The next moment, with the passionate voice, the red and silver superman also carried a fierce and gentle momentum, straightened his body neatly, raised his arms, flew straight into the sky, and disappeared into the darkness. Under the cover of night, I left this planet.


After witnessing everything about Ultraman, Director Eiji Tsuburaya also grasped the gift given by this somewhat special friend, and showed a curious smile with shock and surprise on his face, as if he had seen the Superman he had dreamed of.

The friendship and bond between Ultraman and people are thus concluded...

Witnessing the relationship between Director Eiji Tsuburaya and Ultraman, even the many viewers waiting in front of the video screen showed expressions of emotion and admiration - no one knew what was going on. Anyway, if Ultraman and Director Eiji Tsuburaya stand together, it will always give people a wonderful feeling. In short, it is very awesome!

"...a warm feeling."

The camera also returned to 1965. The Ultra Star quietly glowed dimly in the palm of Tetsuo Kaneshiro's hand, and a touch of warmth unique to "light" was also conveyed to this man who was trapped in inspiration and work and suffered from melancholy. The incomparable man's body cleansed his mind full of complicated emotions.


Seeing Tetsuo Kaneshiro's appearance, Director Eiji Tsuburaya also smiled from the bottom of his heart.

But... Director Eiji Tsuburaya and Tetsuo Kaneshiro are not the only ones who are happy.

"Longsen Lake?"

Outside the house of director Eiji Tsuburaya, Charliega, who had been lurking in this place for some time, successfully overheard the conversation between the old man and Tetsuo Kaneshiro, about Ultraman and Ultra Star, Ultraman and The information about director Eiji Tsuburaya's friendship is no exception - in this way, the information that Ultraman sealed a big monster in Lake Ryumori naturally fell into this guy's ears.

"Yanagaki is in Longsen Lake, Yanagaki is in Longsen Lake!"

Finally, he found a monster as he wished. Charlieja also determined that the monster sealed in Longsen Lake was the Yanagaji he had been looking for, so he quickly showed a funny smile and took the steps of a clown. I picked up my umbrella and big box and ran towards Longsen Lake.

"Yanagaki is in Longsen Lake!"

At this time, some viewers waiting in front of the video screen also showed strange expressions, such as the Ultra Brothers from the Space Guard.

Longsen Lake is indeed a place of great significance to Ultraman.

Of course, if we talk about Longsen Lake, we have to mention one person - Susumu Hayata!

25-year-old Susumu Hayata is a member of the first graduating class of the Scientific Special Investigation Team Training School. One day, while investigating a strange incident on Lake Longsen, he piloted a fighter jet and unfortunately encountered a monster chasing the monster Bermuda. Ultraman, the fighter jet collided with Ultraman in an accident, and Shin Hayata lost his precious life... Ultraman felt very guilty for his mistake, so he used his life to He shared it with Shin Hayata in a united way and resurrected this man.

From then on, Susumu Hayata became Ultraman and continued to fight monsters!

In the end, after Ultraman ended Zeton's battle, Hayata Shinya accepted the "new life" from Zoffie, ending his one-minded relationship with Ultraman, and he continued to live as a human being. Down, Ultraman left the earth... This is the beginning of the story between Ultraman and mankind, and the beginning of the bond between the Kingdom of Light and the earth!

"The friendship between man and Ultraman, Ultra Star."

"Ah, the earth of that era is really nostalgic."

"Hahaha~ We also fought desperately on the earth at that time and formed countless bonds. Now that I think about it, I miss it so much!"

After the Ultra Brothers saw the video of "Highly Inflammable Scene·Top.1", in which Ultraman sealed a big monster on Lake Longsen and met director Eiji Tsuburaya, they invariably revealed An emotional smile.

The same is Longsen Lake.

They are also chasing big monsters.

I also made a human friend...

Even in stories about parallel worlds, the light of the bond between Ultraman and people will never go out, exuding a bright and warm light all the time.

"This place is Longsen Lake!"

