"Well~ don't care. Teresa proposed, "Let's have a happy gathering!"

Fu Hua echoed: "Indeed, let's forget about our usual troubles, and we will be fine today......"

Before he could finish speaking, a corpse fell from the sky.

Kiana's horror still lingered in her pupils.

"Hope の花,繋い絆~" The rest of the people sang in unison.

"What song are you singing, hey!"

I'm Kiana, and all in all, we have an inexplicable murder here.

It seems that this is the task to solve this incident.

"Who the hell killed Oku......"

Fu Hua had already dragged Otto out neatly and threw it, and then turned around and smiled: "Let's forget about our usual troubles, let's have fun today!"

"Oh-oh-" everyone agreed in unison.

"Wait, wait!" Kiana said excitedly, "Don't you care about that? Otto, he's hanging!

"Calm down, Kiana. Fu Hua pushed his glasses, "Now you have two choices, one is to eat, and the other is to investigate the incident, which one do you choose?"

Kiana: "......"

Do you still need to think about it?

Of course it is - everyone happily sits down at the table and eats the rice cooked by Mei Yi!

Laughter resounded on the island villa where all the Valkyries of the Mandate of Heaven were in Raven Yayi, and the property rights dispute was extremely serious.

Achievement achieved - "A World in which Only the Bishop is Wounded".

"Everybody...... "Kiana, who has a clear conscience, pointed to Otto's corpse, "I think we should still ......"

"Who's going to play with the carriage? I've got a game console. Rita's gentle voice rang out.

Kiana's eyes froze again.

Laughter and laughter resounded again in the villa on the island, but there was no corner - for there lay the long-dead Otto.

"Get down to business, this ......," Kiana brought up the old story.

"I'm going to start making dinner, who's going to help me?" asked Mei holding a spatula.

It turns out that bugs are single-threaded creatures that can only have one thread at a time.

And this thread naturally didn't hesitate to get to Mei Yi.

When the dinner was finished, Kiana walked into the living room, and Otto's death came back to her mind, and she pointed to the corner: "By the way, have you really been hanging this person like this?"

"It's not good, really. Fu Hua thought so, "Or, throw it into the sea?"


"I didn't expect you to be such a person, Fu Hua. "

The stupid goose, who had rarely spoken, stood up with a serious expression.

"I know Your Excellency Bishop has a bad reputation outside, but everyone is hanging!

"It's so shameless!"

As he spoke, the goose maintained a righteous and awe-inspiring expression, and secretly pulled out Otto's wallet: "Let me take my salary first." "


In any case, the persecution of Otto is actually a thing that even a stupid goose likes to see.

But death is empty, and the bishop is dead......

Well, don't ask how Soul Steel Superman bled and died.

The question is that the destiny is bankrupt, help Otto, and sell the soul steel at a cheap price.

The Bishop, who had sold out of soul steel, had no choice but to use the body he had kept in the freezer.

In any case, Otto was at least the de facto adoptive father of Silly Goose, and Silly Goose could not bear to see him suffer humiliation when he died.

When Glondelle in the video stood up to accuse Fu Hua and defend Otto's dignity, Silly Goose was a little happy.

Until she discovers that Eulandel is crouching down to touch Otto's purse......

"Remember to leave me that picture of Karen in your wallet. "

Otto's humor alleviated the shame in Goose's heart, and she did not dare to look directly at the Bishop: "I...... I don't spend much money......"

"It is only natural to repay debts. There is no need to be a burden. Otto looked at the light curtain with interest, "I'm more curious than that, I ...... How did you die?"



Teresa angrily pointed at the goose: "Glondelle, you're too shameless!"

"Grandpa is like this, as the strongest Valkyrie in Destiny, do you only think about trivial things like asking for a salary?"

Teresa changed gears.

"We should discuss the distribution of the inheritance, we have sold the Mandate of Heaven, right?"

Eulandelle: "Agreed!"

Rita: "No problem. "


I thought I could reprimand the unscrupulous goose, showing the high moral character of the school principal...... Directly covered his face.

What the hell is the conscienceless white-haired fool in the video thinking!

Why did grandpa think about selling his inheritance and dividing up his family as soon as he died!

At least...... At least you have to hold a funeral for your grandfather first, nail it into a coffin and bury it in the ground, and then think about these things!

"At least it's better than having the world on the verge of destruction as soon as you come to power. Himeko quipped, "Right? "

Delissa was ashamed and angry: "Himeko! "

The narrator said. "

"That's Deli stupid! not Teresa!"


