In the middle of the great forest.

"Let me see what new ingredients I can get. Aster, who had defeated several monsters, happily opened her inventory.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, bear's paws! Looks like you can make a um, steamed bear's paw! It's delicious! When you find Rimuru-sama, be sure to give him a taste. "

"It's a lot of fun. Aster happily selects some ingredients and uses her skills on them, the Universal Cook: she can drop ingredients by fighting monsters, and different varieties of ingredients can be cooked, and the resulting dishes have various special abilities.

Aster's skills are very special, she has ten skill slots, but these skill slots do not have any fixed skills, but can quickly use the dishes she creates, just like the super skill she just made - the Black Fish Holy Sword: an ordinary fish that has been blown up to black and shiny, and has since had incredible hardness, and can use this sword to wield an invincible sword aura, knock back enemies, and deal a lot of damage.

Rimuru, who was struggling to fight the mob in the distance, had a chill down his spine.

"Ahh......h Why do I feel a terrible breath?" Rimuru felt that someone was trying to harm her.

"I didn't expect Miss Aster to be here!" was just as Aster was thinking about what to give Limuru to eat, when a voice came from the side.

"Who is it?" Aster immediately drew her broadsword when she heard the voice, ready to attack.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm not a bad person!" a beautiful figure stepped out from the shadow of the trees.

"What?" Aster listened to the self-introduction of the person in front of her, and felt that her head was a little insufficient.

The blonde girl had an angelic face, her fair and ruddy skin exuding a seductive luster, and her turquoise eyes were looking at her with a smile.

"You really drank that bottle of Nianghua Spring!?" Aster looked at each other in horror, how persistent is this guy with Kalian?

"I still have to thank Mr. Roger for giving me this new life experience, which feels pretty good, and Karen really treated me a little bit better. Otto stared at his white hands, not caring at all about Aster's performance, and even a little happy.

"Yes, yes, it's good if you're happy!" Aster looked at Otto in front of her, without the slightest idea of making a move, and even had the urge to escape.

"Miss Aster, it's impossible to escape. Looking at Aster's slightly retreating footwork, Otto's hand suspended the Void Myriad, and dozens of Heavenly Fire Saint Judges all locked the other party.

"It seems that there is only one battle?" Aster was a little frustrated, and she didn't want to do anything with this guy at all!

"Heavenly Fire Divine Judgment - Liberation!".

"Stubborn cake!".

Just as the bullet fired by the Heavenly Fire Saint Judge was about to hit Aster, a huge cake phantom protected it firmly inside, not causing the slightest damage last night.

"This skill is quite interesting. Otto narrowed.

"Give me less pride, Blackfish Holy Sword!!" A swarthy fish-shaped substance appeared in Aster's hand, and with a vigorous swing forward, a huge black sword light pressed towards Otto.

"The Void - Defensive Construction. "

An energy barrier resisted the sword, but Otto's entire person was also repelled by the impact of the sword, dozens of meters away.

"Exotic juice. Before Otto could react, Aster threw out a small vial of strange things again and smashed them in front of Otto.

"What does it smell like?!" A gas with the color of death emanated from the bottle, and Otto's whole face changed suddenly, and he turned pale in an instant, and hurriedly retreated.

"Gone. Seeing Otto retreat, Aster ran away without saying a word.

"Is this the highest level of culinary skills? Killing people with culinary skills, I didn't expect Aster to have such a means. "Otto's own nose is about to be scrapped, and that terrible smell is absolutely indescribable unless he has experienced it personally.

He glanced at the little monsters around him, and they were basically foaming at the mouth and fainting to the ground, and even the grass on the ground was withering in patches.

There was silence for a while, and Otto chose to walk away in the opposite direction from Aster's departure.

He definitely didn't want to run into that kind of thing again, and he didn't have much time to chase after them, and finding Karene with him was more attractive to her than anything else.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Great Forest, the Hogwarts Fours are lying in the grass discussing a shocking conspiracy.

"I said, Professor, isn't it inhumane for us to do this?" Hermione looked at Dumbledore with a little nervousness.

"Please, kid, don't you understand the rules of the union after being a member of the union for so long?" Dumbledore said with a teasing smile as he looked at a nervous Hermione.

"What's the rule?" Hermione said she was a good baby and didn't know anything about it

"That's when you participate in this kind of activity, as long as you can win, everything else, including your discipline, can be thrown away. Dumbledore said firmly.

Snape: "............


Hermione: "............


McGonagall: "............


The three of them complained in their hearts: "You bad old man, very bad!".

"Ahem, okay, let's go as planned. Dumbledore looked at the three of them, and his face turned slightly red.

"Hermione will be in charge of drawing the enemy here for a moment, and then the three of us will work together to make sure that no one survives the palm of our hand. Dumbledore smiled evilly.

"It's not right to form a team illegally. Hermione rubbed her aching brain, but walked out consciously, attracting the innocent lonely.

"Yo look! Look what I found, a weak little Lori. In a few moments, the first victim stepped into the land of death.

"It's all petrified!".


"Avada suo!".

The poor little guy died before he could react, and in this way, the Hogwarts Foursome, through fishing law enforcement, eliminated one after another who wanted to bully little Hermione, and they got a lot of money to quickly improve their combat effectiveness.

Originally, there were a few people who didn't like this method very much, but suddenly felt that this method was really good, and they all worked harder, even the screaming voices became louder, and little Hermione's acting skills were greatly improved, so that people couldn't help but pounce when they saw her, and then get a return ticket.

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