In the video screen, Charlie Jia, who has always acted vigorously and resolutely, arrived in front of Longsen Lake. Looking at the shimmering water surface under the night that reflected the moonlight, he showed a touched expression - this guy. Naturally, he was not admiring the beautiful scenery. His eyes had already seen through the water waves and sprays, and saw the big monster sleeping in the center of Longsen Lake, motionless as the seal was reinforced.

"Yanagaji, Charlieja is here to take you back!"

Lifting his black umbrella, Charliega also accumulated energy to emit a bright light, which hit the surface of Longsen Lake.


As the light bloomed, the calm water surface of Longsen Lake also exploded into turbulent water splashes, and the water waves and ripples spread in all directions layer by layer.


As if a torpedo was detonated, a bright light bloomed under the water of Longsen Lake, even dispelling the darkness nearby.


Seeing such a scene, Charlieja, who realized that his action was successful, couldn't help but laugh wildly.


The next moment, as the light bloomed, a shining blue meteor also appeared on the surface of Lake Longsen. It was the memory of director Eiji Tsuburaya, who was pursued and attacked by Ultraman. The sealed monster!

It broke free from Ultraman's seal at Charlie's call!



Accompanied by the strange sound, Yanagaji also followed Charlieja's laughter and flew to the land next to it.

"Coming, Yanagaki!"

Putting down his black umbrella, Charlieja also woke up Yanagaji!


The shining blue meteors gradually turned into light particles all over the sky, floating in the sky. The shadow of a big monster appeared in the light, quickly shaping a huge and ferocious body, with A monster similar to Bermuda appeared in appearance, with a dinosaur-like posture and rock armor, dragging a huge tail and having a green face and fangs... Details Although the locations are slightly different, they should be monsters of a similar race!


After spending a long time, he finally returned to the familiar world. Yanagaki stepped on the earth and let out an earth-shaking roar with excitement, frantically expressing his long-suppressed anger and dissatisfaction.


Waving its sharp claws vigorously, the monster's angry voice resounded through the sky and spread to thousands of households.

"The most ferocious monster in the universe, Yanagaki, now is the time to start your madness!"

Standing on the ground and looking up at Yanagaji's huge and ferocious figure, Charlieja seemed to be a Pokémon trainer, driving the monster to start the destruction.


Not only that, Charliega himself also raised a black umbrella across his body, bathed in the bright light, and lost his human posture, turning into a deformed and terrifying cosmic being-obtaining Yanagaji. There is no need for him to act like a human being, he can just follow his heart and destroy like crazy!

"Destroy it Yanagaji!"

He jumped into the air and floated to the side of Yanagaji's head. Charlieja, who had changed into his original posture, also drove it towards the direction of the town, preparing to carry out some crazy destruction.


At this time, there was nowhere to go at night, and he didn’t know how to return to modern time and space. Dagu, who was wandering in the wild, also discovered Yanagaki who appeared in the mountains without any warning and gradually approached the town. .

"Destroy it, Yanagaki, go ahead!"

However, Charlieja kept urging Yanagaji to take action.


Finally, the so-called most ferocious monster in the universe also showed its ferocity, and ran towards the town without mercy, trampling on a residential house!


Witnessing how a residential building was turned into ruins under Yanagaji's trampling, Charlieja felt great excitement and satisfaction as if he was skating on ice. He was almost so high that he continued laughing. Guided the destruction and wreaking havoc of Anagachi.


After witnessing the atrocities committed by Yanagaji and Charlieja, Dagu quickly took out the 'Spark Prism', raised it above his head, and pressed the transformation button.


The wings of the 'Spark Prism' unfolded neatly and neatly under the infiltration of light. The light that was so pure and fascinating also wrapped around Dagu's body and rose up from the ground, turning into the tall and slender figure of Ultraman Tiga. The figure appeared in front of Yanagaji, stopping the monster's violence.


After assuming a skilled fighting posture, the composite Tiga was also ready to fight.


Seeing the appearance of Ultraman Tiga, Charlieja was also a little surprised.

However, after thinking about his conflict with Dagu at the filming site of Tsuburaya Production Company, Charliega also restrained his emotions. He seemed to be aware of the problem and said nothing, driving the angry Yanagaki to attack. The giant of light in front of him.


