At this moment, many viewers waiting in front of the video screen also held their breath.

Everyone is looking at the dark figure breaking out of the sea in the picture with complicated emotions... Everyone knows that it is the "ultimate darkness", 'famous scene·top' .1's final boss, the biggest enemy and the most difficult test that Ultraman Tiga and the humans of this world have to face!


The huge body opened a hole in the cold sea, bearing the appearance of the Dark Demon King.

Surpassing the giants of light and monsters... the largest monster in history quickly emerged on the sea with the surging white waves, and was among the floating buildings in the underwater ruins. Showing off his terrifying figure wantonly!


The indescribable roar also echoed in the sky, sweeping across the restless sea.

The roar of the monster reached the ears of the audience.

But... the audience now has no time to worry about this guy's voice.

Because everyone was staring at its appearance dumbfounded, falling into extreme shock and surprise and unable to extricate themselves.


The pitch-black behemoth waved its slender tentacles under the shroud of darkness, slapping the surrounding sea with ease, causing terrifying waves to surge into the sky. It was unknown what the scarlet eyes were staring at, and it roared strangely. It's chilling.

"A monster appears above the Pacific Ocean!"

In the victory team's command room, Ye Rui, who was monitoring the Pacific Ocean, quickly detected the appearance of this guy.


Related images quickly appeared on the big screen, catching everyone's eyes - it seemed to be similar to the shape of a conch and a nautilus. More than half of the enemy's huge figure floating on the sea was a huge spread. A three-layered nautilus with strange holes, and terrifying limbs hidden under the nautilus.

In the center, there is an upside-down face... scarlet eyes are at the bottom of the body, and above them is a ferocious mouth full of fangs.

From the large holes on the left and right sides, tentacles similar to octopus or squid extend. In addition, there are also some dense lines and thicker limbs clustered together.

"Is this guy the 'Lord of Darkness'?"

Staring at the frightening figure on the big screen, Hui Jian's eyes glazed over for a moment, as if he couldn't help but uttered a sentence: "It wants to engulf the whole world in darkness." ..."

"This guy...this guy released the black mist!"

Staring at the huge monster roaring on the sea and making waves on the big screen, Dagu couldn't help but show an expression of anger and hatred.

The suffering that mankind has encountered so far has all come from this guy!


Above the sea, as if premonition of Da Gu's emotions, the 'Dark Lord' also let out a high-pitched roar.

Even the many viewers waiting in front of the video screen have no doubt...the body that has surfaced now is just the tip of the iceberg of a complete body. There must be something more hidden under the cold and dark sea. The scary, more powerful and intimidating part.

However, even the half of the body that surfaced has already reached a huge size that exceeds the monsters that have appeared so far. It is roughly estimated that it is one hundred meters tall... even if it is simply floating in the sea. Above, it already provides a huge sense of oppression to the creatures facing it.

It is the most powerful super-ancient monster, with the name of "The Dominator of Darkness". It was the most terrifying enemy of the Giant of Light 30 million years ago. At the same time, it was also the object of You Lian's fear, awakening Qi The Flower of Gera came to confuse the life of the entire world, and sent Zoga's large army to sweep away the demon king of destruction and disaster, and destroyed the culprit of the super ancient civilization!

Now, it wants to destroy modern civilization...

The evil god Gatanjie just appeared in the world!


It is a god that cannot be looked directly at!

As if aware of the peeping from afar, the evil god's roar also triggered a sudden sweep of black mist, completely destroying everything in the victory team's command room in a way that was so weird that it was unpredictable. The technological equipment was so advanced that both the lights and the big screen were instantly extinguished, and the black mist representing disillusionment finally invaded the room and filled the air under everyone's feet.

"The black mist is already here, Captain!"

"As the captain of the Victory Team, I am ordering everyone to take refuge aboard the Atdis!"

Hui Jian also gave the order to evacuate without hesitation.


Director Sawai also looked at Director Yoshioka and asked him what he thought.

"Since we are in this room now, even I have to obey the order." At this time, Director Yoshioka, who clearly distinguishes between right and wrong, finally chose to compromise and said: "Please give the order next. Let the soldiers of the police department retreat together!"

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

As the black mist swept across, the equipment in the command room also burst out with dazzling sparks one after another - although these black mist are invisible and qualityless, they have the ability to obscure the signal, and at the same time, they can also quickly corrode. Everything that blocks him, even humans!

Everyone ran out of the command room quickly.

Da Gu stayed where he was, staring at the dark screen, as if he had crossed a long distance through the cover of black fog and saw the evil god making trouble.


Lina, who paid the most attention to Dagu, naturally discovered his problem.

"Team Dagu?"

"What's wrong?"

Hui Jian, Director Sawai, and Zongfang also looked at the motionless Dagu and asked about his situation.

