter 654 Doubt

Goddess Molly was also staring at the sky in a daze at this moment.

Her gaze naturally penetrated the gradually thinning cloud.

The starry sky that was being reorganized made her both familiar and strange.

Rationally, she seems to be aware of some dangers approaching, some vague scenes and memories are constantly waking up, which makes her wake up from time to time.

But emotionally, she rejects and resists these memories and scenes, denies their authenticity, and even has a deeper intuition that always makes her want to tear up this hypocritical starry sky.

The feeling of separation caused Molly to be in a trance several times in a row.

Phoenix has returned. As the right-hand man of the goddess Molly, the return of Phoenix allows Leo to no longer follow the goddess Molly all the time, and start preparing for the next miracle display and large-scale worship of believers.

This will be the beginning of the true recovery of the goddess, and it is also a responsibility that he, a wise man, must shoulder.

This seemingly simple religious activity actually involves many small issues in various aspects.

Small problems can lead to big disasters if you don't pay attention.

For example, when crowds gather, conflicts are likely to arise, how to avoid and resolve conflicts.

For another example, no matter how unimaginable a miracle is displayed, there will always be people who will question it. How to resolve the doubts at that time, so as not to appear to be lowered in style, and even further win over the people's faith.

All kinds of small problems in the details are worthy of repeated deliberation, and then a reservation plan is made.

Both Phoenix and Leo agree.

Only when people all over the world believe in the goddess Molly again, will the goddess Molly return to the omniscient and omnipotent God.

And Molly, who has the almighty personality, can turn everything around, so that the world that is on the verge of collapse can be completely and completely rejuvenated, so that human beings can develop a stronger, newer, and more thorough civilization.

Bonfires in the wasteland... that's not civilization.

It's just the remains of the previous civilization, burned in flames.

"The omniscient and omnipotent God will 'fall', stemming from the fall of the world and the collapse of faith."

"God gave up the fallen world, let the crazy human beings destroy themselves, and everything was rebuilt from the ruins."

"We believe in the goddess not to beg for salvation, but to complete self-salvation."

"The goddess will show mercy to us only if we save ourselves."

"The person who shows the perfect character will reappear in the goddess' kingdom of heaven, and look at the ever-better world with the attitude of the Holy Spirit."

In a small assembly of the Goddess Church, the priest responsible for promoting the Goddess belief is interpreting the new Bible.

There is light music fluttering around, burning candles release a soothing fragrance, the dim but warm-toned light perfectly preserves the privacy of some people, and weaves the top hats and veils on their heads more tightly. It is full of the atmosphere of a gentleman and a lady, but it does not allow people around to see their faces clearly.

The atmosphere is harmonious and beautiful.

Secretive but not sneaky.

In Leo's setting, there will be no large-scale gatherings in the Church of the Goddess for the time being.

In addition to avoiding being targeted, it is also to maintain a family-style warmth and harmony through small group gatherings.

After all, once the number of members in any group expands to a certain number, it is absolutely impossible to retain warmth.

Small groups one after another are further connected in series through the leaders of these groups.

It's like vines that are constantly spreading deep in the ground.

This small gathering in the "Moon Beast City" in the New World was the same as many previous gatherings.

After reading scriptures and praying daily, people will share a sumptuous dinner and drink the honey and milk bestowed by the goddess.

That will strengthen their physique and make their energy more abundant and vigorous.

Goddess Molly's intuition was correct, her money was indeed 'embezzled' by Leo and Phoenix.

As for the whereabouts of the money... of course it is used to subsidize the development of underground churches in various places.

Just the expenses on the ‘Holy Sacrament’ alone is a huge sum.

If it wasn't for the goddess' "enchantment", it would have a certain unique nature.

And many monks who just want to make a fortune in the wasteland world, and then use this world as a springboard to accumulate advantages to enter other worlds, rush to the goddess' enlightenment, and then contribute a lot of money.

The development of the underground church will never be so smooth.

However, today's rally may not go so smoothly.

A gentleman in a vintage suit, a tall bowler hat, and a bone cane stood up abruptly.

Then he asked the pastor, "In the past, God was the only God, but now... the goddess is also the only one?"

The pastor replied with a smile: "No! My companion, the goddess is not the only one, she can be any of us. The goddess teaches us that all mortals have humanity. When we complete the sublimation of life and return to the goddess's kingdom of heaven, we are the goddess Together with her, together with her, to safeguard the newborn world."

"Of course, although the goddess' heaven is wonderful, I would like to live a few more years to accompany the goddess. After all, there are still many good things in the world, and we need to savor them carefully."

This answer can also be said to be better.

After all, in response to the doubts of believers, Leo has long formulated a series of "response" quotations.

Pastors who are responsible for spreading the faith, as long as they make appropriate adjustments according to the quotations and the environment and state they are in, it is enough.

And the surrounding crowd who were a little commotion also laughed slightly because of the pastor's answer.

"No! The goddess is not the only one."

"I have evidence!" The gentleman who questioned was obviously not satisfied with this answer.

He directly produced the so-called evidence.

It was a pile of numerical values ​​and photos that ordinary people could not understand at all.

"The distant stars are moving, converging into the rumored twelve signs of the zodiac in the last era."

"Great power has enveloped a barren sea area, and a brand new continent is slowly rising."

"Then does this mean that there are ancient gods who are going to return to this homeland and save it?" The gentleman began to distribute the information in his hand.

The pastor frowned, stupefied.

In the quotations given by Leo, there is no complete response to this situation.

And his real and barren personal ability is not enough to perfectly handle such unexpected accidents.

Therefore, he irrationally called the guards.

"Throw this messy, blasphemy guy out."

"I don't want to be here and see this disgusting face again." The pastor shouted angrily.

Of course he could.

It's just that the result is that the superficial believers who had just come to try to get in touch with them and gained a lot of experience immediately began to dislike the Church of the Goddess.

Even gave birth to a rebellious psychology.

In the dark, a demon-sealer who possesses part of the power of the pure black messenger is putting away his means.

It is his handwriting that a pastor who has been trained can lose control of his emotions so easily.

Goodnight everybody!

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