Different dimension red alert world

Chapter 2 Different Dimension Space World

The scene seemed to be frozen forever. After the mysterious man entered Wang Ling's dormitory, a long, long time passed and he never appeared again. I don’t know how much time passed, but Wang Ling’s tired figure even appeared in the dream. He walked to the door step by step, opened the dormitory door and walked in.

The dream finally ended here. Wang Ling woke up naturally. He opened his eyes and was stunned for a long time. He kept thinking about the scene in the dream. The more he thought about it, the more abnormal he felt - this Dreams are too real and weird!

He turned his head and looked at the black box. He thought it was a prank before, but the strange images and mysterious people he saw in his dream made him feel that it was not that simple!

However, Wang Ling didn't give up yet. He took out his cell phone and called Zhang Shengcai to confirm.

The ringing lasted for more than thirty seconds before the other party answered, but his voice seemed a little confused: "Hey, Wang Ling, what's the matter?"

Wang Ling did not greet him politely, and went straight to the point and asked: "Shengcai, have you returned to the dormitory today?"

"Dorm? No, I went directly to the playground and left the school after dinner. What's wrong, Wang Ling? Ha..." As he said this, the other person yawned, obviously he hadn't woken up yet.

Wang Ling was wary about the black box and had no intention of telling anyone else, so he simply hung up the phone without thinking. Later, Wang Ling talked on the phone with Wei Bowen and Dongfang Yuqing, but neither of them returned to the dormitory.

"This is weird!" Wang Ling scratched his head, a little confused. You know, the locks in their dormitory have been changed several times, and only the four of them have keys. Even the dormitory manager has no spare keys. Under normal circumstances, they should be the only ones who can enter their dormitory.

After thinking about it, Wang Ling couldn't help but look at the black box: "Could it be that the scene in the dream is real? This box was specially given to me by the mysterious person?"

This idea is very weird, but now, Wang Ling can't think of other possibilities for the time being.

After the physical fitness test, Wang Ling's body was still sore even after a good sleep. He stood up from the bed and sat in front of the computer desk. He picked up the letter and looked at it again and again, and decided to give it a try in confusion.

He turned on the computer, took out the bracelet, played with it casually and put it on his hand, thinking what if this was true?

However, after wearing it and observing it for a long time, there was still no movement from the bracelet. Wang Ling then laughed bitterly at himself. It seemed that he was really whimsical.

However, just as he thought of this, he suddenly felt a tingling sensation on his wrist, as if he had been pricked by a dozen silver needles.

Being stimulated, Wang Ling was startled. He was about to take off the bracelet, but the tingling sensation suddenly disappeared. Then a mechanized USB interface was spit out from the dragon-shaped mouth of the bracelet, and it automatically connected to the computer.

It happened that the computer had already been turned on at this time. Wang Ling was surprised to find that a strange frame popped up in the center of the computer screen, with the words "Related system locked" written on it.

Wang Ling was not very courageous. He was afraid that some kind of virus had been installed, so he subconsciously wanted to turn it off. But it was too late. The system was installed very quickly. By the time he reacted, it had been installed, and then the USB interface retracted into the bracelet on its own.

Watching this scene helplessly, Wang Ling was a little confused: "What is going on? What happens next?"

Just when he was puzzled, a strange middle-aged man's voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Please choose a game."

Wang Ling blinked and subconsciously replied with four words in his mind: "Red Alert."

As a senior otaku, Wang Ling has many games installed on his computer, but the earliest among them is this combat game. Wang Ling will play two games to enjoy it when he has nothing to do. Now if he was asked to choose, his first impression would naturally be this game.

After he finished replying with these four words, more than ten seconds passed before the middle-aged man's voice came out in his mind again:

"Game locked, red alert. Arranged according to the host's habits, characters, 60% Chinese, main language Chinese, main text Chinese characters. The game chapter is completed in the construction of the game's comprehensive chapter. The construction of the exchange system is completed in the construction of the exchange system. Whether to enter a different dimension Space world?”

After hearing this series of sounds, Wang Ling became even more confused and nervous, but he was quite sure that the sounds came from his brain. There is a limit to pranks. Now all this has obviously exceeded the prank of Fan Tao, so he has to think about it.

After a little hesitation, Wang Ling finally chose to try, and one word came to his mind: "Yes!"

After finishing his one-word reply, Wang Ling felt a sudden spin, and fainted as soon as his vision went dark. When he opened his eyes again, he had already left the dormitory and was in a strange space.

This space seemed to be empty except for Wang Ling himself. It was pure white with no boundaries.

"Where is this?" Wang Ling was a little scared. He didn't understand this strange space world at all.

But just when he regretted coming here, the voice that had been in his head suddenly came from behind him: "Welcome to the world of another dimension!"


Wang Ling was startled when he heard the voice, and quickly turned his head cautiously, only to find that there was a middle-aged man in black clothes behind him. He had a white face and no beard, a straight nose, a square mouth, and a body Translucent floating in the air, now looking at him with a smile.

This image was 30% less human and 70% less ghost-like. Wang Ling subconsciously took two steps back and asked, "What are you? Are you a human or a ghost?"

The middle-aged man smiled and shook his head: "I am not a human being, let alone a ghost. I am an artificial intelligence brain from a different dimension system. According to the name of your world, you can call me Uncle Hei from now on."

"Artificial Intelligence Brain? Uncle Hei?" Wang Ling was still wary: "What's going on here? What kind of extra-dimensional system?"

The middle-aged man was not in a hurry to answer. He floated up another half meter, looked around, shook his head and said, "Your understanding of this system and the world is really blank. Mapping The scenes are all so white that it dazzles my eyes. Before answering your question, you should first imagine a different-dimensional world in your mind."


This nonsensical answer made Wang Ling feel a little stupid, but he still subconsciously imagined a mechanized secret room that he had seen in a movie.

When Wang Ling finished the idea, the middle-aged man smiled and snapped his fingers, and then the originally blank scene quickly transformed into a huge mechanized secret room, as if a page had suddenly been turned, with all the details and regulations. , it’s exactly like the picture he imagined!

This change shocked Wang Ling!

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