A bolt of lightning streaked across Fu Hua's mind.

"Inheritance distribution ......," she unconsciously muttered these four words.

"Squad leader, did you find anything?" Kiana wondered.

Fu Hua laughed confidently: "If my reasoning is not wrong...... I didn't deduce anything at all. "

"But if your words have some meaning, it will not mean nothing. Raven was speechless.

"Anyway......" Mei interjected, "The murderer should be someone else......, right?

Suddenly, the alarm sounded, and steel gates fell, turning the villa island into a prison.

Outside the prison, dark clouds were heavy, lightning and thunder roared.

Kiana looked at Mei Yi, her eyes were complicated, and her expression was about to speak, as if she was saying "It's now".

Mei Yi scratched her head in embarrassment: "What about the secret room, it's a big deal to be locked up here, and there is no danger to your life......"

The floor tiles suddenly sink and slide into the mezzanine, revealing the time bomb below.

Everyone's dull gaze jumped from the bomb to the bud who spoke with her words.

"What about bombs, bombs...... Anyway, we have the power of lawyers, I think ......"

Kiana and Fu Hua hurriedly stepped forward and covered Yayi's mouth left and right.

"Don't don't, don't say it!"

Rita looked at a load-bearing pillar with a tablet attached to it, and a line underneath it - "Please enter the name of the murderer".

"It seems that the name of the murderer needs to be entered and the bomb can be disarmed. "

"Actually, I don't think as long as it doesn't kill us, it doesn't matter at all. "It blew up the villa, and we slipped right from there." "

Glondelle and Rita chimed in in unison: "It makes sense, it makes sense. "

"You souls, this is my villa! Find me a murderer!"

"Well-this case is really outrageous, I haven't found any clues until now. Fu Hua pondered.

Kiana: "yes, yes, it's a strange case. "


Tesla couldn't help but glance at Worm and Fu Hua.

"Didn't anyone see Otto's frying pan of the bud, and Delissa's Judas, and Eulandelle's spear, and the raven's nails, and Fu Hua's feathers, and Rita's sickle?"

"This is completely unfounded, except for Kiana, all of them are murderers!"

"Does anyone want to complain about Otto?" Einstein asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

"Then the murderer is Otto! He committed suicide in fear of sin. "

"Detective Ain!" Tesla gave a thumbs up.

"Precise reasoning is a fatal blow. Joyce nodded frequently.

Lao Yang: "A case that is enough to be written into a textbook!" (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's completely the Blue Sky Lord!" The Book of Cangxuan also stepped forward to join in the fun.

Everyone looked at each other, and suddenly burst into tacit laughter, and the air was filled with joy.

At this time, Mebius and Chitria in the distance felt their backs sink for some reason.

After 50,000 years, it is still the same old taste!

The cauldron that the fire chaser moth came from nowhere, and they were all pushed on Mebius and Renjiao by everyone in this way. []


Glondaire walked over with a radio on his shoulder.

"Haven't you found the murderer yet? "

She put down the radio and pressed play.

"Valkyries who came here, I'm Otto......"

"How is Otto's recording?" asked Kiana.

"Ah, it seems that the tape on it is a recording of the Bishop. Rita said, "But my phone was running out of battery, so I recorded the BGM." "

The recording continues: "I'm asking you to come here this time because I suspect someone is trying to kill me......"

"Then wipe the original sound clean, I'll come, I'll come, I'll come. Kiana couldn't wait to get her hands on the tape recorder.

"That person is—"

Otto's words were deleted before they were finished.

The pensive Fu Hua couldn't help but sigh: "Sure enough, there are no clues, it's really a strange case through the ages!"

"Ah, this is ......" Kiana noticed where Otto's outstretched index finger was pointing, "Is this a death message?"

Everyone gathered around to see that it was really a message of death!

Death Message (Magic Card): Activate this effect during the opponent's end phase, and make 1 Death Message Card appear in the order of D, E, A, T, and H in the Magic and Trap area from the hand deck

When you collect all 4 types of this card and the Death Info Card on your field, you will win the duel by yourself

Now everything falls into place!

It turned out that Bishop Otto had failed a dark duel with Tapir, and his soul was taken away by the dark god Zock.

The crowd looked at each other, and then began to whip the corpse.

"This soul is faint! Death is so poor, what the hell do you think about writing nonsense!"