"I want......"

Standing on the same spot, Dagu's eyes gradually showed determination.

"I want to go alone!"


Lina, who knew Dagu's secret and identity, naturally understood what he meant, so she naturally rejected his idea without hesitation.

"You guys take the first step."

Megumi, who also realized something, quickly sent away Director Sawai and Munakata.


"I beg you!"

Director Sawai wanted to say something more, but Megumi's bow stopped him.


After taking a look at Dagu, Director Sawai, who had always only compromised and agreed with this child, chose to trust and let go as always. He led Munakata out of the command room and ran straight towards the hangar.


After that, Jian Hui also looked at Dagu.

"When I saw Ultraman for the first time, I thought I had seen God and that he could lead mankind to the right path."

There is no doubt that Hui Jian has discovered Dagu's identity.

She might have been too early than Lina. During the Masaki Keigo incident, she had similar thoughts after realizing that the evil Tiga was an existence transformed from a human being. It was only now that it was finally confirmed.

"But my idea didn't seem right, because I later learned that Ultraman is both 'light' and a human being."

"team leader......"

Lina also looked at Hui Jian with a surprised look.

Although she didn't say anything explicitly, Hui Jian's words already made it clear that she knew that Dagu was Ultraman Tiga.

"So Team Dagu..."

Staring at Da Gu's back, Hui Jian couldn't hold back his sadness and said: "You have no obligation to face an enemy that you can't win at all..."

"You should understand, right?"


Dagu, however, returned silently, with his back to the equipment spewing sparks. After adjusting his mentality several times, he finally showed a seemingly calm and confident smile to Lina and Hui Jia, who were worried about him.

"There's no way you can win...I don't understand."


After hearing Da Gu's words, Jian Hui no longer pressed him.

"Since when did I start not to believe in fate?" Megumi, who finally understood Dagu's heart and thoughts, couldn't help but look at the teammate who he regarded as his family with tears in his eyes, as if A parent who had entrusted him with a mission smiled at him, nodded, and said: "We must a human being."


Lina was extremely surprised by Hui Jian's words.


Dagu nodded firmly and responded to her words.


After pulling on Lina, Hui Jian also left the command room and walked towards the corridor.


Lina, who was struggling and unwilling to leave, was also extremely worried and called Dagu's name - she didn't want to watch Dagu be submerged in the black mist.


Dagu responded to Lina's call.

Even under the diffuse black mist, Dagu still turned his back to the few remaining lights, as if it was the only light that could pierce everything in this dark world.

"It's your job to rescue everyone from the base."

Taking out the 'Spark Prism', Dagu also silently stared at this thing that has been with him until now.

"We must win, Ultraman Tiga!"


Seeing that Dagu was ready to fight, Hui Jian did not hesitate to pull Lina and leave the command room. Only the call of the girl who was worried about her beloved echoed under the black mist. .


Although Da Gu was speechless, his meaning was that there was no need to say more.


In the black mist, pure light also bloomed.


Ultraman Tiga emerged from under the light, carrying the indomitable determination to die and rushed towards the 'Lord of Darkness'!

Chapter 457 The God of Evil Gatanjie


As Dagu transformed into Ultraman Tiga, he flew into the sky without hesitation under the flickering light, carrying an indomitable momentum into the black mist that covered the entire sky, and ran towards the evil god. ·Ghatanjie's actions, the F4 hangar also quickly drove the tracks carrying the Atdis, launching the largest and most powerful warship in TPC today!


The staff of the base are located in every corner of the Atdis, maintaining the operation and safety of the battleship, and resisting the almost all-pervasive invasion of the black mist.

Director Sawai and Director Yoshioka, Nikaidou's staff and everyone from the Victory Team also boarded the cab of the battleship and operated the Atdis with their excellent professional qualities.

"Yerui, hurry up and charge the energy of the 'Max Power System' to full!"


Norui turned on the engine of the 'Max Power System' under the command of Nikaidou's staff.


The familiar humming sound also reached everyone's ears along with his operation, which meant that the rainbow-like dazzling 'Max Power System' had begun operation on the Atdis.


The door of the cab opened, and Director Sawai, who had delayed everyone because of Dagu's problem, also took Munakata aboard the Atdis.

"Is everyone okay?"

After entering the cockpit, Director Sawai's first priority was to quickly ask everyone about their safety.

"Now even the warehouse is crowded with TPC staff. This Atdis is like Noah's Ark in the Bible."

Nikaido's staff also reluctantly expressed the tension of the Atdis' position.

But... fortunately, everyone at the base boarded the Atdis without any danger. Although they were a little nervous due to the location, it was still safe in the end.

Now, the black mist sweeping the world is like the legendary flood that destroyed the world... The Atdis has become the last hope for the TPC and mankind.

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