Yanagaki, who roared and pounced on Tiga, was easily dodged by the giant of light, but he fell to the ground.

Seizing this opportunity, Diga also adjusted his posture to pounce on Yanagaji, waving his silver fist and hitting the big monster's head, causing a dull sound.


Simply dodging Yanagaji's claws and impact, Diga dodged and came behind it, kicked the guy on the chest, raised his arm to block the opponent's attack, and passed sideways. He turned around and kicked out a roundhouse kick, knocking over the ferocious monster mercilessly.


As Yanagaki fell to the ground, director Eiji Tsuburaya, who came to the scene after receiving the news that "monsters and giants were fighting", also saw Yanagaki and Tiga fighting at the scene. The latter looked extremely similar. The appearance of Ultraman also triggered his memories.


Tiga was knocked to the ground by Yanagaki's tail, and director Eiji Tsuburaya couldn't help but sweat.

"Come on, never give up!"

A legendary battle gradually unfolded in the eyes of director Eiji Tsuburaya and many viewers waiting in front of the video screen...

Chapter 450, here comes our Ultraman


Ultraman Tiga, who had regained his footing, also assumed a fighting posture again, looked at the sharp claws in front of him, approached Yanagaki, and straightened his back.


Yanagaki also mercilessly threw away his claws, thoughtfully opened his thighs to get close to Ultraman Tiga's body, grabbed his shoulders, and threw the giant of light's weapon with one force. The body hit the ground next to it, causing violent vibrations.


The giant of light fell into a bad situation under the monster's huge power. His tall and slender body kept rolling on the ground, raising up the sky all over the earth.

Before Diga had time to stand firm, Yanagaji, who was pursuing the victory, came in front of him, and his sharp claws were placed on his shoulders, blocking the neck of the giant of light.

The giant of light also quickly raised his arm and grabbed the monster's arm, trying to forcefully break away from the enemy's control.

However... there is still a big gap between the strength of the composite Tiga and Anagaji, so that even if he grabbed the opponent's arm, the giant of light still couldn't break free from the monster's claws, and was attacked It's beating and throwing.


Following Yanagaki's exertion, Ultraman Tiga quickly rolled onto the ground next to him.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Just when he straightened up, Yanagaji's sharp claws carried heavy power and hit Diga's face continuously, releasing his power crazily.


The helpless Tiga also changed his movements and posture, and successfully used Yanagaji's heavy and terrifying power to roll on the spot. He perfectly dodged its attack, rolled to the side, and quickly straightened up. He lowered his waist and stood firm again, withstanding the enemy's fierce attack.


The arms of Diga and Yanagaji collided together, making a dull sound, and they continued to be stalemate in mid-air.


Desperately resisting Yanagaji's arm, Diga's arm also trembled slightly.

This picture caught everyone's eyes.

Even director Eiji Tsuburaya, who was standing among the mountains and looking at the battlefield, was keenly aware of Tiga's disadvantages.

Many viewers who were waiting in front of the video screen couldn't help but show nervous expressions - Yanagaji was pressing down on Diga almost the whole time, whether it was the flexibility of his movements, his agility, or his strength. In terms of strength and domineering, the former seemed to completely surpass the latter, so much so that when faced with this so-called most ferocious monster in the universe, Ultraman Tiga had no power to fight back!


Yanagaki is indeed the most ferocious monster in the universe that the monster buyer Chariga dreams of.

Let’s put aside the value of this overly loud name. All in all, after today’s battle, Yanagaji’s strength is indeed clearly visible...


Even though Diga relied on his own strength to withstand Yanagaji's attack and temporarily fell into a stalemate, the ferocious monster still roared crazily and raised his knees, hitting him mercilessly. It hit the lower abdomen of the Giant of Light, interrupting his defense and stalemate.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Keenly grasping the flaw exposed by Ultraman Tiga when he was hit, Yanagaki also mercilessly threw out his thigh and kicked the giant of light's waist continuously. , the extremely sharp claws quickly caught up with the follow-up attack, firmly grasping Diga's head, pulling his body and forcing him to run forward.



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