Different dimension red alert world

Chapter 93 Lend me Tianqi and give you back the world!

Wang Ling's question was asked rather suddenly, and the new recruits of the Eagle Squad had no right to answer, so they simply remained silent. As for the veterans who had followed Wang Ling on the mission from the beginning, they all thought about it. After a while, Sun Dahu was the first to answer: "Many, more than fifteen brothers!"

"That's right, a lot!"

"Almost half of our brothers who died in the battle were killed by snipers!"

"No, it should be more than half!"

"Grandma, you're really a coward when you think about it!"


Other veterans also spoke one after another, and this statistic gradually turned into hatred for snipers.

Wang Ling waited for them to calm down and then said: "Although there are always sacrifices in war, I just hold a grudge! Not only snipers, many of our brothers also died in the last Allied night attack Under the guns of the Allied soldiers in that base, should we settle this grudge and this debt with them?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and Sun Dahu asked tentatively: "Captain, what do you mean?"

Wang Ling nodded and said: "Change the target and attack another allied base!"

"But captain, our bet is not about that base!"

"The bet is a bet, not an order. There is no requirement that we must attack that base first."

"Then, can we attack a complete Allied base with just these people?"

"You don't need to worry about this for now. I just want to ask you, do you have the guts to have a big fight with me?"

After asking this, the members of the Eagle Team glanced at each other, and then they all smiled.


"Fuck him!"

"I've wanted revenge for a long time!"


Looking at this group of excited team members, Wang Ling nodded with satisfaction.

Just like Sun Dahu's question, the Eagle Squad is now strong, but it is still a bit reluctant to attack a complete Allied base with its current strength.

However, Wang Ling would not be stupid enough to risk his death. After the simple meeting, Wang Ling turned on the radio and contacted Zhao Pingwang: "Brother Zhao, can you hear me?"

King Zhao Ping was also observing the electronic map at any time. When he heard the sound, he immediately answered: "You can hear it, Wang Ling, what's the matter?"

Wang Ling said, "I want to put the bet aside for now and let's make another bet separately. How about that?"


Zhao Pingwang was confused and looked at Colonel Lovsky beside him. After getting confirmation, he asked: "Tell me, what is the bet?"

Wang Ling replied: "Lend me the Apocalypse Tank and give you a bright future!"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Zhao Mingwang was confused and did not understand Wang Ling's intention at all.

Wang Ling patiently told Zhao Pingwang his plan briefly. After that, Zhao Pingwang immediately refused: "No, this is too crazy and too risky!"

"Brother Zhao, I won't do anything I'm not sure about. I will retreat when the situation is bad! Moreover, I seek wealth in danger. I have been fighting step by step. When will the fight end? Sooner or later, I will launch an attack. Yes, why don't you give it a try?" Wang Ling was still persuading him earnestly.

But this time, King Zhao Ping had no idea. Instead, he turned his head and turned his questioning eyes to Colonel Lovesky.

Colonel Lovsky was also hesitant, and after thinking for a while, he said: "This is a risky move! If it succeeds, the situation on the battlefield will be greatly reversed, and the outcome of this battlefield will be clear. However, if it fails, , we will lose a lot of elites from the Eagle Squad! Hey, this Wang Ling will really give me problems, no wonder I call it gambling!"

"So, sir, should we agree or not?" King Zhao Ping asked.

Colonel Lovesky continued to struggle for a while, then gritted his teeth and said: "That's right! A small team dares to be so crazy, why can't we bet?"

"Then do you want to continue recording this video?"

"Yes! Whether you succeed or not, this is a very good teaching material. Why not record it?"


Hearing the result, Zhao Pingwang smiled and immediately answered on the radio: "Wang Ling, we agreed to this bet, and then we will send the Apocalypse tanks to support, and the harassing Rhino tanks will also go together. Whether it succeeds or not, It’s up to you!”

"Understood, sir!" Wang Ling also smiled, but his smile was a little cruel.

Afterwards, Zhao Pingwang immediately made arrangements and sent all four Rhino tanks and the only Apocalypse tank patrolling in the base out of the base to the Eagle Team's station.

The other captains could not hear the radio communication between Wang Ling and Zhao Pingwang, but they could really see the actions of the base, and they all started to murmur for a while.

"What's going on? Why are the Apocalypse tanks dispatched?"

"It's not fair. When we attacked the Allied base, why didn't you send us Apocalypse tanks?"

"What's going on? The Eagle Team hasn't succeeded yet. Why did they dispatch the Apocalypse Tanks in advance?"


Zhao Pingwang and Colonel Lovsky did not bother to explain these questions and dissatisfaction. Wang Ling even ignored them. He waited until the Apocalypse tanks and Rhino tanks arrived before he commanded the team and went to the crippled place. They were stationed in front of the Allied base.

When they arrived, it was already dark in Red Alert World, and it seemed that they were not planning to launch an attack tonight.

However, the base in front of them was already frightened. During these days, the coalition forces went crazy and kept sending troops to attack, which made them sick. That night, the Allied base mobilized almost all its forces to block the nearby entrances and exits. They even dismantled two anti-aircraft missiles and built a light prism tower next to the entrance.

Not only that, but the Allied base has also learned a lesson. The few remaining time-travel mining vehicles in the base simply do not dare to drive out of the base, and they are all competing for the poor minerals within this limited range.

Before Wang Ling fell asleep, he saw the situation of the Allied bases within the visible range on the electronic map, but he just smiled and said nothing. He closed his eyes and returned to the real world, resting for a day and then returning again.

That night, whether it was the Eagle Team, the Apocalypse Tank, or the Rhino Tank, they were all safe and sound, without any movement, as if they really planned to spend the night like this.

However, this Allied base is miserable. Having learned from the past, they must be on guard against this team at all times, for fear of a night attack by the Eagle Squad. Unfortunately, there is no extra strength to counterattack, so we can only spend it with the Eagle Squad.

Time passed quickly, and in the stalemate, most of the night passed quickly. Just less than two hours before dawn, the Eagle Squad suddenly sounded the assembly call: "Brothers, the time has come, cheer up and start taking action!"

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