"So far, the only way to do it is to use a trick. Fu Hua said solemnly, "This is the ultimate detective trick I used in London back then." "

"Oh-" Kiana looked forward to it.

"That's-" Zhuge Watson pushed his glasses, "Let's guess one at random, logic or something, we'll make up for it later." "

"How many unjust, false and wrongful cases did you cause back then!" Kiana complained.

"Murderer ......" Fu Hua assumed the pose of a Grim Reaper schoolboy and pointed at one of the people present, "It's you, raven!"


Glondelle squatted down and silently began to put up BGM.

Fu Hua said his reasoning: "Because it is unlikely that they are Randell, and the head of the school has no motive, Kiana and Mei Yi are both good children, and the murderer is not me, so it must be only you." "

"So your sincerity is ......," Raven asked.

Fu Hua didn't think about it: "Everyone is the Valkyrie of Heavenly Destiny, and it's not good to offend if you don't look up and look down." You're the snake of the world anyway, who are you going to do if you don't?"

"Soul is faint!Are you destined to be a gangster!"

"You, the person who used all the people in a city for experiments, are not qualified to say that, vote by show of hands!"

Unanimously passed.

"Okay, the incident is resolved. Fu Hua said confidently, like a super detective, he had the chance to win.


The raven pointed his finger at Fu Hua: "According to the routine of mystery novels, generally the first suspects are not criminals!"

"So, because you all doubt me, my suspicion is gone. "

"On the contrary - Fu Hua, because the detective is the least suspicious, you are the most suspicious!"


Fu Hua couldn't believe it, such a perfect inference, even she Zhuge Huasheng might not be able to do it, where is the opposite side sacred?

Randale urged: "Hurry up and decide who is the detective and who is the prisoner, the execution song can't be played repeatedly." "

Raven and Fu Hua glanced at each other, as if they had reached some kind of tacit understanding, and the two pointed at Yu Randell together.

"That's you!"

"You didn't pay Otto because he owed money, so you hurt the black hand!"

"Rita, you-"

Rita, who played the execution song in place of Glondelle, smiled, "Isn't that fun? "

"You're the murderer!Rita!You're following me and using my identity to hide your suspicions!" Glolander's tone was affirmative, "That's why you're the most suspicious!"

"The murderer is you!"

"No, the head of the school is the murderer!"

"How could it be me, it's obviously you who are the most suspicious!"

"That must be Fu Hua and the raven committing a crime in the gang!"

The entire island villa is in a mess, and everyone is a detective and is identifying the murderer.

The execution song played non-stop.

"Eh, wait a minute—" Teresa seemed to notice something, she pointed to the tablet, "This device seems to be voice-activated." "

"In other words, it reads the voice you just said was who the murderer was. "

The mechanical tone starts playing.

Fu Hua, Randell, Raven, Rita, Mei Yi, and Delisha confirm that (the king's) is the murderer

The crowd immediately pretended to be nothing.

Teresa drinks tea, Mei Yi looks at the sky, and ravens whistle......

Well, everyone naturally moved, but I don't know who made up for Otto.

"You're all murderers, Soul Fade! "

Kiana said, the scene of her first arrival flashing back to her mind.

"Isn't there a dark corridor in front of this room? "

"Otto probably accidentally fell to the ground there, and as a result, you stabbed him for various reasons as you passed, which led to his real death. "

"There's a catapult mechanism in the corridor ahead, and Otto died there, accidentally hit and was catapulted. "

Detective Kiana slapped the table hard: "It turns out that you are all murderers, and I want to arrest you all." "

A mechanical sound alerts.

There is only one murderer left

The high-spirited Kiana paused.


The memory flashed back again—she was muttering to herself, "Where is this?", when she suddenly let out a cute exclamation, as if she had stepped on something strange.

It turned out that the shoe prints on Otto's face were stepped on by her...... She's the one who makes up for the last cut!

Kiana: "Why don't you delete it?"

The island villa rang out with laughter again.

Rita drank black tea and sighed: "Ah, I'm so sad~"

The crowd who used smiles to hide their sadness also echoed: "Yes, yes." "

In the pleasant atmosphere, the smiling raven suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"No, my villa is ......"

The "dripping" sound of the bomb became more and more intense, only to be drowned out by the sound of the game. At this moment, the countdown has finally returned to zero.


The villa island sank to the bottom of the sea in the midst of monstrous fires and explosions.

Only Kiana, who was blown up in the air, sighed: "It turns out that solving people is also a task to solve......."

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